God is clear in His Word and gave the Law and the prophets, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, to reveal His will and righteousness to the people. The people, who belong to God are supposed to know Him and be acquainted with His Word and will. However, practice shows that this is not always the case. Instead of maintaining the holiness and righteousness of God by preaching the truth, sin, and iniquity are maintained by preaching lies in the church. The people, who say they know Jesus Christ but live in sin are promised prosperity and peace. But does God prophesy prosperity and peace to the wicked?
Jeremiah prophesied from the mouth of God and confronted God’s people with their evil walk
Jeremiah was a prophet, who was appointed by God to deliver His hard confrontational words to the house of Israel. He prophesied against the house and the city, because Israel didn’t listen to the voice of the Lord and deviated from God, and walked in evil ways that incited pride, rebellion, and disobedience to God.
The shepherds were not good but evil and did evil in the eyes of God.
They didn’t feed, visit, និង tend the sheep, but they destroyed and scattered the sheep of His pasture.
The prophets of Jerusalem were just as evil as the shepherds. They also did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
Because of the shepherds and prophets, who were profane and wicked, the land was full of adulterers and because of a curse, the land mourned.
The walk of the inhabitants was evil. Due to their evil walk, God would bring evil upon them, instead of prosperity and peace.
The prophets were profane and wicked and did evil in the eyes of the Lord
Ye who turn judgment to wormwood and abandon righteousness in the earth (Amos 5:7)
God saw the evil of their doings. They committed adultery, walked in lies, and strengthened the hands of evildoers (sinners, wicked) of God’s people, so that none returned of his wickedness
Because none of them wanted to turn from their wickedness to God, they were all unto God as Sodom and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.
God would feed them with wormwood and make them drink the water of gall. Because, from the prophets of Jerusalem, profaneness had gone forth into all the land.
The prophets prophesied prosperity and peace to the wicked
There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked (Isaiah 57:21)
While the land had become dark, because of the lying words and evil walk of the leaders and the evil walk of the inhabitants, the prophets kept prophesying prosperity and peace and their words were believed.
But God had not promised prosperity and peace to the wicked.
The words of the prophets didn’t derive from the mouth of God, but from the vision of their own heart.
God spoke through the mouth of Jeremiah that they shouldn’t listen to the words of the prophets because their words made them vain.
The false prophets said continuously to the people, who despised the Lord, that the Lord said that they would have peace.
And to the people, who walked after the imaginations of their own heart, that no evil would come upon them, while in reality, the Lord had not spoken at all.
Instead of prosperity and peace mischief was upon them and they lived under the judgment of God.
God had not sent the prophets, who prophesied prosperity and peace to the wicked
God had not sent the prophets, who prophesied falsely, yet they ran. The Lord had not spoken, yet they prophesied in the Name of the Lord.
If these prophets had really stood in the counsel of the Lord, then they would have caused the people to hear His words and they should have turned them from their evil way and the evil of their doings.
God saw and heard everything. He saw the sinful lives of the prophets and heard all the words of the prophets, who lied in His Name, by saying that they dreamed.
They were prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who thought to cause God’s people to forget His Name by their dreams
The prophets perverted the words of the living God of the Lord of hosts
God was against the prophets, who stole His words, everyone from his neighbor and used their tongues and said, the Lord has spoken.
The Lord was against the prophets who prophesied false dreams and caused the people to err by their lies and lightness.
Since God had not sent them or commanded them to speak, they would not profit the people at all.
And because they perverted the words of the living God of the Lord of hosts our God, every man’s word would be his burden.
God’s words originated from His heart and insight
The words of the prophets were heard by the inhabitants of the land, except the words of the prophet Jeremiah, who was sent by God and spoke the words from God’s mouth.
The words of God, which were spoken by Jeremiah, didn’t maintain the sins of the people and didn’t lead to lasciviousness and wicked lives. But the words of God called the people to repentance of their evil way and their evil deeds (sin) and led to a holy life.
However, the inhabitants of the land wouldn’t listen to the words of God and repent of their evil way and their sins, whereby the evil came over the land and the inhabitants (Jeremiah 23).
Throughout the ages, nothing has changed in the generation of fallen humanity, who is not spiritual but carnal.
There are still prophets in the church, who act spiritually and maybe have a name, but are carnal and prophecy prosperity and peace to Christians, who live in sin. Through their lies, they maintain sin by making them believe that they walk on the right path of life.
People rather listen to lies that maintain sin and iniquity
The people are prideful and think they can do it all themselves and don’t need God. They don’t want to listen to the words of God, which call the people to repentance and a change of life and lead to salvation and eternal life.
They rather listen to the lies of people, who consider evil as good, and prophesy prosperity and peace to the wicked, who live in sin, and whose words lead to disobedience to God’s Word and apostasy.
Their words cause the people to forget the words of God and because of that forget God.
God’s Word is a revelation of the Almighty Living God, the Creator of the heaven and the earth, and a witness that the words of God are the truth. Because every word, which God has spoken, has come to pass and what has not come to pass yet, shall come to pass.
God’s Word is settled forever and shall never change, despite the opinions and insights of vain people, who are carnal and belong to the world and the ruler of the world.
In the Old Covenant, many prophets were led by lying spirits. In the New Covenant, these lying spirits are still at work in the lives of many prophets, who prophesy falsely after the imagination of their own heart.
Many prophets still preach prosperity and peace to the wicked (sinners); the people, who are not born again in Christ and don’t know God and don’t obey and follow His Word, and don’t walk in His will, but live in disobedience to God in sin.
Does God prophesy prosperity and peace to the wicked?
The Holy Spirit knows the depths of God and speaks according to God’s Word and His will. A prophet, who is led by the Holy Spirit speaks the words of God and never approves and blesses sin and preaches prosperity and peace to the wicked (sinner), since this is not true but a lie. And God is not the Father of lies, but the Father of the Truth.
How can God make evil good? How can God approve of rebellion and disobedience to Him aka sin and iniquity and bless it?
There’s nothing good in man, who is carnal and belongs to the generation of fallen man. That’s why God gave His Son Jesus Christ to take the place of sinners and die for the ungodly and deal with the wickedness and the sinful flesh of the old man, and create in Christ a new creation (the new man), who walk by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the renewing of the mind with the Word, in obedience to the Father and Jesus Christ, in holiness and righteousness in the light of the Truth.
In the three dispensations, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have revealed the will of God for every person and the final destination of the wicked (ungodly, sinner). No one can change anything about that.