The earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God

The earth is changing. What Jesus prophesied in the Bible about the earth is coming to pass. We see an increase in natural disasters, pestilences, drought, wars, and so on, which the Lord Jesus foretold in, among others, Matthew 7:24 and Luke 21:10-11. The earth mourns and is exhausted and out of sorts. The earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Tämä koskee sekä miehiä että naisia). Because what is the cause that the earth mourns and that the earth is exhausted?

What is happening to the earth according to the Bible?

Kuule Herran sana, te Israelin lapset: sillä Herralla on kiista maan asukkaiden kanssa, koska totuutta ei ole, eikä armoa, eikä tietoa Jumalasta maassa. Kiroilemalla, ja valehtelu, ja tappaminen, ja varastaminen, ja aviorikoksen tekeminen, ne puhkeavat, and blood touches blood. Sen tähden maa suree, and every one that dwells therein shall languish, Kedon petojen kanssa, ja taivaan lintujen kanssa; Kyllä, Myös meren kalat on otettava pois (Hoosea 4:1-3)

According to Tutkijat, the cause of what’s happening to the earth is the global warming effect. But the Bible says something else. According to the Bible, which is the Word of God, the cause of what’s happening to the earth is laittomuutta. Many people have left God and His Word, and walk in rebellion and disobedience to God in sins and iniquities.

image bible with title the will of God vs the will of the devil

What happens in the natural (visible) realm is the result (a fruit) of what happens in the spiritual realm.

Maa on tyhjennettävä kokonaan, ja täysin pilaantunut: sillä Herra on puhunut tämän sanan. Maa suree ja häipyy, Maailma riutuu ja häviää, Maan ylimieliset ihmiset riutuvat. Maa on myös saastunut sen asukkaiden alla, koska he ovat rikkoneet lakeja, muutti toimitusta, rikkoi ikuisen liiton. Therefore has the curse devoured the earth, ja ne, jotka asuvat siellä, ovat autioita (Isaiah 24: 3-6)

Many people don’t walk in the truth of God’s Word anymore but in the lies of the world.

They have no rakkaus Jumalaan but love for themselves and the lusts and desires of their flesh. They love sin and hate righteousness.

Do Christians have knowledge of God’s Word?

The true knowledge of God’s Word is often nowhere to be found. Who takes time to study the Bible and spend time with the Lord in prayer? Who takes time and is willing to be taught, instructed, and corrected by the Word and His Holy Spirit?

Valitettavasti, many people rather spend time doing carnal things that satisfy their carnal will, Himoja, and desires instead of spending time with Jesus; Sana.

Many Christians serve an imaginary God

Kristittyjä on monia, who think they know God, while in reality, they serve an imaginary god. A god, whom they’ve created in their own carnal mind through their own thoughts, Tulokset, tunteet, Tunteita, jne. They have created their own god, who looks a lot like themselves. Joo, they have made a god after their image. Siksi, many Christians don’t serve the God of the Word, but serve themselves; the god, whom they have created in their mind.

This god, whom they have created in their carnal mind after their image, doesn’t correspond with the Righteous God of the Word; the Father of Jesus Christ. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But this god, whom they serve is a copy of themselves. Whatever they tolerate and approve, their god tolerates and approves.

That’s the reason why there is so much division among Christians. They all have created another god and not one god corresponds to the other.

Hyvin… that’s not quite true. They have one thing in common. Their god will be a permissive god, who compromises with the world and accepts sin. Their god tolerates and approves almost everything. Even when these things oppose the Bible and God’s will. They serve a god without a will.

The devil leads many people into his trap

The devil, who is the master of lies and destruction, laughs about it and leads many into his trap. The only thing that the devil and his demons need to do is keep the people ignorant and far away from the Bible.

The devil knows the power of the Word and he knows that:

  • a Christian can only get to know God and His will through His Word; Jeesus
  • as long as Christians stay ignorant of the truth, they will not find out who they are in Christ, don’t take their position in Christ in the Heavenly Places, and shall not be victorious

If you don’t know the Word, you can’t speak the Word

You can only be victorious and be an overcomer if you live by the Word, speak the Word, and do the Word. Mutta, if you don’t know the Word, you can’t speak the Word and can’t do the Word. Only by the Word, you will be able to refute the lies of the devil and destroy the works of the enemy of God; Paholainen, and have full victory over darkness.

roomalaiset 6-6 old man is crucified with Him no more slave of sin

Many Christians don’t really know the true Jesus Christ; elävä Sana.

These Christians know and use the Name of Jesus as some kind of magic formula to get things done or to receive things from God. They treat Him as some kind of Santa Claus.

They talk and sing about Jesus, but do they truly know the Lord Jesus Christ?

Besides that, they use (false) grace and (false) love to compromise with the world and tolerate and accept behavior that goes against the Word of God.

Jesus didn’t come and He didn’t give His life so that people could live in sin (in spiritual bondage of the devil). But Jesus gave His life and His blood, so that people could be freed from their sinful nature and reign over sin, ja kävele sisään (spiritual) freedom, as true sons of the living God (Tämä koskee sekä miehiä että naisia).

The earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God

For the earnest expectation of the creature (the creation) waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (roomalaiset 8:19-21)

The earth mourns and waits on the true sons of God, who have been made holy and righteous by the blood of Jesus and walk in holiness and righteousness, as Uusi luomus.

image wilderness with bible verse romans 8-19 for the whole creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God

When Christians walk as the new creation, in holiness and righteousness in the will of Jesus, and keep His commandments (which are also the will and commandments of the Father), they shall bring the Kingdom of God on earth.

Wherever they bring the gospel of the Kingdom of God, the darkness shall flee.

In those places, we shall see that the land shall also change and shall line up with the spiritual state of the people.

In placeswhere there have been revivals (awakenings to the truth of Jesus Christ), the nature of the land also changed. The result of the spiritual revival became visible in the natural realm.

As soon as an awakening to righteousness takes place, then sickness and pestilence will disappear. The droughts will disappear and the soil will become prosperous and will bear many fruits.

What is the result of a spiritual awakening?

When people are redeemed by the blood of Jesus of their sinful nature and made holy and righteous, and have exchanged their sinful nature for His Godly nature then they will no longer walk in sin but separate themselves from sin and iniquity. They shall walk as the new creation in holiness and righteousness.

If they walk as the new creation in holiness and righteousness, the land (the creation) will change as well and become peaceful and fruitful.

The land represents the spiritual state of the inhabitants

Since the earth is one big chaos, the creation; the earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. But where are the true sons of God? The sons of God should take their authority in Jesus Christ and reign over darkness and destroy the works of the darkness, instead of compromising with the darkness (the world) and being a partaker of the works of darkness (synti), so that the darkness reigns over them and over the earth, which will eventually result in total destruction.

The time has come, for the church to katua of all the compromising and permissiveness of sins and iniquities. It’s time for the church to awake to righteousness, acknowledge Jesus; Jumalan sana, and make Jesus the Head of the church again and yield to Him, and obey His words and keep His commandments.

Joo, the time has come to put away all sins and iniquities and remove the evil from the church. So that the church becomes a lighthouse on this earth again. And the people who walk in darkness and seek help and look for answers, will be drawn to the Light and be saved.

Let us be distributors of life and walk as sons of God, who walk after the Spirit according to the Word, and not after the flesh.

'Ole maan suola’

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