How to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?

V Matúšovi 7:21-27 Ježiš povedal, that not everyone, who calls Him Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Because many will say in that day, Pane, Pane, Či sme neprorokovali v Tvojom mene?? And in Thy Name cast out devils? And in Thy Name done many wonderful works? But Jesus will profess to them, that He never knew them and tell them to depart from Him. Then Jesus told them the parable of the wise and foolish man. If these are the words of Jesus, then the message that is preached in many churches deviates from the Word. Why did these people, who called Jesus their Lord and prophesied, vyháňať diablov, and did many wonderful works, were not allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God? What does the Bible say about entering into the Kingdom of Heaven? Who will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and who will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? What must you do to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?

How to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?

Not every one that says unto Me, Pane, Pane, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; ale ten, kto plní vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je na nebesiach. Mnohí mi povedia v ten deň, Pane, Pane, have we not prophesied in Thy name? a v Tvojom mene vyháňali diablov? And in Thy Name done many wonderful works? A potom im budem vyznávati, Nikdy som ťa nepoznal: odíď odo Mňa, vy, ktorí páchate neprávosť.

Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that hearth these sayings of Mine, and does them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:  a spustil sa dážď, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (Matúš 7:21-27)

When Jesus told the people the parable of the wise and foolish man, He first spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus told them how to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Ježiš povedal, “nie každý, SZO hovorí: Pane, Pane, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he, SZO does na will of My Father“.  

enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Ľudia, who came to Jesus, knew Jesus, because they called Jesus Lord.

So these people were not unbelievers (gentiles, ungodly), but they were believers. Because in the next verse, they defended themselves by saying:

“Pane, Pane, Či sme neprorokovali v Tvojom mene?? a v Tvojom mene vyháňali diablov? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works?”

Takže, these people thought they were Christians. These people justified themselves, by telling Jesus, what kind of works they had done in His Name during their lives on earth.

The people had done, what Jesus had commanded the believers to do. Preto, they believed they were saved. They thought that they earned their way into the Kingdom of Heaven, by the works they had done ‘for Jesusin His Name. But Jesus didn’t know them.

Workers of iniquity will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven

These believers thought, that they deserved to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. But Jesus answered them and said: “Nikdy som ťa nepoznal: odíď odo Mňa, you workers of iniquity.

If we look up the word iniquity, it means: illegality, to jest, porušenie zákona alebo (všeobecne) zlomyseľnosť:- neprávosť, X prekročenie (-Ión) zákon, Neprávosti.

Look at all those believers, who were not allowed to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

These people thought they were doing the right thing, they did all the works in the Name of Jesus and thought they knew Jesus.

Ale Ježiš povedal, they were workers of iniquity; violators of the Božia vôľa (law of God). Preto Jesus did not know them (Prečítajte si tiež:’the glory of God, a ‘a counterfeit Jesus produces counterfeit Christians').

Obedience to Jesus

Jesus wants you to spend time with Him and get to know Him. He wants you to abide in Him; slovo. He wants you to hear and receive His words and obey them. There are so many people, who say they miluj Ježiša and know Jesus and say they have a relationship with Him, kým v realite, they haven’t.

Because when you say, that you know Him and love Him, you shall walk in Jeho prikázania. You shall walk in Him and do the Word of God.

Matúš 7:24 Whosoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them I will like him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rockYou shall walk in obedience to the Vôľa Otca because the Father and the Son are One.

We have the opportunity to become a son of God. We have the privilege to have a relationship with the Father, skrze Ježiša Krista. He wants to have communion and fellowship with you.

God doesn’t want to be your Boss, but He wants to be your Father. He loves you and He wants you to love Him too.

If you really love Him, you will show Him that you love Him by keeping His commandments and not sinning. That is the only way, to show Him that you love Him.

Sometimes people can be so focused on the works and results, that they lose track and forget the most important thing. The most important thing is to love God above all and to spend time with Him. You should build a relationship with Him. He is your Father and He is your Source.

The works will follow the believers

The works will follow the saints, for sure, but the works should come forth out of the right Source; the Spirit and not the flesh.

You should walk in Jeho spôsoby and do what He says and become a copy of Jesus Christ. Because that’s what the word ‘Christianmeans; a copy of Christ.

You should look like Jesus all the time. Not only when you go to Church and/or when you go to prayer meetings or Bible studies. No…. You are a Christian 24 hodín denne, seven days a week. To znamená, that even when you are home alone and nobody is around and nobody is watching you, you should do His will.

The parable of the wise man and the foolish man

In the parable of the wise man and the foolish man, Jesus is talking about two kinds of believers:

  • The wise man; a believer who heard the words of God and acted upon the words of God. Preto, he was a doer of the Word
  • The foolish man; a believer who also heard the words of God, but did not act upon the words of God. Preto, he was only a hearer of the Word and not a doer.

The wise man, who builds his house on the rock

The wise man’s house could resist anything that came his way. The house of the wise man was strong enough to resist any storm. Prečo?? Because the house was founded on a rock; Ježiš Kristus, slovo. He heard the words of God and received His words and applied His words in his life. The wise man was a doer of the Word and did the will of God. He wasn’t influenced and led by his will nor by the people around him, but he was led by the words of God.

When you hear the words of God and do the words of God, you built on the Rock Jesus Christ. You are rooted and sediaci v Ježišovi Kristovi a entered His rest and therefore you will be able to handle and overcome any attack, any storm, and any difficult situation in life. You shall stand and overcome by the Word of God.

The foolish man, who built his house on sand

The house of the foolish man wasn’t built on a solid foundation, it was built on sand. This foolish man heard the words, which instructed him to build his house on a rock, but he didn’t act upon the words.

The foolish man relied on his own insight and did his own will and rejected the instructions. When the floods and the storms came, the house was destroyed.

Hearers will wash away but doers will stand

When you only hear the words of God and don’t act upon the words of God, the words will remain words and shall eventually fade away. You don’t build upon His insight and His truth and don’t build upon the Rock Jesus Christ; slovo, but you will live after your own will and build upon your own insight and the world’s insights, which equals sand.

When búrky will come into your life, you will be overtaken by these storms. You shall not be able to stand nor gain the victory (Prečítajte si tiež: a prisoner of circumstances).

Ježiš hovorí: Ten, kto má moje prikázania, a uchováva ich, On je ten, kto Ma miluje: a kto Ma miluje, bude milovaný mojím Otcom, a budem ho milovať, a zjavím sa mu (John 14:21)

Ježiš odpovedal a riekol mu, Ak Ma miluje muž, zachová Moje slová: and my Father will love him, a prídeme k nemu, a urobme si u neho príbytok. He that loves Me not keeps not my sayings: a slovo, ktoré počujete, nie je moje, ale Otec, ktorý ma poslal (John 14:23,24)

How do you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven?

How do you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? You will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven through regeneration (John 3:5) and by doing the Vôľa Otca na Zemi (Matúš 7:21).

The will of the Father is obedience to His Word; Ježiš Kristus. A relationship with Jesus Christ is necessary to access the Kingdom of Heaven. Get to know the Word, speak with Him and listen to Him. Take His words and commandments and be a doer of the Word. Do the will of God on earth, which means that you obey His will and His commandments and be faithful to Him.

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