לאורך מאות שנים, דוקטרינות שקריות רבות קמו שהן עלבון לאלוהים ולא קירבו את הנוצרים לאלוהים, אבל רחוק יותר מאלוהים. דוקטרינות שקריות אלה הוליכו שולל את הנוצרים והפכו אותם לעצמאיים מאלוהים, אלוהים, המילה, and the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is use the right words, technics, methods, and formulas and pray and fast according to the right principles and you will experience God and get what you want. But it doesn’t work that way in the Kingdom of God, כאשר ישוע המשיח הוא המלך. Jesus is the Head and decides and His Body should yield to Him and obey Him and do His will and not the other way around. These false doctrines exist, because many people don’t want to submit to the Word and obey the words of God. And so they invent all kinds of false doctrines that are an insult to God.
Why don’t people want to submit to the Word?
Why do people don’t want to submit to the Word and follow the way of the Word and do what the Word has commanded to do, instead of developing all kinds of complicated doctrines, (prayer) technics, methods, and formulas for some kind of self-satisfaction, supernatural powers, and manifestations, and obtain the promises of God through natural means? Why do people go outside the frames of the Bible and enter ways, which they shouldn’t enter? The answer is, because the flesh doesn’t want to die (קרא גם: ‘The painful process of dying’).
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not difficult. It’s just the people, who are unspiritual and walk after the lusts and desires of the flesh and are not willing to submit to the Word and the will of God, who makes the gospel difficult.
False doctrines derive from soulish people, who are not willing to submit to God
False doctrines arise because people refuse to lay down their own lives and submit to God and His will and obey His words. They are not willing to לדחות את הזקן and to לבש את הגבר החדש and because of that, they develop from their soul all kinds of philosophies, methods, technics, and ordinances that may seem spiritual and Biblical, but totally miss the mark.
Remember, השטן tempted man with the words of God, and the devil also tempted Jesus Christ with the words of God.
And the devil still uses the words of God and changes the words of God in such a subtle manner, to tempt those, who don’t know the Word and don’t walk after the Spirit, and make them believe his lies, and follow and preach his lies.
Since they are carnal and have a carnal mind with an Old Covenant mindset, they go back to the Old Covenant, because the Old Covenant was a covenant between God and His carnal people and therefore was meant for the carnal man, who belongs to the generation of the old man (fallen man), and take something out of it and develop an own theory, method, formula and/or strategy for the flesh and apply them in the New Covenant.
And so they come up with all kinds of new doctrines to obtain the position of the new man and God’s promises for the new man through natural means, that won’t cost them anything
A gospel that won’t cost people anything
Because the people want a gospel that won’t cost them anything and they don’t have to do anything, but will only profit them. Because of this mentality, they become offended and angry and/or run away when they are confronted with the truth of God and His Word and are nowhere to be seen.
Because of this mentality and behavior, many believers, who may have started right, have succumbed and compromised by adjusting the words of God and change the truth of God, so that the gospel is no longer an offend to people and the gospel won’t cost the believers anything, but they will only be blessed and may live after the flesh doing their own will, with the comforting idea in the back of their mind, that they are saved from hell and that their future is in heaven.
“If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”
But if a person won’t lay down his or her own life and by faith in Jesus Christ will not be born again, then the final destination will not be heaven but hell. These are the words of Jesus Christ.
Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it (מתיו 16:24-25)
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God (ג'ון 3:3)
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (ג'ון 3:5-6)
If you don’t enter the Kingdom of God during this life on earth, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God when you die. After you die, you will go to the one, you have listened to and whom you have obeyed during your life on earth. Because you belong to the one you listen to and obey.
And so many false doctrines have arisen from the carnal mind that are lies and cause confusion, disorder, despondent, bitterness, and exhaustion and toss the believers to and fro and lead them to destruction.
False doctrines, that may seem spiritual and godly, just like the people, who invented these false doctrines, אבל במציאות, these doctrines are an insult to God and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and deny His rulership and His supreme authority and power and His creation; האיש החדש.
דוקטרינות שקריות שהן עלבון לאלוהים
Now I beseech you, אחיהם, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple (הרומאים 16:17-18)
There are many false doctrines about a.o. different mantles (cloaks), levels, anointings, holy water, fasting, hindrances, generational curses, ברכה וקללה, God’s love, God’s grace, contemplative prayer, heavenly portals, caravans of camels, the courts of heaven, the Elijah paradigm, purgatory and so on (קרא גם: ‘מה אומרים כתבי הקודש על חצרות השמים?’).
In addition, there are all kinds of strange things and rituals practiced, like calling and invoking the Holy Spirit, grave sucking (mantle grabbing), lighting a candle, visiting graves and remember and honor the dead, praying for the deceased, casting out demons through means of water baptism, fire tunnels, throwing fireballs, Christian mindfulness, Christian yoga, Christian martial arts, Christians astrology, Christian tarot cards, and readings, וכו. (קרא גם: ‘Can you pray for the dead? ו ‘האם אתם יכולים להפריד בין הפילוסופיות והפרקטיקות הרוחניות למזרחיות?‘)
But where are these doctrines and practices mentioned in the New Covenant in the Bible?
Where do we read about the apostles visiting the graves of men of God and lay on their graves to receive a special anointing? The people, who do this are occultists, who belong to the dead and visit the dead and feed their flesh with the power (energy) of the death.
Where do we read about the apostles making a fire tunnel for the disciples to run through? Or throwing (spiritual) fireballs to each other? בדיוק, nowhere. Since they are occult and derive from the flesh and the kingdom of darkness.
All these practices and doctrines are an insult to God, because by believing and practicing these doctrines, people say that God is not enough, that the work of Jesus Christ is not sufficient and not finished, the position in Christ and the Name of Jesus Christ is not powerful enough and that the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the new man is not good enough.
חבל, that many people rather be clothed with a mantle of Elisha and receive a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, than that they are clothed with Christ and receive the Holy Spirit.
The new man is complete in Christ
היזהר פן יפנק אותך אדם באמצעות פילוסופיה והונאה לשווא, אחרי מסורת הגברים, אחרי יסודות העולם, ולא אחרי המשיח. כי בו שוכן כל גוף האלוהות. ואתם שלמים בו, Which is the Head of all principality and power (קולוסים 2:8-10)
If you are born again and are no longer walking after the flesh, אבל אחרי הרוח, you don’t need a special anointing and the laying on of hands of people for all kinds of spiritual gifts, because you are anointed as son of God and have received the Holy Spirit (through a.o. the laying on of hands).
If you are born again you don’t have to call upon and invoke the Holy Spirit with a song, prayers, or other rituals, since the Holy Spirit already abides in you. The Holy Spirit doesn’t come and go, like in the Old Covenant, but the Holy Spirit abides in you permanently (קרא גם: ‘‘Back to the Old Covenant‘).
אם נולדת מחדש, you don’t need specific information about the demonic, because through the resurrection of your spirit from the dead and through the Word and the Holy Spirit you have gained insight into the spiritual realm and will discern the spirits.
You don’t need natural means, technics, methods, and formulas, since you are connected with God in Christ through the Holy Spirit and have received in Him all power and authority.
'היה מלח הארץ’