What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Međutim, there are not many Christians, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about fasting. Because of false doctrines, many Christians have a wrong perception of what fasting is. What does the Bible say about fasting in the New Covenant and the significance and purpose of fasting in the lives of Christians?
What did Jesus say about fasting?
Then came to Him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? I reče im Isus, Mogu li djeca mladenke tugovati, Sve dok je mladoženja s njima? Ali dani će doći, kada će im mladoženja biti oduzet, A onda će postiti. Nijedan čovjek ne stavlja komad nove tkanine na staru haljinu, jer ono što je stavljeno da ga napuni uzima se od haljine, a stanarina je još gora. Niti ljudi stavljaju novo vino u stare boce: inače se boce razbiju, I vino istječe, I boce propadaju: Ali stavljaju novo vino u nove boce, i oba su sačuvana(Matthew 9:16-17)
Ivanovi učenici su pitali Isusa, Sin Božji, why they and the Pharisees had to fast but the disciples of Jesus didn’t have to fast. Jesus answered the disciples of John, da sve dok on (Mladoženja) would be with them, Njegovi učenici ne bi morali postiti. Ali kada je Isus htio otići od njih, tada bi i Njegovi učenici morali postiti.
Isus je rekao, da niko ne stavi komad nove tkanine na staru haljinu, for that which is put in to fill it up takes from the garment, a stanarina je još gora.
Jesus also said that men don’t put new wine into old bottles. Because else the bottles break and the wine runs out and the bottles perish. But they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved.
Samo kada se osoba pokaje i umre tijelu i ponovno se rodi u duhu u Kristu i postane novo stvorenje, Duh Sveti može doći, dwell, and work in a person.
The Holy Spirit can’t come into the life of the old man (the unregenerate man, who belongs to the generation of the old creation).
Prema tome, osoba mora postati nanovo rođena u Kristu, tako da osoba postaje nova tvorevina u Njemu, koji je rođen od vode i Duha. After a person becomes born again fasting and prayer play an important role in the life of a born-again Christian.
Don’t you need to fast because the Holy Spirit lives inside of you?
Many times people, including preachers, reći, Da više ne moraš da postiš. Because the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. Zato je Isus (Mladoženja) je u tebi. Kažu, da su učenici trebali postiti samo u vrijeme kada je Isus Uzašao na Nebo and the Holy Spirit descended. But is that true?
Kada je Isus bio kršten Duhom Svetim, Jesus was led by the Spirit to the wilderness, where Jesus fasted for 40 Dani. If it would be true that the new creation (Novi čovjek) ne treba da posti, zašto je Isus postio?
Zašto je Isus’ učenici poste nakon što su kršteni Duhom Svetim? (Djela 14:23)
U 1 Korinćanima 7:5, Pavao je pisao o postu do novih stvorenja; sveci u Isusu Kristu. Da post nije dio kršćanskog života, why did Paul write about fasting? Why did the disciples fast?
Koji su pogrešni razlozi za post??
Koji su pogrešni razlozi za post?? Pa, ne morate postiti da biste bili blagoslovljeni i dobili stvari od Boga ili da biste učinili stvari od Boga. You don’t need to fast for power, healing, Otkrića u određenim situacijama, Partner, novac, materijalne stvari, uništavanje uporišta, itd. Because that means that you starve yourself and force God to get your way and get something from God or to get things done.
Ali to nije ono čemu post služi. Post nije namijenjen da dobije (materijal) stvari ili da dobiju nešto od Boga. Remember, you are seated in Christ. God has already blessed you with every spiritual blessing na nebeskim mjestima. And you certainly don’t have to fast for money or material things.
Many Christians fast for material things and many times they receive the material things they fast for. Ali zaboravljaju da i đavo može da čini čuda. (Pročitajte također: "Dat ću ti bogatstvo svijeta‘).
If you fast for material things and bless your flesh to fulfill the lusts and desires of your flesh, then your flesh has not died in Christ and you don’t know the Kingdom of God. You focus on the carnal things of this world instead of the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God and manifesting the Kingdom of God on earth.
Da li moraš da postiš da bi istjerao demone??
Da li moraš da postiš da bi istjerao demone?? Ne, Post nije namijenjen za istjerivanje demona ili liječenje bolesnih. You cast out demons and heal the sick by faith in the Name of Jesus Christ (in His authority). Ima mnogo ljudi, koji se odnose na Mateja 17:21. U Mateju 17:21 the disciples were not able to cast out a demon and deliver the child. But if we look at the previous Bible verse Matthew 17:20 Pročitali smo pravi razlog, Zašto Isus’ Učenici nisu bili u stanju da istjeraju ovog demona. It was due to their unbelief. Zbog njihove nevjere, the disciples couldn’t cast the demon out, and not because they didn’t pray and/or fast enough.
Ako je Isus zaista govorio o "ovoj vrsti" na demona, tada bi Isus proturječio svojim riječima u Mateju 9:15. U Mateju 9:15, Jesus said to the disciples of John that His disciples didn’t need to fast because the Bridegroom was with them.
A tu je još jedna stvar, naime da su demoni jedna vrsta; Pali anđeli. One demon can be more stubborn than the other demon and they can have different appearances and manifestations. But demons are fallen angels. They are of the same kind.
Dakle, sa 'ovom vrstom', Isus se nije osvrnuo na demona, koji je držao dijete u ropstvu. Reći ću ti za minutu, ono na što je Isus zapravo mislio sa 'ovakvom'. Ali prvo, Pogledajmo šta znači reč post.
What does fasting mean?
Fasting means not eating. Sometimes people fast by skipping one meal, or snacks, or people fast by not watching television or putting away their mobile phone or tablet for a few hours. But that’s not what fasting is about.
Preskakanje obroka, or a snack, or not watching television, or putting away your mobile phone or table for a few hours is not fasting. People can invent all kinds of fasting, Ali istina je da post znači ne jesti.
Što je post prema Bibliji?
"Nije li ovo post koji sam izabrao? da razriješimo okove zla, da poništi teška bremena, i da pusti potlačene da odu na slobodu., i da slomiš svaki jaram?” (Isaija 58:6)
Bog je izgovorio ove riječi svom narodu, who were still the old creation and bound by their flesh.
U Starom zavjetu, Čitali smo mnogo puta o ljudima, koji je postio, because of their evil deeds; their sins, i bezakonja.
They repented of their actions and humbled their soul for the Lord through fasting.
Through means of fasting they ‘punished’ their flesh, for what they and/or their ancestors, učinio. They repented and asked, i tražio oprost od Gospodina.
Postom, Oplakivali su, ponizili su se, i pokajao se, i okrenuo se natrag Bogu.
Postom, Oslobodili su okove zla, u kojem su zarobljeni, i otklonio teret. Oslobođeni su, jer su slomili svaki jaram koji je bio na njima, zbog njihovog grijeha i bezakonja.
Zašto je David postio?
David je postio nakon što je počinio preljubu s Bat-Šebom i ubio njenog muža Uriju. Kada je Bat-Šeba očekivala svoje dijete, Nathan went to David and told Him that because of what he had done, Gospod će uzeti njegovog sina.
When David heard the words of Nathan, David humbled his soul with fasting for the Lord. David hoped that through fasting, he had ‘punished’ his flesh (chastened his soul) sufficiently and that the Lord would spare his son and live. But the Lord punished David for his adultery and murder. David’s adultery and murder cost him his son (2 Samuel 12:1-23).
Ponizio sam svoju dušu postom; i moje molitve su se vratile u moje grudi (Psalam 35:13)
Kad sam plakala, i kažnjavao moju dušu postom, To je bilo na moj prijekor (Psalam 69:10)
Koljena su mi slaba od posta; i moje tijelo propada od debljine (Psalam 109:24)
U Nehemijinoj knjizi (Nehemiah 9:1) i Ester (Esther 4:3), Čitamo i o postu.
Should born-again Christians fast?
When you become born again in Christ (rođen od vode i Duha) Postali ste nova kreacija. Stari si preminuo, Stari ti više ne postoji.. A new life after the Spirit has come
U duhovnom carstvu, you have become a new creation in Christ with the Holy Spirit in His fullness living inside of you. Međutim, in the natural realm, mnogo puta, Meso i dalje vlada kao kralj u tvom životu.
Therefore it’s time for the process of sanctification, which is the transformation in the flesh to become like Jesus and walk after the Spirit. The transformation means that your spirit takes over and reigns in your life. It means that you lay down the works of the flesh and put off the old man and put on the new man. Tako da, you will continuously be led by the Spirit and walk holy and righteous before the Lord.
Jeste, Stoga, Vrijeme je za post. Post znači 'ubijanje' vašeg mesa. Kada postiš, Učiniš svoje tijelo podložnim duhu. Tvoj duh će ojačati i vladati nad tvojim tijelom.
Why did Jesus fast for 40 Dani?
Isus je naš primjer. Jesus is the Firstborn of the new creation (Novi čovjek). Stoga, pogledajmo Isusa i kako je Isus učinio svoje tijelo potpuno podložnim Duhu.
When Jesus was baptized in water and received the Holy Spirit from the Father, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to make His flesh submissive to the Spirit. Tako da, za vrijeme Isusa’ Ministarstvo, tijelo više ne bi igralo nikakvu ulogu, već bi bilo podložno Duhu.
Tokom tih 40 Dani, Jesus was being prepared for the task that God had given Jesus to accomplish on earth. Through fasting and prayer, Isus je ubio svoje tijelo i njegov Duh je postao jak i zavladao nad svojim tijelom. Sada je Isus mogao hodati potpuno po Duhu.
Tokom tih 40 Dani, the devil tempted Jesus constantly. But Jesus didn’t give in to the temptations of the devil.
Kada je 40 Dani su došli do kraja, Jesus was almost ready to go and preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people of Israel. Jedina stvar koju je Isus morao da uradi, was to pass the final test.
God didn’t prevent this test from happening. Bog je mogao, ali Bog je dopustio đavlu da iskuša Isusa
Jesus was tested by the devil
Poslije 40 Dani, Isuse’ flesh became hungry (Baš kao i svako drugo ljudsko biće). At this moment of weakness, Isuse’ adversary; đavo je došao i pokušao iskušati Isusa na grijeh. How did the devil tempt Jesus? By using the words of God and His position to still His carnal hunger.
The devil tried to tempt Jesus by twisting the Word of God. So that Jesus would give in to the craving of His flesh and obey His flesh. Da je Isus učinio ono što je đavao predložio, then Jesus would have given in to the flesh. Meso, koja je teritorija, Gdje đavo radi, would have gotten the victory and would reign as king in His life and the Spirit would be subjected to the flesh and the devil.
Ali Isus se odupro đavlu sa Riječju Božjom, by using the words of God in the right context.
Then the devil tempted Jesus again, dokazujući ko je Isus bio. Ali Isus se ponovo odupro đavlu sa Riječju.
Konačno, đavo je pokušao iskušati Isusa, pokazujući Isusu sva kraljevstva svijeta i nudeći mu kraljevstva. Jedina stvar koju je Isus morao da uradi, bilo je pokloniti se i obožavati đavola. But Jesus didn’t give into the lusts and desires of the flesh and resisted the devil with the Word. Jesus commanded the devil to go, i đavao je ostavio Isusa na miru, Na neko vrijeme
Isus je prošao test. The Spirit had full reign in Jesus’ život. Tada su anđeli došli i služili Isusu.
Iako je Isus bio (i jeste) Sin Božji, Isus je redovno postio. Prayer and fasting were part of Jesus’ život.
What is the purpose of fasting in the New Testament?
Kada se ponovo rodiš, the flesh can still play a major role in your life. In the beginning, you can still be carnally oriented and led and ruled by your senses, Emocije, Osećanja, Misli, Će, Požuda, Želje, itd. umjesto da budu duhovno orijentirani i vođeni Riječju i Duhom. Instead of seeking those things, koji su iznad, you seek those things which are on the earth.
But if you want to grow up into the image of Jesus Christ and walk as a new creation after the Spirit, Onda moraš da promeniš svoj život.
Ako ne promijeniš svoj život, Onda ćeš zauvijek ostati beba. Babies can’t walk and talk, but they only cry and scream if they need something, don’t get attention, something bothers them, or if they don’t get their way. Bebe samo žele da jedu, piti, sleep, and be pampered.
Kada primite Duha Svetoga, kroz krštenje Duhom Svetim, then you have received everything you need to walk as a son of God. The only thing that stands in your way is your flesh, your carnal mind, and your unbelief (koji je prisutan u tijelu).
Isus je postio prije nego što je započeo svoju službu i hodao po Duhu. Ako želite hodati po Duhu i činiti ono što je Isus učinio, onda i vi morate živjeti kao što je Isus živio i živio, što je Isus učinio.
Postiti znači ubiti svoje meso; Tjelesni čovjek
Kada postiš, Učiniš svoje meso pokornim i 'ubiješ' svoje meso, tako što ne jede. Post znači 'ubijanje' vašeg mesa tako da vaše meso (Tijelo i duša) becomes submissive to the Spirit.
Kada postiš, you don’t feed your flesh anymore. Zbog toga, you silence your flesh. Kada hraniš svoj duh, sa Riječju Božjom, molitva, i govoreći u jezicima, your spirit will become strong.
Therefore fasting definitely belongs in the lives of born-again Christians.
If born-again Christians never fast and live like the world, but prophecy and perform signs and wonders, Trebalo bi da se ozbiljno zapitaš, if they do these works from the Spirit or the flesh.
Fortune-tellers also prophecy over people’s lives and the future. And a lot of those prophecies come to pass. And what about illusionists, Mađioničari, Vračevi, itd. They also do signs, Čuda, Čuda, i iscjeljenja. But they do these signs and wonders out of the flesh and the spirits of darkness empower them.
Isus je rekao, Da je u the last Dani, mnogi lažni proroci i lažni Kristi će doći, koji će biti sjajan, Znakovi i čuda, and deceive many. They’ll do such great signs and wonders, utoliko da, Da je moguće, oni bi prevarili same izabrane (Matthew 24, Mark 13).
Therefore it’s important not to focus on signs and wonders, they’re just side issues. You must focus on Jesus Christ; Riječ Božju i obdržavati Njegove zapovijedi i hoditi po Duhu. (Pročitajte također: ‘Slijediti Isusa za znakove i čudesa‘)
Samo kroz Riječ, moći ćete razlučiti istinu od laži i onoga što je stvarno (što je od Boga), A šta je lažno (Šta je od đavola), i ostanite vjerni Bogu. (Pročitajte također: ‘Lažni Isus proizvodi lažne kršćane‘).
What is the power of fasting and prayer in the lives of Christians?
Protivnik djeluje kroz tijelo, that is his territory. Therefore it is important to silence and ‘kill’ the flesh. The only way to do that is through fasting and prayer.
Isus je rekao svojim učenicima “Međutim, ova vrsta ne izlazi osim molitvom i postom” (Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29)
Kada je Isus rekao, 'Ova vrsta', Isus nije mislio na demona. But Jesus was referring to the generation of the old creation. Jesus referred to the old man, who is carnal and trapped in his sinful nature and his unbelief. The old man walks after the flesh and led his senses. The only way to kill this old carnal man is through prayer and fasting.
Kada i vi obnovite svoj um sa Riječju Božjom i postanete izvršitelj Riječi, you shall put on the new man. You shall grow up into a mature son of God. And you shall walk after the Spirit and bear the fruit of the Spirit.
Vi ćete predstavljati, preach, and bring the Kingdom of God to this earth; Narodu, bez miješanja mesa. You will walk after the Spirit and fulfill the Plan koji Bog ima za tvoj život, tako da će On biti uzvišen.
'Budite sol zemlje’