Sprichwörter 8:14 – Counsel is mine and sound wisdom

Was bedeutet Sprüche 8:14 bedeuten, counsel is mind and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength? Where do you find the right counsel and sound wisdom?

Counsel is mine and sound wisdom

Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength (Sprichwörter 8:14)

Where do you find the right counsel and sound wisdom? The answer is in the Bible; das Wort Gottes. The Word possesses the words of God, which are the truth and contains the wisdom and counsel of God.

Jesus Christus, the Son of God and the living Word is the reflection of God and has all counsel and sound wisdom. Jesus is understanding and has strength and through Him you shall get understanding and strength.

When you read and study the Word of God, you shall find the right counsel and sound wisdom, and you shall get understanding and strength. You shall find everything you need for your life.

The words of God are needed to equip Christians

Alle heiligen Schriften sind von Gott inspiriert, und ist für die Lehre nützlich, zum Vorwurf, zur Korrektur, zur Unterweisung in Gerechtigkeit: Damit der Mann Gottes vollkommen sei, vollständig ausgestattet zu allen guten Werken (2 Timotheus 3:16-17)

When you are searching for the truth, seek counsel or have questions and are looking for answers, a solution for your problems or you need help or when you go through a rough time in your life and you see no way out, then all you have to do is open the Bible and read the words of God.

Because only in the Word, Gottes Wort, you shall find sound wisdom and the right counsel. The Word provides answers, and give counsel, instructions, usw. for every question, problem and situation.

When you listen to the Word, receive the Word obey the Word, and apply the Word to your life, you shall live in Him and walk in sound wisdom, Verständnis, und Stärke.

„Sei das Salz der Erde.“’

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