Die Nachfolge Jesu wird dich alles kosten

The more you deny yourself and give up things in your life because of Jesus Christ, and the more you live according to what the Word; sagt Jesus, the more you will be verfolgt by the world and by the people around you. Following Jesus means, paying a price. Bedauerlicherweise, es gibt nicht viele Christen, who are willing to pay this price. Because following Jesus will cost you everything! It means giving up yourself; your own will, opinion, Gedanken, Gefühle, wishes, Begierden, und Wünsche. Außerdem, following Jesus will have consequences for your relationships with colleagues, acquaintances, friends, Familie, and sometimes even Christians, who are not like-minded. When you don’t live according to the world and deny the things, which the world doesn’t consider evil, and when you do what the Bible; the Word of God tells you to do, you will be persecuted. Following Jesus could mean, that you have to give up your family, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. You may lose them, all because of the decision you’ve made to follow Jesus and to stay obedient to the Word. But not everyone is willing to lose people for Jesus. That’s why the Word is twisted and adjusted and Christians compromise with the world.

The price for following Jesus

Aber Jesus sagte, that He came to bring division and that you will be hated because of Him (Matthew 10:22). He warned His disciples about this matter, and He revealed the price. He made known, what it would mean and what it would cost, to follow Him, and to walk as die neue Schöpfung; als Sohn Gottes.

Erneuerung Ihres Geistes

Viele Male, Christians begin to doubt themselves, as soon as they are persecuted and accused by the people, whom they are fond of and whom they love. They begin to wonder, whether they are indeed too enthusiastic, too exaggerated, too old-fashioned, or become too legalistic.

But discipline and taking a stand for Jesus Christ and staying obedient to the Word, and not compromising with the world and its works, has nothing to do with legalism or being too old-fashioned. But it has everything to do, with your love for Jesus Christ.

The world wants you to believe, that you are too religious, too legalistic, and too old fashion, but these are big lies from the devil.

When you haven’t killed and laid down your flesh, then these opinions of people matters and will get to you. But when you have laid down your flesh, the opinions of the world and people will no longer bother you. You have become untouchable in Christ. Because you know, that it’s not about what the world thinks of you, but what Jesus and what God thinks of you. That’s what really matters.

Jesus came to bring division and discord within families

Jesus sagte, that He didn’t come to bring peace, such as the world defines peace. But Jesus said that He came to bring division on this earth. Ja, even discord within families.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: Ich bin nicht gekommen, um Frieden zu senden, sondern ein Schwert. Denn ich bin gekommen, um einen Mann gegen seinen Vater aufzuhetzen, und die Tochter gegen ihre Mutter, und die Schwiegertochter gegen ihre Schwiegermutter. Und die Feinde eines Menschen sollen die seines eigenen Hauses sein (Matthew 10:34-36)

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nein; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter in law, und die Schwiegertochter gegen ihre Schwiegermutter (Lukas 12:51-53)

Jesus was not afraid to lose people

Jesus was not afraid to lose people. When the majority of Jesusfollowers left Him, Jesus even dared to ask His disciples if they wanted to leave Him also (John 6:67). Jesus wusste es, that He spoke hard words, that offended the carnal nature of die alte Schöpfung. Jesus wusste es, that not everyone was able to hear these words, without being offended. Let alone accept and obey His words. But the truth was needed to expose all the lies, which kept people in darkness and bondage. Ja, it was necessary to speak hard words.

Jesus didn’t compromise with the world, for the sake of winning and pleasing people. Nor did Jesus allow anyone to tempt or mislead Him.

Jesus feared His Father; Jesus loved Him above all and respected Him, and therefore Jesus only stayed faithful and gehorsam to Him, by doing His will.

It cost Jesus everything to fulfill the will of His Father. Jesus shrank from nothing.

Jesus His attitude should be an example for the sons of God

The attitude of Jesus Christ should be an example for all born-again Christians. Although Jesus was born on this earth, Jesus gehörte nicht zu dieser Welt; the kingdom of the devil. Jesus belonged to the Kingdom of God. Jesus, der Sohn Gottes, was an Ambassador; a Representative of the Kingdom of God, and preached and brought the Kingdom of God to the people.

Wird Gott seinen Willen für die Begierden und Begierden der Menschen ändern?

As a born again believer, you have become a Gottes Sohn. You have become an Ambassador; a representative, of the Kingdom of God.

Although you live on this earth, you no longer belong to this world. Das heisst, that you will not live according to what the world says, but according to what the Word says.

When you apply His words in your life and stay obedient to Him, then the world shall consider you a fool. But God shall consider you a wise son, who listens and obeys His words and does His will.

The world forces Christians to compromise with the world and to tolerate and accept sin and iniquity. Ja, the world forces Christians to approve and accept things, die Gott ein Gräuel sind, and therefore also to them.

Der Herrscher dieser Welt, which is the devil, works in the sons of this world. The devil is their father, and they listen to and obey him. The unbelievers, who are sinners, shall do the will of their father; the devil and the works of their father, which go against the Word of God and against the Gottes Wille.

The devil shall do everything he can to deceive and tempt Christians and cause them to turn away from Jesus; the Word and compromise with the world.

A friend of the world is an enemy of God

But the Bible; the Word says, that friendship of the world is enmity with God and that whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God (James 4:4)

It is up to you, what you do with it. Will you be led by your feelings and emotions, and compromise with the world and accept things, die Gott ein Gräuel sind? Will you walk in false love? Do you take a stand for the world or do you take a stand for Jesus Christ and do you stay gehorsam to the Word?

If you chose the latter one then persecution will come from the people around you. It could even mean, that you will be persecuted by the church. You must be aware, that the devil especially uses people, who you know very well and are close to you, in order to try to lead you away from the Word, so that you will compromise and enter the self-chosen paths of the world.

„Sei das Salz der Erde.“’

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