На каком фундаменте построена церковь?

Иисус – Глава Его тела; храм (Собрание верующих). В Библии у Матфея 16, Иисус дал обетование и проект Своей Церкви Своим ученикам. Иисус ясно дал это понять, На каком основании будет построена Его Церковь и какую власть Его Церковь будет иметь на Земле. Так, На каком фундаменте построена церковь? В этом сообщении блога, мы рассмотрим, что Библия говорит об основании церкви, и в следующих постах блога, 'врата ада», 'ключи Царства Небесного', и 'связывание и освобождение' будет обсуждаться.

Основание церкви

Иисус говорит им, Но кто вы говорите, что я? И ответил Симон Петр и сказал, Ты Христос, Сын живого Бога. И Иисус ответил и сказал ему, Благословен ты, Саймон Бархона: ибо не плоть и кровь открыли это тебе, но Отец Мой, который на небесах. И я говорю также тебе, Что ты Питер, и на сем камне Я построю Церковь Мою; и врата ада не одолеют его. И дам тебе ключи от Царства Небесного: и что свяжешь на земле, то будет связано на небе: и что разрешишь на земле, то будет разрешено на небе (Мэтью 16:15-19)

Когда Иисус спросил Своих учеников, кем они его считали? Симон Петр ответил Ему и сказал:: «Ты Христос, Сын живого Бога!»

Иисус сказал Петру (сын Ионы), что он был благословлен, потому что плоть и кровь не открыли ему этого, но Его Отец, Кто на небесах. Потому что Иисус сказал в Евангелии от Матфея 11:25: Я благодарю тебя, О Отец, Господь неба и земли, потому что ты скрыл это от мудрых и разумных, и открыл их младенцам.

«На этой скале, Я создам Церковь Мою»

Just like Peter testified about who Jesus was, Jesus testified who Peter was and that He would build His church on this rock. This means that Jesus would build His church on the testimony of Peter: что Иисус есть Христос; Сын живого Бога.

Ты Христос, Сын живого Бога

Jesus wouldn’t build His church upon the wisdom and knowledge of learned man; Pharisees and Sadducees. He didn’t build His church upon the priests and high priest. But Jesus would build His church on the testimony of a fisherman.

Иисус обещал Петру; the fisherman, that He would build His church on his testimony.

This promise, which Jesus gave to Peter, was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost the loyal 120 disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.

И вдруг послышался с неба звук, как будто от несущегося сильного ветра., и оно наполнило весь дом, где они сидели. И явились им разделяющиеся языки, как бы огненные., и оно сидело на каждом из них. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Действия 2:2-4)

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit came at the right time. Because at that time many Jewish men from all countries were assembled in Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot. These devout men heard the disciples speaking in their own languages, about the wonderful works of God. They were amazed, but also in doubt, because they didn’t know what to think about it. Some even mocked the behavior of the disciples, by saying that they had drunk too much wine.

The testimony of Peter to the Jews

But then it happened, that the promise of Jesus was being fulfilled. Питер, who was ashamed of Jesus before, and denied Him 3 times when he was the old creation, had become a новое творение through the baptism with the Holy Spirit and that became immediately visible.

На этой скале Я построю Свою церковь

Peter stood up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and testified openly, in boldness and authority about Jesus the Christ; Сын живого Бога.

Peter testified about the fulfillment of the promise, that God gave to the prophet Joel. Петр свидетельствовал об Иисусе Христе, Сын живого Бога. He testified about Jesus’ ходить, распятие, Воскресение из мертвых, and how Jesus had been exalted by the right hand of God, having received of the Father, the promise of the Holy Spirit, He had shed forth, as they saw and heard.

Peter spoke to the Jewish men, about how God had made the same Jesus, Whom they had crucified, и Господь и Христос.

On the testimony of Peter and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they were pricked in their hearts. They asked Peter and the rest of the disciples, what they had to do. Питер ответил им: «Покаяться и быть крещеный каждый из вас в Имя Иисуса Христа для отпущения грехов, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Действия 2: 37-38)

The testimony of Peter to the Gentiles

Peter was also the first apostle, who received a revelation of God, that salvation was also meant for the Gentiles; those who didn’t belong in the flesh to the Jewish people. Through this revelation of God and in obedience to the Holy Spirit, Peter was instructed to go, to the house of Cornelius. Сейчас, Cornelius was a gentile and not a jew.

While Peter testified about Jesus the Christ, Сын живого Бога, the Holy Spirit fell on them. They began to speak in tongues and glorified God. While Peter saw that the Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles, he didn’t see a reason to not baptize them in water. Therefore he baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ (Действия 11). В тот день, God also granted repentance unto life to the Gentiles.

Петр был первым апостолом, who testified of the новый завет in Jesus Christ and opened the door for the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was the first one, who testified to the Jews and then to the Gentiles.

This was the testimony, and this is still the testimony on which Jesus Christ builds His church. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone of His church, and as long as we stay His witness and stay loyal to Him and His words, He shall remain the Cornerstone of His church.

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Corner stone; In Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In Whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit (Ефесянам 2:19-22)

The testimony of Jesus the Christ

The church is built upon the foundation of the testimony, что Иисус есть Христос, Сын живого Бога. Only on this testimony, shall Jesus build His church. Jesus still builds His church on this testimony, which means that He doesn’t build His church on theology and the wisdom and knowledge of man (наука). A church; собрание верующих, can possess a lot of head knowledge of the Bible, but be spiritually ignorant and death.

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom and cannot be seen with the natural eye. Let alone that the старый плотский человек, who is being led by his senses, эмоции, чувства, мысли, интеллект, и т. д.. can preach the Kingdom of God and bring the Kingdom of God on this earth. Theologians and leaders of a church can have a great (научный) knowledge of the Bible and may speak wonderful enticing words, but on this foundation, you will not be able to build a church, who is spiritually alive and victorious.

Only Jesus Christ is the Builder of His church and He uses people, кто верит в Него, and are prepared to отдать свою жизнь and daily pick up their cross and следовать за Иисусом. He uses people, who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who represent Jesus; the Word in their lives and be His witnesses till the end.

«Будь солью земли’

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