The foundation of the creation

The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew (Paribasa 3:19-20)

The creation is created by God. He is the Creator of the heavens, and the earth, and all its host. The Lord founded the earth by His wisdom. By His understanding He established the heavens, and by His knowledge He broke up the depths, and the clouds drop down the dew. This is how He created the creation.

becoming a foolAll that He is, and everything He has, He has given to those, who believe in Jesus Christ and made Jesus their Saviour and Lord and have been dilahirkeun deui and are linggih dina Yesus Kristus. Sumuhun, to the born again believers, who walk according to His commandments, His Word, He has given power to become sons of the Most High God; the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

If you have become a son of God, that means that His Holy Spirit dwells in you. He shall teach and guide into all truth. You shall have His wisdom, His understanding, and His knowledge.

As long as you ngajaga parentah-Na, and walk according to His Word and His will, then you shall walk in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. This is not the wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of the world. Because the wisdom of this world and God’s wisdom are diametrically opposed. If you walk in faith and keep His Word, you will walk in His wisdom and in the truth and reap eternal life.

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