Иисус Христос, Сын Божий, showed His great love for His Father and those, whom He called His friends by laying down His life. Те, who would give heed to His call and believe in Jesus and accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord and would follow Him by doing whatsoever He commanded, would be a friend of Jesus. Ты друг Иисуса??
When are you a friend of Jesus?
God sent His Son Jesus to the earth with a mission. Jesus obeyed His Father and did what His Father had commanded Him to do. Иисус Ходил влюбленный, by keeping the commandments of His Father. Соблюдая заповеди Своего Отца, Jesus walked in obedience to His Father in His will and established the law.
As God sent Jesus to the earth and Jesus obeyed His Father by keeping His commandments and therefore doing His will, Jesus has also sent His disciples and expected them to obey Him and keep His commandments and do His will on earth (Читайте также: ‘Заповеди Божии и заповеди Иисуса').
Although Jesus spoke these words to His disciples back then, Jesus still speaks the same words to His disciples today.
The words of Jesus and His commandments still apply and still contain the same life, мир, и власть.
Иисус говорит, что все, who keeps His sayings and does His commandments is His friend.
His commandments are the same as the commandments of the Father, which Jesus kept and walked in.
Because the commandments of the Father, которые прописаны в законе, represent the will of God and can be summarized by two commandments, namely love God with all your heart, душа, разум, и сила, and love your neighbour as yourself (Читайте также: Любишь ли ты Бога всем сердцем?? и Что значит любить ближнего, как самого себя?)
The disciples of Jesus had laid down their own lives
This is My commandment, That you love one another, как я любил тебя. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do whatsoever I command you (Джон 15:12-14)
Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, whom Jesus had called and had given heed to His call. They had laid down their own lives and their daily occupations, including their jobs, and submitted themselves to Jesus by being with Him, following Him, listening to Him, being taught by Him, and doing what Jesus commanded them to do.
Jesus represented the Kingdom of Heaven and made the Kingdom of Heaven known by His words and His deeds. So that His disciples would get to know this Kingdom. Jesus discipled them and shared His wisdom, знание, and life with them.
After Jesus had made the Kingdom of God known to them by His words and by demonstrating the Kingdom of Heaven in power, Jesus commanded His disciples to go in His Name; в Его власти, and preach and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Читайте также: Верните потерянное домой!).
His disciples obeyed Jesus and went two by two in His authority and preached and brought the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, by preaching the gospel, изгнание демонов, and healing the sick.
The disciples were not yet born again. They were still the old creation. But Jesus had given them authority over the whole army of the enemy and nothing would by any means hurt them. Это показывает, that you don’t have to be born again to perform signs and wonders, and i.e. Изгоняйте бесов и исцеляйте больных.
The mind sanctified through the words of Jesus
Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth. As Thou hast sent Me into the world, Так и Я послал их в мир. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, дабы и они были освящены истиной (Джон 17:-17-19)
The disciples had renewed and sanctified their minds with the words of Jesus, which derived from the Father. They were sanctified (set apart for God, dedicated, purified, or consecrated) through the truth of God. Однако, they were not able to understand and bear everything that Jesus told them, since they were still the old carnal creation, who were unspiritual.
Мне еще многое нужно сказать тебе, но вы не можете вынести их сейчас. Howbeit when he, Дух истины, пришло, Он наставит тебя на всякую истину: ибо Он не будет говорить о Себе; но что бы Он ни услышал, что Он будет говорить: и Он покажет тебе будущее (Джон 16:12-13)
The coming of the Holy Spirit
When Jesus took place on the Сиденье милосердия at the right hand of God the Father and God sent the Holy Spirit to the earth and the disciples, who were together in the upper room praying in one accord, получил Духа Святого, their spirit was raised from the dead and they understood the words of Jesus.
The other Comforter; the Holy Spirit had come, whereby they had received the power that Jesus had promised and they had to wait for in Jerusalem. Тот же Святой Дух; Дух истины, who dwelled in Jesus, dwelled in them.
When the disciples of Jesus had received the Holy Spirit and had become a new creation and spoke in new tongues, as Jesus had promised and commanded, they were able to boldly speak the words of God and be witnesses of Jesus Christ, Мессия; Сын живого Бога; the Creator of the heaven and the earth and representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven and call the people to repentance.
They were no longer focused on signs and wonders, as before, when they were still the old creation and were excited about the fact that the evil spirits obeyed them, but they were focused on saving the lost souls, by preaching Christ crucified, salvation, покаяние, и регенерация (Читайте также: Следуя за Иисусом за знамениями и чудесами).
Святой Дух, Who lived inside of them, reproved the world of sin, и праведности, и суждения (Джон 16:8-11).
The disciples preached this message, the gospel of Jesus Christ, first to the people of Israel and then to the Gentiles.
Through regeneration the disciples had become a new creation; сыновья Божьи (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин). They obeyed the words and commandments of Jesus and walked in the will of the Father.
They represented the Kingdom of Heaven, spoke the words of Jesus, preached the truth of God, and called the people to repentance and the signs and wonders followed them.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do whatsoever I command you (Джон 15:12-14)
Jesus had shown His love for His friends by laying down His own life for His friends. He gave His life by dying on the cross and becoming the substitute for His friends. Jesus bore their sins upon Himself and took the punishment for sin, что такое смерть, for His friends upon Himself, so that they would not have to bear the punishment for sin and wouldn’t see the death. That was the great love, Иисус вошел. Jesus stayed obedient to His Father and didn’t love His own life until death.
Almost all His disciples, кроме Иуды, answered His love that Jesus had shown them.
They answered His love, by laying down their own lives for Jesus and following Him by walking after His commandments.
They didn’t belong to the world anymore and were no longer a friend of the world. But they belonged to the Kingdom of Heaven and were a friend of Jesus (Джеймс 4:4).
By laying down their own lives, obeying His words and commandments, and by doing His will, and not being ashamed of Him, they showed through their lives, that Jesus was their Friend, and that they were a friend of Jesus, and that they loved Him.
They were a friend of Jesus and spent time with Jesus and had an experiential relationship with Him.
They stayed obedient to Jesus and testified of Jesus to the people, despite the resistance, ненавидеть, преследование, насмешка, imprisonment, злоупотреблять, stoning, и т. д..
Despite all these things, they stayed faithful to their Friend Jesus and remained in His love, by keeping His commandments until the day they died (Читайте также: Исповедуете ли вы Иисуса или отрекаетесь от Иисуса перед людьми??).
Many Christians call Jesus Friend
This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; но их сердце далеко от Меня. But in vain they do worship Me, обучение учениям, заповедям человеческим (Мэтью 15:8-9)
Many Christians call Jesus their Friend and sing, that they are friends of Jesus and love Jesus. But if you look at their lives and their walk, what proof is there, that they are friends of Jesus and that they love Him?
Everyone can say and sing all kinds of things, but what are the fruits of someone’s life? How much time do they spend daily with Jesus; the Word and listen to Him? Do they pray? Do they abide in Him and do what He says, and what He has said and commanded in the Bible? Or do they listen to their flesh and what the world says? What are they doing and what aren’t they doing what Jesus has commanded His disciples?
К сожалению, много людей, who claim to be believers and say they have a relationship with Jesus, live in their daily lives as enemies of God, Иисус, и Святой Дух.
Many live in непослушание к Слову, as enemies of the cross. They don’t walk as the new creation after the spirit in obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit. But they walk as the old creation after the flesh in obedience to sin and death.
Jesus broke the power of sin and death
Many people don’t acknowledge the fact, that Jesus broke the power of sin and death through His death at the cross and His resurrection from the dead. They do believe, that Jesus has taken and carried the sins of the world upon Him, but they don’t believe that Jesus broke the power of sin. Because if they believed this, many lives would be so different than what they are today. They wouldn’t walk as workers of iniquity and live as slaves of sin, which God has made known through the law and Jesus has endorsed (Читайте также: Верят ли христиане в воскресение Иисуса Христа?).
The sin killed Jesus and led Him to death, but the death was not strong enough to keep Jesus in Hades. (Читайте также: Грех убил Иисуса)
The devil doesn’t want Christians to find out the truth. He doesn’t want them to know, that sin has no more power over someone, who has laid down his flesh.
He wants to keep believers in his power. Therefore the devil makes them believe that they will always оставаться грешником and never get rid of sin and death.
But that’s a lie that many Christians believe, because they don’t read, and study the Bible themselves and therefore they don’t know the Word.
They say and sing they are a friend of Jesus, но на самом деле, they don’t spend time with Jesus and don’t know Jesus and their lives don’t belong to Him.
Many Christians have not given up their lives for Jesus, as a friend would do. They don’t serve Jesus through their lives, Но дьявол, Кто работает во плоти. Their flesh is still alive and still dictates their lives.
Many are called but few are chosen
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, Я говорю тебе, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able (Люк 13:24)
Many people are called, но мало кто избран. That’s because many people are not willing to lay down their own life. Their love for Jesus is in reality not as big as they confess and sing with their words.
Не всякий, говорящий мне, Господин, Господин, войдет в Царство Небесное; но исполняющий волю Отца Моего Небесного. Многие скажут мне в тот день, Господин, Господин, разве мы не пророчествовали во Имя Твое? и во Имя Твое изгоняли бесов? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works? И тогда я исповедую им, Я никогда не знал тебя: отойди от Меня, вы, делающие беззаконие (Мэтью 7:21-23).
Although these believers prophesied and did many signs and wonders in the Name of Jesus, they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus and didn’t live according to the will of the Father (Читайте также: Воля Божья против воли дьявола).
When these believers, who called Jesus their Lord, came to Jesus and said they had prophecied in His Name, cast out devils, and done many wonderful works, Иисус сказал им, that He never knew them and commanded these workers of iniquity to depart from Him.
It seemed as if they belonged to Jesus by their prophesying, изгнание демонов, and by all the wonderful works they did in His Name, but from the inside, they were unchanged and were still the старое творение.
Their lives were still the same as before their покаяние. They still did those things that opposed the will of God. Although their works seemed spiritual and coming from the Spirit, their works were carnal. Because Jesus didn’t know them.
Today there are also many Christians, who call Jesus their Lord and go out in His Name and prophecy, изгонять демонов, и сотворишь много знамений и чудес, but they don’t know Jesus personally and don’t have a relationship with Him. They don’t spend time with Jesus and don’t abide in Him and don’t do what He; the Word says and don’t live after the will of the Father but keep doing the works of the flesh and walk in sin (Читайте также: Поддельный Иисус, who produces counterfeit Christians).
Although they do supernatural works and a part of the great commission, they are workers of iniquity (Читайте также: 'Тайна закона' и 'Разница между законом и благодатью').
Despite their words and signs and wonders, they walk after the flesh and live like the world. Вместо отстраниться от старика и облачаясь в нового мужчину and living as the new man, who bears the fruit of the Spirit, they remain the old man, who bears the fruit of the flesh; the same fruit as the world.
Ты друг Иисуса??
Тот, у кого есть Мои заповеди, и хранит их, это он любит Меня: и кто любит Меня, тот будет любим Отцом Моим, и я буду любить его, и проявлю Себя ему (Джон 14:21)
Do you answer His love, проводя время с Иисусом, listening to Him, and doing what He says? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Are you a friend of Jesus and have you laid down your life for Him and do you keep and obey His commandments? Or…..
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