The fruit of the Spirit is better than gold

My fruit is better than gold, 是的, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver (箴言 8:19)

当你成为新造的人时, 并跟随圣灵而行, you shall bear the fruit of the Spirit. (另请阅读: '圣灵的果子’)

圣灵的果子你将走进 , 喜悦, 和平, 长期受苦的, gentleness, goodness, 信仰, 温柔, 和 temperance.

The fruit of the Spirit is much more worth than fine gold.

When you walk after the Spirit and bear His fruit, you shall not only bring the Kingdom of God on this earth, but you shall also receive eternal life.

Eternal life is better than fine gold, and better than choice silver. No one is able to buy eternal life with money, gold or silver. 这 only way to receive eternal life 是通过耶稣基督, by His precious blood. Jesus will redeems you from dead and make you holy and righteous in Him.



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