When you repent and become born again by water and the Spirit of God, you will become a new creation. You will lay down your old life and the old man’s nature, which is full of evil. You will put on the new man. When you put on the new man and walk as the new creation, you will automatically produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life, instead of the fruit of the flesh. What does the Bible say about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22?
What does the Bible say about the fruit of the Spirit?
About a year ago, several blog posts are written about the fruit of the Spirit. In the list of links below, you will find all the blog posts about the fruit of the Spirit. All you have to do is click the subject and you will be directed to the article.
- What fruit do you produce?
Once you walked in darkness; the devil was your father, and you bore the fruit of the flesh; his characteristics. He was your example, he lived in you, and you didn’t know any better than to follow his example, until Jesus came into your life”
- What is the fruit joy?
What is the fruit joy? Is the fruit joy always present, or does it come and go? What does joy mean? How can you obtain joy, if you don’t experience joy in your life, but stress, depresija, worry, or anxiety?
- What is the fruit peace?
The fruit peace is a peace that passes all understanding. It isn’t a peace that comes and go, but it is a peace that continually abides in you. But what do you have to do when you don’t experience peace in your life? When you are overwhelmed with thoughts of worry, anxiety, depresija, ir tt?
- What is the fruit longsuffering?
We all have heard of longsuffering, but what does longsuffering actually mean?
- What is the fruit gentleness?
What does it mean to be gentle? Does it mean that you always have to smile, put on a happy face, accept everything, and agree with everything, or does God mean something else with gentleness?
- What is the fruit goodness?
One of God’s characteristics is His goodness. Throughout the Bible, we can read about His goodness and His mercy. What is goodness, according to the Bible? When do you produce this fruit and walk in goodness?
- What is the fruit faith?
Kas yra tikėjimas? When do you produce the fruit faith? We often say that we believe in God, but do we really believe in Him, and do we walk in faith? Do we live according to what we believe, and say? Or do we live according to what our senses tell us? Is our faith real, or is our faith an ‘imagination’ that we have created ourselves? How can you walk in faith? What destroys your faith?
- What is the fruit meekness?
What is the fruit meekness? What are the thoughts of the world about being meek and what does the Bible say about it? How do you walk in meekness?
- What is the fruit temperance?
Are you led by your will, emocijos, jausmus, and circumstances? Or do you rule over them and are you being led by the Word and the Spirit? Why is temperance (self-control) needed in your life? What is the secret of temperance?
- The fruit love; the love of God
Dievas yra meilė. But does God’s love differ from the way that we look at love (carnal love)? Let’s have a look at the love of God and how He showed His love to His people
- What is the fruit love?
What does love mean? Does it mean accepting everything, being good to other people, being nice to other people, helping them, ir tt? What does it mean to walk in love and to bear the fruit love? What is the difference between divine love, and worldly love (carnal love)?
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