How to get a long life and peace?

Long life and peace is something that almost everyone wants. But how do you get a long life and peace according to the Bible? En proverbios 3:1-2, we read what you must do to have long life and experience the peace of God in your life, which is a peace that passes all understanding.

Length of days and long life and peace shall be added to thee

Mi hijo, forget not my lawbut let thine heart keep my commandmentsFor length of days, and long life, y paz, shall they add to thee(Proverbios 3:1-2)

Tú lo guardarás en perfecta paz

The father gives his son the advice to not forget his law and to keep his commandments in his heart. If the son listens to his Father and follows up on his advice, then length of days and long life and peace, shall be added to him.

This applies also to the Cristiano nacido de nuevo, who has become a son or daughter of God the Father.

The Father advises you, to not forget His law, which is written in His Word and to guardar sus mandamientos en tu corazón.

When you keep His commandments and walk according to His Word, then you shall walk in Su voluntadWhen you shall do His will, then length of days, and long life and peace shall be added to you.

You shall not worry, nor be dismayed, but you shall live in perfect peace; la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento. It’s the peace that no one can give you, except for Jesus Christ; la palabra.

'Sé la sal de la tierra'

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