Dieu a donné Sa Parole par amour

Christians should know and realize that God gave His Word out of love. Because many Christians don’t consider the words and commandments of God as love, but as a heavy burden, legalism and bondage. While the words of God bring forth the opposite and instead of death bring forth life. But because many people are not born again and not spiritual and therefore are still carnal people, who are blinded by the god of this world and the lies in which they live, they are not able to discern the things of the spiritual realm.

God gave His Word out of love to man

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, en disant, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Genèse 2:15-17)

God gave His Word to Adam; homme, who was perfectly created after the image of God, et dit, that man could eat from all the trees in the garden of Eden, à l’exception de l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal.

Genèse 1:26-27 God created man in His own image male and female created He them

Man obeyed the commandment of God, his Creator, until the devil came in the disguise of a serpent and approached man and tempted man with his deceiving words.

Instead of believing and obeying God and His words, man chose to believe and obey the words of the devil.

And we see the result of faith in the words of the devil and what happens when you put your trust in the devil, la création. Because faith in the words of the devil causes separation from God and causes death and destruction

Through obedience to the words of the devil, man yielded to the devil and fell from his position and the spirit of man died. The devil took man’s place and became the ruler of the world and the father and ruler of fallen man. Fallen man became a son of the devil, because everyone, who has the devil as father, believes in the words of the devil and does what he says. (Lire aussi: ‘Les commandements de Dieu et les commandements du diable')

God gave His law out of love to His people

Que dirons-nous alors? La loi est-elle un péché ?? Dieu pardonne. Non, Je n’avais pas connu le péché, mais par la loi: car je n’avais pas connu la luxure, sauf que la loi avait dit, Tu ne convoiteras pas. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good (Romains 7:7-12)

God wanted the best for His people and to protect His people and didn’t want anything bad to happen to His people. Therefore God gave His law out of love, despite the fact that not everyone considered the giving of the law as an act of love, but as an obligation and bondage. 

À cause de ça, many of the house of Israel rebelled against the law and refused to submit to God, by obeying His words and commandments, and they did what they wanted to do and thought what was right. 

But their rebellion and disobedience to God and His Word didn’t produce freedom, paix, et la vie, as they expected, but bondage, agitation, punishment, et la mort.

The people of God even stood against the prophets of God, who were appointed by God and spoke His words. Since the words of God, which were spoken by the mouths of the prophets, were not according to the expectation and the will of man, whereby God’s people rebelled and refused to obey the words of the prophets. They didn’t consider the words of the prophets as the love of God and that His words would bring forth peace and life. Donc, many prophets were put to silence, by taking the prophets captive and locking them up in prison, and even by killing the prophets

Dieu a donné Sa Parole par amour

The Word of God has not changed and still produces life and peace, to those who believe in Jesus Christ, la Parole Vivante, Who was sent by God out of love to this earth to save mankind from destruction.  God gave His Word out of love and those who believe in the Word and obey the Word and do what the Word says, they shall live in true freedom and experience the peace of God in their lives.

Les commandements de Dieu, qui sont aussi les commandements de Jésus, are not a heavy burden for those, who are born again in Christ and have become a new creation.

Romains 7:12 La loi est sainte et le commandement est saint, juste et bon

The commandments of God are a heavy burden for the old man, who is carnal and walks after the flesh, because the sinful nature reigns in the flesh.

It’s just like children, who are ignorant and don’t have any insight and therefore don’t understand and comprehend the rules of their parents, but consider their rules as a punishment and bondage. While the parents love their children and want to protect and keep their children from evil. They don’t want anything bad to happen to their children. Only when a child has truly matured and become an adult the child shall understand his or her parents and see that the rules derived from love and were given out of love and that the rules were not evil and were not meant as a punishment and didn’t lead to bondage, but protected the child and kept the child from evil.

It’s the same with God. As long as the old carnal man reigns and the believer remains a child, the child shall consider the words and commandments of God and the words and the words and commandments of Jesus as a heavy burden, a punishment, legalism, and bondage, instead of knowing that God gave His Word out of love to protect man and to keep man from evil and destruction and death, in others words, to save mankind and keep them saved.

They that love Jesus; the Word will keep His words and walk in love

Jésus répondit et lui dit, Si un homme m'aime, il gardera mes paroles: et mon Père l'aimera, et nous viendrons à lui, et faisons notre demeure avec lui. Celui qui ne m’aime pas ne garde pas mes paroles: et la parole que vous entendez n'est pas la mienne, mais celui du Père qui m'a envoyé (John 14:23-24)

Ceux, who are born again in Christ and laid down their flesh, and love the Father and belong to Him, shall obey His words and do His commandments and live after the will of God.

They believe in Jesus Christ; the Word and love Him and God the Father, and know the Father through the Word and are familiar with His love. Therefore they know, that God has the best in mind for man and that His words and commandments are spirit and possess life and save people and keep them en lead them to eternal life.

They believe in the words of God and apply His words and walk in the Word, whereby by their walk and obedience to the words of God, they show God their love and walk in love.

The Word brings forth life

Et si quelqu'un entend mes paroles, et ne crois pas, Je ne le juge pas: car je ne suis pas venu pour juger le monde, mais pour sauver le monde. He that rejecteth Me, et ne reçoit pas mes paroles, hath one that judgeth Him: le mot que j'ai prononcé, celui-là le jugera au dernier jour. For I have not spoken of Myself; mais le Père qui m'a envoyé, Il m'a donné un commandement, ce que je devrais dire, et ce que je devrais dire. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting: quoi que je dis donc, comme le Père me l'a dit, donc je parle (John 12:47-50)

The Word judges the flesh and condemns the works of the flesh, but the Word brings forth life in the new man, who has become spiritual.

The devil wants to keep everyone ignorant and mislead them with his lies and make the people believe that God’s Word is a heavy burden and is outdated and legalistic, and leads to bondage and prevents people to live in freedom.

But God’s Word is not a heavy burden and brings forth salvation and true freedom instead of bondage and gives life instead of death and leads to eternal life.

Unlike the words of the devil that do lead to bondage, destruction, et la mort.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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