When you are born again in Jesus Christ and have become a new creation, you have been transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God. You have entered the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God has become visible to you. Every person that is not born again still lives in darkness and lives in the bondage of the flesh in which sin and death reign. Although people can say they believe and call themselves Christians, their walk shall testify whether they truly believe in Jesus Christ and are born again in Christ or not. Ježiš povedal, there were many, who said they believed in God and Jesus, but they didn’t do what They said and didn’t do the will of the Father and therefore They didn’t know them. And that is still the case. The god of this world still misleads and has blinded the minds of people. Many Christians confess the Name of Jesus, medzitým, they listen to the god of this world and are led by the god of this world and do what he says. What does the Bible say about the god of this world and his mission? How has the god of this world blinded the minds of people?
Who is the god of this world?
Prečo nerozumiete mojej reči? aj preto, že nemôžete počuť moje slovo. Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla, a žiadosti svojho otca budete konať. Od začiatku bol vrahom, a nezdržiavajte sa v pravde, pretože v ňom nie je žiadna pravda. Keď hovorí lož, hovorí o svojom vlastnom: lebo je klamár, a jeho otec. A pretože vám hovorím pravdu, neveríte Mi. Which of you convinceth Me of sin? A ak poviem pravdu, prečo Mi neveríte? Kto je z Boha, počúva Božie slová: ye therefore hear them not, pretože nie ste z Boha (John 8:43-47)
Jesus spoke boldly and didn’t stay silent about the truth, but Jesus revealed the truth to God’s people. Jesus spoke openly about the ruler and the god of this world; diabol, who is also called satan, and revealed him and his nature to them.
Jesus made known to them, that the ruler and god of the world, the devil is an enemy; an adversary of God and His Kingdom. The devil is not only an enemy of God, but also an enemy of those, who belong to God and obey Him and do His will. The sons of God (to platí pre mužov aj ženy) have become enemies of the devil and his kingdom.
The devil is the ruler (prince) of the kingdom of darkness and is the father of sinners.
Každý, who does the skutky tela, which are written in the Word, and perseveres in sin and is not willing to repent, belongs to the devil. Since the person does what the devil says and has the same desires as his father and refuses to repent and submit to the will of God (Prečítajte si tiež: 'The commandments of God vs the commandments of the devil’)
The god of the world has blinded the minds of people through his misleading words and keeps them in bondage and causes them to live in captivity of devil, without they realize that they live in the bondage of the devil.
He makes them think that they are free, by removing the moral laws of God, which represent the nature and will of God, from the gospel, and disconnecting themselves from the will of God. The devil promises freedom, which in reality leads to spiritual bondage.
As a result of his misleading words and doctrines, many Christians live as enemies of the cross in obedience to the god of this world, diabol. Because instead of getting rid of sin and removing the sin from their lives, they allow sin and persevere in sin and have pleasure in them and support them, who keep living in sin and are not willing to repent (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘How doctrines of devils are killing the church').
What is the mission of the god of the world?
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, hľadá, koho by mohol zožrať (1 Peter 5:8)
Zlodej nepríde, ale na kradnutie, a zabiť, a zničiť: Prišiel som, aby mali život, a aby ho mohli mať hojnejšie (John 10:10)
Vzhľadom k tomu, that many Christians don’t read and study the Bible through the Holy Spirit themselves, Christians are misled by their enemy, who twists the words of God and mixes them with his lies, and they stay ignorant about their enemy.
Jesus revealed the character and the mission of the god of the world, diabol, and uncovered his works.
The mission of the god of this world, the devil is to steal, kill and destroy.
Ježiš povedal, that the devil is a murderer and the father of lies.
The devil is a liar and a thief and steals the words of God. Áno, the devil steals everything, which is Godly and holy and according to the will of God (Oh. Marka 4:15).
The devil is a thief (robber), a killer, and a destroyer, and kills every thing that lives.
He is a destroyer and he shall try to destroy everyone, who opposes the devil and his kingdom, and destroy every work of God, so that the devil can accomplish his will and fulfill his purpose on earth through his sons.
The devil is not ancient history, but the devil still goes around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour. Is still scaremongering? Nie, it’s the truth. It’s the same truth that Jesus preached and the followers of Jesus preached, but unfortunately has been covered up by many Christians, out of fear of the opinions and words of people and persecution.
But the truth is that the devil is still alive and although he is judged, he still goes around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour (Oh. John 12:31; 16:11).
Therefore the Word warns us to stay sober and alert and awake and keep watching and persevere in prayer and to not weaken in prayer (Rimanom 12:12, Ephesians 6:18, 1 Tesaloničanom 5:6-17, 1 Timotej 2:8, 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7, Jude 1:20).
The god of this world has blinded the minds of people
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Korinťanom 4:3-4)
The god of this world reveals himself more and more as the end approaches. He reigns in many people’s lives and has blinded the minds of those, who don’t believe in Jesus Christ and reject the Word of God and therefore are lost (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Je misia diabla úspešná?').
The devil controls many people’s lives, which is clearly visible when you look at the lives of people and the state of the earth.
The people are prideful and rebellious and live in obedience to the god of this world in the bondage of sin and iniquity. Ako výsledok, the earth is burdened by the sins of people and mourns and cries out to God and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God(Prečítajte si tiež: 'Zem smúti a čaká na zjavenie Božích synov).
But most Christians are too busy with themselves and their own lives and the things of this world or remain stuck and bound to the past and keep struggling with traumas and/or identity problems.
Kresťanov je veľa, who don’t know who they are in Christ. They don’t submit to Jesus Christ and don’t follow the Word and don’t walk after the Spirit, but their flesh reigns in their lives and therefore they are led by their senses, emócie, pocity, bude, znamenia, and wonders in the natural realm and the earthly wisdom and knowledge, which are foolishness to God.
They assume they walk on the right path in life, but because they are blinded and darkened in their minds by the god of this world, they don’t see on which path they walk and don’t see that in reality they live in darkness.
A tak, the god of the world continues with his lies and temptations, kradnutie, usmrtenie, destroying, and devouring every person, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi.
The world worships the devil
Through his deceptive lies, the devil has established his throne on earth and is worshipped through a.o. worldly science, pagan religions, a (Eastern) filozofie, which originated through the influence of evil spirits, who have appeared as angels of light, and the works of the flesh (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Satanov trón’).
The devil is worshipped through all those people, who rebel against God and His Word and live in disobedience to Him (v hriechu) and/or move into the occult. And while the believers are sleeping, the devil takes more and more territory and controls the lives of people, and establishes his throne.
Vzhľadom k tomu, that many Christians are not spiritual and don’t renew their minds with the Word, but stay carnal and are led by their senses, pocity, emócie, and worldly mind and feed themselves with the words of the world, they don’t see lost souls, who are bound in life and are on their way to hell.
They are not moved with compassion about their state and don’t love their neighbor and because of that, they don’t warn the unbelievers (ungodly), but they allow them in their sins and many times give them a helping hand, by building bridges and by allowing and approving and the nature and the will of the devil that expresses in sin (Prečítajte si tiež: Ničenie diel Božích namiesto diel diablových a ‘Čo to znamená, Budeš milovať svojho blížneho ako seba samého?').
They think they please God through their humanistic behavior, while in reality they please the god of this world and serve him, by walking after the flesh and doing his will, and he can continue his mission without being disturbed.
Let Christians wake up and arise and be witnesses of Jesus Christ!
The time has come for Christians to longer be blinded by the god of this world and no longer be indifferent towards sin and persevere in sin and/or approve sin and compromise with the world, but let Christians awake from their deep sleep and give their lives to Jesus Christ and become born again in Him and renew their minds with the Word and be His witnesses on earth.
Let Christians arise and take their position in Christ and obey the Word and boldly preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ, Syn Boží, and speak the words of God and call the people to repentance and establish the Kingdom of God on earth.
„Buď soľou zeme“