Dlaczego Bóg wypisał swoje prawo na kamiennych tablicach??

50 Dni po Paschy (Pesach, Pascha), Bóg objawił swoją wolę swojemu ludowi, via Moses. God wrote His law with His finger on two tables of stone. But why did God write His law on stone? Why did the commandments of God had to be written on stone? What do the tables of stone in the Bible mean?

God wrote His law on tables of stone

And the Lord said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them (Exodus 24:12)

God wrote the ten commandments on the two tables of stone by His finger. Bóg objawił Jego wola and made His will visible to His people. These tables of stone represented the heart of stone of the carnal people, who were still stare stworzenie.

Umieszczę Moje prawo w ich wewnętrznych częściach

Mojżesz’ job was to teach the people of God His law and commandments, so that they would all get to know His will.

Everyone knew His will, but it was up to each one of them if they would keep His commandments in their hearts, and walk in His way.

Pomimo faktu, that the people of God knew His will, and wholeheartedly promised to do, what the Lord commanded them to do, many lived in rebellion against God.

The people knew His will through His law and His commandments. But despite this knowledge, they lived after their own insights and according to their own will. They kept doing the things that pleased them, instead of doing the things that would please God. They loved themselves above all. Tak, even above the Lord.

The heart of stone was replaced by a heart of flesh

50 days after the crucifixion Jezusa Chrystusa, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place. The spirit of man, who was trapped in a sinful nature and under the authority of the death, został wzbudzony z martwych, przez chrzest Duchem Świętym.

W dniu Pięćdziesiątnicy, nowe stworzenie powstał. This new creation didn’t have a heart of stone anymore, because the heart of stone belonged to the old creation. God Himself, removed the heart of stone and gave a heart of flesh.

Wszyscy, who would become nowe dzieło w Jezusie Chrystusie, Poprzez Nowe narodzenie, would get a new heart; a heart of flesh.

I dam im jedno serce, i włożę w ciebie nowego ducha; i usunę kamienne serce z ich ciała, i da im serce z mięsa: Aby postępowali według Moich ustaw, i przestrzegaj Moich obrzędów, i rób je: i będą moim ludem, i będę ich Bogiem. But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, mówi Pan Bóg (Ezechiel 11:19-21)

Żałować, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, mówi Pan Bóg: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye (Ezechiel 18:30-32)

“Włożę Moje prawa w ich umysły, i zapisz je w ich sercach”

Dam wam też serce nowe, i włożę w was ducha nowego: i usunę kamienne serce z twego ciała, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, i rób je. And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be My people, and I will be your God (Ezechiel 36:26-27)

To jest bowiem przymierze, które zawrę z domem Izraela po owych dniach, mówi Pan; Włożę Moje prawa w ich umysły, i zapisz je w ich sercach: a Ja będę dla nich Bogiem, i będą Mi ludem: I nie będą uczyć każdego bliźniego swego, a każdy brat jego, powiedzenie, Poznaj Pana: bo wszyscy Mnie poznają, od najmniejszego do największego. Bo zmiłuję się nad ich niesprawiedliwością, a ich grzechów i ich nieprawości już więcej nie wspomnę (Hebrajczyków 8:10-12)

A change of heart causes a change in nature

PrzezNowe narodzenie, the spirit of man is raised from the dead and becomes alive. When a person becomes born again, the person will be given a new heart. That new heart will cause a change in nature.

The heart of stone, that always rebelled against God and against His will and His commandments, will be replaced by a heart of flesh. This heart of flesh possesses the nature and the will of God. The will of God; His law has been written in your new heart of flesh.

Ustanawiaj prawo przez wiarę , Rzymianie 3:31

You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart(2 Koryntian 3:3)

When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, God’s nature becomes your nature.

The Holy Spirit dwells in you and communicates with your spirit. You shall listen to Him, and walk after His will like the new creation; syn Boży.

Nowe stworzenie doesn’t walk in rebellion and disobedience to God the Father. But the new creation will submit to the Word of God; Jezus, and will live after wola Ojca, zupełnie jak Jezus.

The new creation will not harm the Kingdom of God, by habitually living in sin, and doing those things that please him/her. The new creation shall only do those things, which please the Father so that He will be exalted and glorified. Because the new creation loves God with all his mind, serce, dusza, i siła (Przeczytaj także: ‘Czy kochasz Boga całym sercem?„).

The new creation pleases the Father and Jesus Christ

Because the new creation loves God with all his heart, umysł, dusza, i siła, the new creation shall wypełnić prawo Boże. Because the law of God is nothing more than His will. His will already existed, before God made His will known, to Moses and His people.

Czy zatem przez wiarę unieważniamy prawo?? Broń Boże: tak , stanowimy prawo (Rzymianie 3:31)

God has given us His Word and if we live after His Word and His Spirit, and do what Jesus has commanded us to do and therefore keep His commandments, then we shall Wypełniaj prawo and please the Father and Jesus Christ.

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