Neno la Mungu huleta ushindi katika vita

Kama watu wanaweza kuona thamani ya neno, Hawataangalia mahali pengine, Tafuta mafundisho mengine, ambayo huleta uasi na uharibifu katika maisha ya watu. Neno la Mungu lina uzima na amani na huleta ushindi katika kila hali. Hata hivyo, Lazima uwe na imani katika Neno. Kwa sababu bila imani katika Mungu na Yesu Kristo; Neno maneno yaliyoandikwa yatabaki maneno yaliyoandikwa na hayatazaa matunda yoyote katika maisha ya watu.. Mtu anapokuwa na imani na kuamini kile Neno linasema, mtu atasimama na kusimama juu ya Neno na si kupotoka kutoka kwa Neno, Bila kujali watu na watu wa aina gani sayansi ya ulimwengu inasema. Mwanadamu hatamwacha Mungu na Neno Lake. Kutii na kutii Neno na kwa kufanya Neno, Neno litaleta ushindi katika vita vya kiroho

Mapambano kati ya Mungu na Ibilisi

Katika Agano la Kale na Agano Jipya, Tunaona vita vilivyotokea na bado vinafanyika kati ya Ufalme wa Mungu na ufalme wa giza.. Katika maagano yote mawili, Tunaona ukuu wa Mungu, na nguvu zake zimefunuliwa. Kwa sababu Mungu na Neno Lake walileta na bado kuleta ushindi katika hili (kiroho) Vita. 

Tofauti pekee ni kwamba agano na nafasi ya watu, Ni nani aliye wa Mungu, Imebadilika. Kwa sababu hiyo, hali ya vita imebadilika. 

Mtu mpya hapigani tena kutoka kwa nafasi yake duniani kutoka kwa mwili kama Mzee, Lakini kutoka kwa nafasi mpya; Nafasi nzuri zaidi, Yaani katika Kristo kutoka kwa Roho.

Hata hivyo, adui bado ni yule yule na vita vya kiroho bado ni sawa na vitabaki vile vile. Kwa hiyo, Mwanaume mpya bado ana vita ya kupigana.

Vita katika Agano la Kale

Katika Agano la Kale mwanadamu hakuweza kuzaliwa tena, lakini alinaswa katika mwili wake. Roho ya mwanadamu ilikuwa imekufa kwa sababu ya dhambi na mwanadamu alikuwa ameanguka kutoka kwa nafasi yake.. Mwanadamu Akawa Nafsi Hai, Inajumuisha roho na mwili; Damu na nyama. Kulikuwa na njia moja tu ya kuwa sehemu ya watu wa Mungu na hiyo ilikuwa kupitia kuzaliwa kwa asili na kutahiriwa. (o.a. Mkuu 17:9-19; 22:18, Ex 12:48; 32:13). 

Mwanadamu hakuwa wa kiroho, lakini ya roho. Kwa hiyo, mwanadamu aliongozwa na mapenzi yake, mawazo, Hisia na hisia. Lakini Mungu ni Roho na kwa kuwa alikuwa na kushughulika na watu wa kimwili Mungu alijifanya kujulikana kwa njia ya Neno lake na ishara na maajabu, Hii ilitokea katika ulimwengu wa asili kama matokeo ya utekelezaji wa Neno Lake.

Mungu alifunua ukuu wake katika Misri, Via A.O. Mapigo yaliyokuja juu ya nchi ya Misri. Wakati wa kuondoka kutoka Misri na wakati wa jangwani, Mungu alijifunua kupitia Neno lake na ishara na maajabu aliyofanya ili kulinda watu Wake na kutoa mahitaji yao ya kimwili..

Mungu Alijifunua Mwenyewe Kupitia Sheria

Kwa kuwa watu wa Mungu walikuwa wa kimwili na Mungu alikuwa wa kiroho, Mungu alifunua asili yake na mapenzi yake na Njia yake Kupitia Sheria. Mungu alifunua asili yake na mapenzi yake na akayaandika kwenye mbao za mawe na akampa Musa, ili mapenzi yake yaonekane kwa watu. (Soma pia: Kwa nini Mungu aliandika juu ya meza za mawe?). 

Sheria hii, Nayo inaitwa Sheria ya Musa, Alihakikisha kwamba watu wake watatembea njia Yake na kuishi katika mapenzi Yake.

Kupitia Utii Kwa sheria, Wangelindwa na hawatakuwa na chochote. Maneno ya Mungu yataleta uzima na amani katika maisha ya watu wake..

Kwa muda mrefu kama walikaa kutii sheria na maneno ya Mungu yalitawala katika maisha yao., ambayo ilionekana kwa kutii sheria na kwa kufanya maneno ya Mungu, Mwenyezi Mungu akawalinda na kuwaokoa. Walibarikiwa na kuishi kwa amani na hawakukosa kitu.

Vita kati ya Ufalme wa Mungu na ufalme wa Ibilisi

Nguvu ya mtawala wa ulimwengu; Ibilisi alionekana duniani kupitia maisha ya mataifa ya mataifa ya mataifa ya joto., Ambao walimtumikia shetani kwa njia ya uongo wao, Kiburi, ibada ya sanamu, uasherati, Ukosefu wa uaminifu, uasi, (ngono) uchafu, na kadhalika. Walifanya mambo yote yaliyokwenda kinyume na mapenzi ya Mungu, na walikuwa chukizo kwake..

Kwa sababu watu wa Mungu walikuwa wa kizazi cha mzee na kwa hivyo walikuwa wa kimwili na sio wa kiroho, njia pekee ya kukabiliana na utawala na matendo ya shetani na kuharibu nguvu ya ufalme wake duniani, Ilikuwa ni kwa kuwaangamiza watu wa mataifa mengine; Watu, Ambaye alikuwa wa Ibilisi na kumtumikia kupitia kazi zao.

Watu hawakuweza kupigana na nguvu za kiroho, wakuu, na nguvu za ufalme wa giza, kwa kuwa watu walikuwa wa kizazi cha mwanadamu aliyeanguka, na kwa njia ya dhambi na kuanguka kwa mwanadamu roho ilikufa na kuishi chini ya utawala wa ibilisi na ufalme wake.

Kulikuwa na mmoja tu, ambaye alikuwa na nguvu kuliko ibilisi na alikuwa amewekwa juu ya shetani na ufalme wake katika uongozi wa kiroho (Utaratibu) na hiyo ilikuwa na bado ni Mungu. 

Kwa muda mrefu kama watu wa Mungu walikaa kumtii Yeye na Neno Lake na kutembea katika mapenzi Yake., Mungu alipambana katika ulimwengu wa kiroho kwa ajili ya watu wake. Mungu awasaidie watu wake katika kila vita, kabla ya watu wake kwenda katika ulimwengu wa asili kwenye uwanja wa vita kupigana.

Mungu alipigania watu wake, na akaleta ushindi kwa ajili ya watu wake.

Musa akawaambia watu., Usiogope kuwa wewe si, kusimama bado, Ona wokovu wa Bwana, Atakuonyesheni siku ya leo: Kwa Wamisri ambao mmewaona hadi leo, Hamtawaona tena milele.. Bwana atakuombea, Nanyi mtanyamaza kimya (Ex 14:13-14)

Bwana Mungu wako aendaye mbele yako, Atapigana kwa ajili yako, Kwa kadiri ya yote aliyowafanyia huko Misri mbele ya macho yenu.; Na katika jangwa, Umeona wapi kwamba BWANA Mungu wako amekuzaa., Kama mtu anavyomzaa mwanawe, Kwa njia yoyote ile mliyokuwa mkienda, Mpaka mnapoingia katika eneo hili (Deu 1:30-31)

Kadiri watu walivyoishi kulingana na mapenzi ya Mungu na kutii maneno Yake, na Amri zake Mungu alikuwa pamoja nao. Kabla ya kwenda vitani, walimwuliza Mungu na Mungu akafanya njia yake katika vita na matokeo ya vita vinavyojulikana kwa watu Wake kupitia maneno Yake..

Sheria ni takatifu na amri ni takatifu

Mungu alimwambia mwakilishi wake duniani (Kiongozi, nabii, Kuhani, na kadhalika. ) Nini hasa watu wanahitaji kufanya. 

Na kwa muda mrefu kama watu wa Mungu walikuwa na imani katika Mungu na walijisalimisha kwake na kutegemea maneno ya Mungu na kuwatii, Kwa kufanya maneno Yake, Walishinda na walikuwa washindi.

Hii haikutokea mara moja tu, lakini hii ilitokea kila wakati mradi watu Wake walifanya kile ambacho Mungu alikuwa amewaamuru watu Wake kufanya..

Hawajapata ushindi kwa mawazo yao wenyewe, Ujuzi, (Kijeshi) mbinu, na nguvu (Uwezo wa asili), Bali waliishinda imani yao kwa Mungu na nguvu zake.. Weka imani yao katika maneno Yake na utii kwa maneno Yake, Walionyesha kwamba walikuwa na imani katika Mungu na maneno Yake na kwamba walitegemea ufahamu na nguvu Zake badala ya wao wenyewe..

Kabla ya watu wa Mungu kwenda kwenye uwanja wa vita na kufanya kile ambacho Mungu alikuwa amewaamuru kufanya, Mungu amewapa adui zao katika milki yao.. Mungu aliwapigania na kuleta ushindi kupitia utii wao na utii Kwake na kwa imani katika Neno Lake..

Watu wa Mungu wamepoteza vita

Hata hivyo, Watu wa Mungu hawakupata ushindi kila wakati walipokwenda vitani. Kulikuwa na wakati ambapo watu hawakuwa washindi lakini walipoteza mapambano. Hili halikuwa kosa la Mungu, Mungu hapingi kamwe Neno Lake na daima hutimiza ahadi Zake. Hii inamaanisha kuwa Mungu ni mwongo, Mungu hasemi uongo. Ni hao tu, Uongo ni nani na ni nani, Nani ni wa kwake. Lakini kushindwa kwao kulitokana na kutotii kwao kwa Mungu na Neno Lake..

Kulikuwa na wakati, kwamba walikuwa wameshinda vita vingi sana, Nao wakawa wenye kiburi na kiburi chao., Walidhani wanaweza kufanya hivyo wenyewe.

Waliamini ufahamu wao wenyewe na walitegemea uelewa wao wenyewe na wakaangalia ushindi wao wa awali na kuwatumia kama mwongozo na kufanya mpango wao wa vita, Badala ya kumuuliza Mungu na kumuuliza kuhusu mpango wake. Kwa sababu hiyo, Walipoteza mapambano yao kwa idadi sawa ya askari.

Walikuwa na kiburi na kuamini ufahamu wao wenyewe na kutegemea ufahamu wao wenyewe., Ujuzi, na nguvu (Uwezo wa asili) na kudhani kuwa wanaweza kusimamia, Lakini kushindwa kwao kulithibitisha kwamba walikuwa wamepotea bila Mungu.

Kwa sababu shetani, ambaye ni mtawala wa ulimwengu alikuwa na nguvu zote na nguvu katika ulimwengu. Kwa hiyo, watu wa mataifa mengine, ambaye alikuwa wa kwake na alikuwa na nguvu zake zote na angeweza kupata ushindi kila wakati watu wa Mungu walipotoka wenyewe bila Mungu.

Bila Mungu, haikuwezekana kusimama na kupigana na kuwa mshindi juu ya mataifa ya Mataifa.

Kwa sababu Mungu pekee ndiye aliyeketi juu ya shetani na ana nguvu zaidi kuliko shetani.. Kwa hivyo wangeweza kushinda tu kupitia utegemezi wao, Utii na utii kwa Mungu na kwa njia ya imani yao katika Mungu na maneno Yake na nguvu zake.. 

Mungu awapiganie watu wake na kuleta ushindi katika vita

Sikia, O Israeli, Mnakaribia leo kupigana na adui zenu: Usiache mioyo yenu ichoke, Usiogope, Wala usitetemeke, Wala msiogope kwa sababu ya wao.; Kwa maana BWANA Mungu wenu ni yule aendaye pamoja nanyi, Pigana kwa ajili yako dhidi ya adui zako, Ili kukuokoa (Deu 20:3-4)

Watu wake walipomkiri Mungu kwa ajili ya yeye ni nani na wakamwuliza na kutii amri zake., Wangepata ushindi dhidi ya Mataifa, Nani alikuwa wa Ibilisi, na kuwa washindi. 

Kwa sababu kabla ya kwenda vitani katika ulimwengu wa asili na kupigana vita, Mungu alikuwa tayari amewaokoa adui zao na nchi yao na mali zao kwa nguvu zao..

Mungu alipigania vita kwa ajili yao na akaleta ushindi kwao kwa njia ya utii wao na imani katika Yeye na Neno Lake.. Kitu pekee ambacho watu walihitaji kufanya ni kwenda vitani na kutenda kulingana na maneno ya Mungu na kumiliki nchi..

Kuja kwa Yesu na vita dhidi ya ufalme wa giza

Mambo haya nimewaambia, ili ndani yangu mpate kuwa na amani. Katika ulimwengu mtakuwa na dhiki: Lakini kuwa na furaha nzuri; Nimeushinda ulimwengu (Yn 16:33)

Kisha Yesu Kristo alikuja duniani na kubadilisha eneo lote la vita. Kwa sababu Yesu alizaliwa kutoka kwa Roho. Ingawa Yesu alikuwa Mtu kamili, Jesus didn’t have the same position as fallen man and didn’t only have a soul and body, but Jesus had a Spirit, nafsi, na mwili.

Jesus didn’t strive against people and didn’t act the way the old man acts. When someone committed adultery or fornication Jesus didn’t stone the sinner, like the old man was commanded to do by God.

Does this mean that Jesus was disobedient to God? Hapana, but since Jesus had received the Holy Spirit and walked after the Spirit, Jesus didn’t fight against flesh and blood, but against powers, authorities, mights, principalities and the rulers of the kingdom of darkness. 

Just like God fought for His people in the heavenly places, Jesus also fought in the heavenly places and therefore Jesus called God’s people to toba and commanded them to turn away from their evil ways and cast out demons and healed the sick.

Yesu alikuwa mzaliwa wa kwanza wa uumbaji mpya

Jesus walked as the first new Man in the Name of His Father; in the authority of His Father on earth and made the will of God and His Kingdom known to the people.

Jesus set the example and walked not after the flesh, but he walked as the new Man after the Spirit. Therefore Jesus didn’t serve the death through sin and didn’t bow to sin and the power and authority of the devil and his kingdom.

Jesus depended His whole life on God and trusted God and spend much time with the Father in prayer.

Jesus did everything He had seen His Father do and did everything in His power. Jesus could have relied on His own soulish power, but He didn’t do that, because then Jesus would have walked after the flesh in the power of the devil and the kingdom of darkness.

Jesus could also have used the words of God for His flesh, but Jesus didn’t do that either (Soma pia: "Nitakupa utajiri wa ulimwengu”).

Jesus only did the will of the Father and used the words of God to establish His Kingdom on earth.

And so Jesus revealed the lies and works of the darkness and fought against the devil and his kingdom on earth, by representing, preaching and bringing the Kingdom of God on earth and call the people to repentance (Soma pia: ‘Destroying the works of God instead of the works of the devil')

Jesus never bowed for the devil, by listening to His flesh and by giving in to the temptations in the flesh. But Jesus walked in the love for His Father and therefore Jesus was able to resist all the temptations of the devil and stayed loyal to the will of His Father until His death.

The spiritual battle in the New Covenant

Kujua hili, kwamba utu wetu wa kale umesulubishwa pamoja Naye, ili mwili wa dhambi uharibiwe, ili tusitumikie dhambi tangu sasa. Kwa maana aliyekufa amewekwa huru mbali na dhambi. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over Him (Rum 6:6-9)

The coming, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought a change in humanity on earth and in the spiritual realm.

Maana halisi ya msalaba, victory in

Because through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ man could be born again by faith in Jesus Christ and be redeemed from his fallen state and delivered from the rulership of the devil and the power of his kingdom.

Jesus was and still is the way of redemption for fallen man and the deliverance from sin and death, through the rebirth and by being transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God.

Kupitia kuzaliwa upya katika Kristo, the new man had received a new position in the heavenly hierarchy (spiritual order), just like Jesus Christ. 

The new man no longer lived under the authority and rulership of the devil in his kingdom, but through the new birth in Jesus Christ, the new man was transferred to the Kingdom of God and was positioned in Christ above the devil and his kingdom.  

Although the new man lived in the world, the new man didn’t belong to the ruler of this world and no longer served the devil and death through sin.

The spiritual position and power of the new man

Tazama, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven (Lu 10:19-20)

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Nendeni basi, na kufundisha mataifa yote, mkiwabatiza kwa jina la Baba, na ya Mwana, na wa Roho Mtakatifu: na kuwafundisha kuyashika yote niliyowaamuru ninyi: na, lo, Niko pamoja nawe siku zote, hata mwisho wa dunia. Amina (Kitanda 28:18-20)

Na, tazama, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high (Lu 24:49)

The 120 Wanafunzi of Jesus were, after Jesus, the firsts who were born again and belonged to the generation of the new man.

When they received the Holy Spirit they immediately went out in the power of God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and they released many prisoners of the kingdom of darkness and brought them into the Kingdom of God.

Kama ilivyo kwa Yesu, they spend a lot of time in prayer and stayed dependent upon God by living after the Spirit and His Word and not be influenced and led by their senses, hisia, na hisia. They stayed obedient to the Word of God, despite the consequences.

Holy Spirit reproves the world

Many people were convicted of their apostasy and their sinful nature and state and repented by the preaching of the gospel and hearing the truth of God’s Word.

Many people repented and made Jesus the Lord of their lives and were delivered from the power of the devil and were reconciled with God and transferred to His Kingdom. 

God’s people no longer had to fight against people; Damu na nyama, but through the change of position of God’s people in the spiritual realm, God’s people had to fight against the powers, wakuu, Inaweza, and rulers of the kingdom of darkness.

God’s people were no longer carnal but had become spiritual through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead and still stayed depended on God and were led by His Word and His Spirit.

Hata hivyo, God’s people now reigned together with God. God had accomplished the spiritual battle and gained the victory through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, but God’s people still had to go out and fight and make the victory of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom visible on earth.

Because the spiritual war between the Kingdom of God, where Jesus Christ is King and the kingdom of darkness, where the devil reigns is still going on.

The Word brings victory in the spiritual war

Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place (2 Co 2:14)

As soon as a person becomes born again and becomes part of God’s people, the person has entered the spiritual war and belongs to the army of God. The new man is seated in Christ and by walking in Him the new man is clothed with the spiritual armor.

The new man has to fight the spiritual fight from the Spirit in the spiritual realm and fights together with God, Yesu, and the Holy Spirit for His Kingdom.

Through obedience to Jesus; HIs Word the new man shall overcome every battle and be victorious.

But the new man should walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word and not rely on his own insight, hisia, hisia, Ujuzi, technics, mbinu, nguvu (Uwezo wa asili) and natural means.

Because if he does, he shall trust in his flesh; his soul and body and shall not be able to overcome from the flesh but shall lose the fight. Since the flesh is under the authority of the devil.

As long as people believe in the words of the world and rely on his flesh and therefore lives after the flesh people shall live a defeated life and not gain any victory 

If you know that He is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of Him (1 Jo 2:29)

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not grievous. For whatsover is born of God overcometh the world;: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (1 Jo 5:3-4)

Only when the new man remains in the Word and walks after the Spirit, the new man shall be seated in Jesus Christ above the devil and reigns in Jesus Christ over the power of the devil and his kingdom and shall overcome every spiritual battle.

The Bible has never mentioned the length of time, but the Bible has given us the promise of being victorious. Because in the New Covenant God’s Word still brings victory in every battle. 

It doesn’t matter what kind of fight it is, since the Word is eternal and shall stand until eternity, it shall forever bring victory in the spiritual war.

But it depends on whether you truly believe the Word of God and act according to the Word and keep standing on the Word despite the length of time and the resistance of the world (Soma pia: ‘Je! nitapata imani duniani?) 

The sons of God are victors in Christ Jesus

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Rev 12:11)

God no longer fights for His people and His people no longer fight against flesh and blood like in the Old Covenant, but God fights together with His people; His Church against the principalities, mamlaka, Utawala, might and rulers of the kingdom of darkness.

The sons of God have received His Word and His Holy Spirit. Through the blood of the Lamb and their testimony, they shall overcome. This means that through their position in Jesus Christ and their testimony of Jesus Christ and the truth of the Word, they shall overcome and get the victory.

Wao watafanya omba directly to the Father and reign spiritually on earth by doing the will of God on earth and establishing His Kingdom on earth.

Finally, ndugu zangu, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, dhidi ya uovu wa kiroho katika maeneo ya juu. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Efe 6:10-12)

Instead of pleasing and serving their flesh by becoming partakers of the works of darkness, they shall serve the Spirit through obedience to the Word.

The sons of God shall never compromise with the lies and the works of the darkness, but shall reveal the lies and the works of the darkness and destroy them.

They shall resist the temptations of the devil and fight against sin and death instead of serving the death through sin and empower those, who serve the death through sin (Soma pia: ‘Akili ya kukaripia inafurahia dhambi na inafurahisha wale, Ambao hufanya dhambi’).

They shall reign together with Jesus Christ as kings and live as priests on earth, which means that they belong to Him, and hey shall live holy lives because that’s the Mapenzi ya Mungu.

‘Kuweni chumvi ya dunia’

Unaweza Pia Kupenda

    kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa