Every word of God that is written in the Bible contains the knowledge, sagesse, and the life of God. God’s Word is the truth and reveals a.o. the secrets of the Kingdom of God, la loi de l'Esprit, La volonté de Dieu, le bien et le mal, Christ, the dominion and inheritance of the sons of God (mâles et femelles), and how every son of God should walk on earth. Jesus is the living Word of God and everyone, who has become a new creation in Christ, should become like Jesus. Therefore God’s Word is a Mirror for the new creation; le nouvel homme, who is created in Jesus Christ after the image of God and in whom the Spirit of God dwells.
God’s Word is the express image of God
Dieu, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, Whom He hath appointed Heir of all things, by Whom also He made the worlds; Qui étant l'éclat de sa gloire, et l'image expresse de sa personne, et soutenant toutes choses par la parole de sa puissance, quand il avait lui-même purgé nos péchés, s'assit à la droite de la Majesté là-haut; Être rendu tellement meilleur que les anges, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they (Hébreux 1:1-4)
God’s Word is the express image of God and is the only tangible source of truth from God on earth. Jesus is the living Word of God, who came in the flesh, dans le likeness of man, à la terre. Jésus nous a montré, how the new creation; the new man ought to walk on earth.
Tout comme Jésus; the living Word represented God and His will and was the express Image of the Father, the new creation represents Jesus Christ and Sa volonté, which is also the will of the Father and is the express image of the Father and Jesus Christ; His Word on earth. Since the new creation is created after the image de Dieu (John 1:5, Romains 8:29, 2 Corinthiens 4:4, Éphésiens 4:24, Colossiens 1:15, Hébreux 1:1-4).
Through the process of sanctification and the renouvellement de votre esprit with the Word and by being a doer of the Word, you shall be the express image of Jesus; the Word on earth. Because the Word is the Mirror of the new man.
The Word reveals, who you are in Christ, your new nature, your inheritance in Him, how you take possession of your inheritance and live and walk in the dominion of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God as a son of God on earth, what you can expect in life as a son of God and things that will happen in the future.
All these secrets of God, which are hidden for the unspiritual soulish man, are revealed in Jesus Christ; the Word of God to the spiritual new man; fils de Dieu.
Focused on the provisions of God
Mais malheureusement, many Christians are not aware of that and don’t consider the Bible that way. To many Christians, the Bible is nothing more than a religious history Book with all kinds of laws and rules, that the majority of people don’t like. Many have inherited and adopted the faith of their parents and based their faith on what is preached every Sunday in the church. They don’t really know the Bible themselves and what the but de la Bible est. To them, their faith is more of a tradition than a way of life.
They say they believe in Jesus Christ and claim to be Christians, but their words and their works say something else.
Because they don’t speak the words and truth of God, comme Jésus. They don’t live in obedience to God, like Christ, and don’t preach the gospel and call the people to repentance and do the same works as Christ. But they are carnal and are led by the flesh and speak the words of the world and do the same works as the world and deny the words of the Bible.
Then there are Christians, who use the Bible and the Scriptures only for their own prosperity and ‘the (matériel) blessings of God’. They are only focused on the provisions of God and use the Scriptures in the Bible as mantra’s in their lives, to get what they desire and want. But that is not the purpose of God’s Word.
As written before in the article, 'Une foi technique’, Gods Word is not a magic book that you only grab and use when you want something and use the scriptures as a formula.
God’s Word is so much more than that.
The engrafted Word of God
Voyant que vous avez purifié vos âmes en obéissant à la vérité par l'Esprit pour un amour sincère des frères, veillez à vous aimer avec ferveur d'un cœur pur: Être né de nouveau, pas de graine corruptible, mais d'incorruptible, par la parole de Dieu, which liveth and abideth for ever (1 Pierre 1:22-23)
The words of God are like spiritual seeds, which should be planted in the lives of the new man. When you take the words of God and obey His words and walk in His words and become a doer of His words, you walk in faith in the truth, the light, et la vie. Only the planted word in the new man is able to keep souls and to save souls.
Depending on the soil, wherein the seed is planted, the seed shall strike root, germinate, grow and bear fruit, or the root will dry up and die (Lire aussi: The four kinds of believers).
Not hearers only, but doers of the Word
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. Mais quiconque regarde dans la loi parfaite de la liberté, et y demeure, il n’était pas un auditeur oublieux, mais un faiseur de l’œuvre, Cet homme sera béni dans son action (James 1:22-25)
La Parole dit, que ces, who are only hearers of the words of God and not doers, mislead themselves and are like unto a man, who behold his natural face in the mirror and go his way and straightway forget what manner of man he was.
The hearers of the Word forget, who they are in Christ through regeneration, what the Volonté de Dieu est, and the authority and power, God has given to the new creation.
Although they listen to the words of God every Sunday in church and hear about salvation, la Croix, régénération, the position and inheritance of the new creations, et la volonté de Dieu, they don’t do anything with this knowledge.
They may have a lot of head-knowledge of the Bible, but because they don’t speak the words and truth of God and don’t put their Bible knowledge into practice, but instead speak and be doers of the words of the world and live according to the truth, connaissance, et la sagesse du monde, they deceive themselves and remain the création ancienne, who lives in bondage to the world (le royaume des ténèbres (Lire aussi: Les auditeurs contre les acteurs).
They stay ignorant and don’t know, who they are as the spiritual man in Christ and what position and spiritual authority they have in Christ on earth.
God’s Word is a Mirror for the new man
When you wake up in the morning and get ready for the day, do you leave the house without looking in the mirror? Do you arrive at your work or school without looking in the mirror? Apparemment non.
Malheureusement, there are many, who start their day without the Word and without spending time with the Father.
But the new man is born of God and longs to spend time together with the Father in the Word. The new man listens to the words of God, yield himself to God and His words, and speaks and does the words of God.
L’homme nouveau, who walks after the Spirit is not double-minded and is not schizophrenic. He doesn’t go back and forth and is not one moment the new man and the other moment the old man.
Because although the gospel and the message have been adjusted throughout the years, after you are born again, it is still not the intention to raise the flesh from the dead. Because the flesh has been crucified in Christ and no longer lives.
The new man shall not walk after the flesh and shall not believe the lies of man, who are influenced and controlled by the kingdom of darkness.
But the new man shall walk after the Spirit in the truth of the law of liberty and shall expose and disprove the lies of the world with the truth of God’s Word.
Car tous ceux qui ont péché sans loi périront aussi sans loi: and as many, as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (Car ceux qui écoutent la loi ne sont pas justes devant Dieu, mais ceux qui appliquent la loi seront justifiés (Romains 2: 12-13)
O wratched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body if this death? Je rends grâce à Dieu par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur. Ainsi en est-il de l’esprit, Je sers moi-même la loi de Dieu; mais avec la chair, la loi du péché. Il n'y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ., qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car la loi de l'Esprit de vie en Jésus-Christ m'a affranchi de la loi du péché et de la mort.. Pour ce que la loi ne pouvait pas faire, en ce qu'il était faible à cause de la chair, Dieu envoie son propre Fils à l'image d'une chair pécheresse, et pour le péché, péché condamné dans la chair: Afin que la justice de la loi s'accomplisse en nous, qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car ceux qui suivent la chair se soucient des choses de la chair; mais ceux qui suivent l'Esprit, les choses de l'Esprit (Romains 7:24-8:5)
The new man shall always look in the Mirror of God’s Word and look in the perfect law of liberty. And by applying the words of God in his life, he shall walk in the truth and be blessed in his deed.
He shall know, who he is in Christ and what he looks like. When he goes out, he shall not forget who he is as the new creation, and he shall not walk as the old creation among the people. But he shall still know who he is and what he looks like.
Wherever he is and wherever he goes, he shall walk as the new man and speak and act in the truth and authority of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
'Soyez le sel de la terre’