This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus said to His disciples, this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end come. What did Jesus mean by that? What does this mean for Christians?

Jesus commanded believers to preach the gospel of the Kingdom

This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Metjū 24:14)

Jesus commanded believers to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to everyone. Jēzus teica, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature(Marka 16:15). Gada commandments of Jesus and the great commission were not only meant for His disciples then, but for all His followers, who have become His disciples.

2 korintieši 4:5-6 We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord

When you have decided to follow Jesus and made Him Lord over your life, then you are His disciple.

As His disciple, you should listen to Him and do, what Jesus has commanded you to do (Izlasi arī: Following Jesus will cost you everything).

If you say, that you believe and that you are a Christian, but you don’t listen to Jesus and His words and don’t do what Jesus says, and what Jesus has commanded you to do, then you are not a follower of Jesus and don’t belong to Him.

Because Jesus said, that His followers will listen to His voice and do what He says.

And why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)

One of these commandments, which Jesus gave, is to preach this gospel of the Kingdom. This means to bring the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom to everyone. Tā ka, everyone can make a decision, to believe the gospel and accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ or to not believe the gospel and reject the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Until the gospel is preached in the entire world, as a witness unto all nations, then the end shall come.

How do you preach the gospel?

When Christians hear about preaching the gospel, they immediately think about bringing the message of the Kingdom of God to the streets, going door by door, Uc. And yesThat is the commandment, which Jesus has given to His disciples. Maybe you think, that you are not called to do that. But Jesus has also called you to be His witness. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to not only preach the gospel, but to bring and preach the gospel with signs and wonders following you.

If you find it difficult to go out on the streets, then start with your family and friendsfirst. Bring the gospel to them. Share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, with your friends, neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues, Uc. Share your testimony with them.

When you meet someone, who is going through hard times and is discouraged, share your testimony with them. Give the person the answer to his or her problems, which is Jesus Christ.

The good news is not meant to keep for yourself. But the good news is meant to share. So that many people will be saved from destruction and will be given eternal life.

How many souls will you bring to the throne of God?

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