The greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

Jakejado Bibeli, we read about the greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations and natural impossibilities. Because the word ‘impossibleis not a word in God’s vocabulary. All things are possible for God! For those, who love God and trust Him and believe in Jesus; His Word and obey the Word and act and live according to the Word, nothing shall be impossible. Impossibilities don’t exist in the Kingdom of God, as long as it is according to the will of God. No one exceeds the greatness of God and nothing is stronger than the power of God! Look at the creation, the redemption of God’s people, their journey in the wilderness and taking the promised land, the many victories over the heathen nations, the miracles of the prophets, the coming of Jesus Christ, His life and perfect work of redemption, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the many signs and wonders in the lives of the born again believers; the sons of God. The whole Bible testifies of the greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations and natural impossibilities.

The greatness of God manifested in creation

The greatness of God was manifested during the creation of the heaven and the earth and all there is within. The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. In the natural realm, nothing was present to create a perfect creation from this chaos.

But since God acts from the spiritual realm and doesn’t depend on natural means it was no problem for God to create a perfect creation.

And so God created from the chaos and darkness a perfect heaven and earth and all there is within in six days. Because after His work was finished, God rested on the seventh day (Ka tun: ‘Did God create the heaven and the earth in six days? Or)

The greatness of God manifested in the promise to Abraham

God showed His greatness to Abraham by giving him the promise of a son. What seemed impossible in the natural realm, was possible for God. The only thing Abraham had to do was believe the words of God and believe His promise so that His promise would come to pass.

Sibẹsibẹ, through the interference of the natural wisdom and knowledge of man, things didn’t go according to God’s will and plan. But luckily God kept His promise and showed His greatness through the birth of Isaac (Ka tun: ‘Waiting for the promise').

The greatness of God manifested in the redemption of His people

When God’s people lived in slavery under the authority of Pharaoh in Egypt, they cried out unto God. God heard the cry of His people and delivered His people from the power of Pharaoh.

God showed His greatness in the plagues, which came over Egypt through the words and hands of Moses. The whole land was affected by the plagues, except for Goshen, the place where the people of God dwelled.

Eventually, Pharaoh let the people of God go and the people went on their way to the promised land.

But during their journey to the promised land, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and so pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army to get the people back.

When the people of God approached the Red sea and saw the army of Pharaoh approaching them, they became afraid and cried unto God and complained against Moses. At that moment there was no way out. In the natural realm, it was impossible to escape from Pharaoh’s army.

The Lord will give strength unto His peopleSince they were not spiritual, but carnal, they created all kinds of negative scenarios in their mind, which they confessed with their mouth. These negative scenarios didn’t immediately become reality, but eventually, all the words they had spoken came to pass.

Their expectation, that they would die in the wilderness became a reality for this first generation.

They didn’t enter the promised land and didn’t enter the rest of God, but they died during their journey because of their unbelief in God and His Word and because they grieved Him (Heb 3:7-15).

Moses told the people to not fear and to stand still so that they would see the salvation of the Lord. Because God would fight for them and they should hold their peace.

The Lord spoke to Moses and asked him why he cried unto Him. God commanded Moses and the people to go forward and lift up his rod and stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it, so that the people could go across on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

Moses trusted God and believed in His words and therefore Moses did what God commanded him to do.

Instead of reasoning his words, Moses acted upon the words of God and stretched out his hands over the sea. When Moses stretched out his hands over the sea, God caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided. And so the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground to the other side (Ex 14).

There are many more examples of the greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations and when things in the natural realm seemed impossible.

The greatness of God manifested in the life of Jesus Christ

The greatness of God manifested by the birth of Jesus Christ; the Word and during His life on earth. Jesus went in the Name of God; in the authority of God and called God’s people to repentance. Jesus revealed God’s Kingdom and the greatness of God through His words and the many signs and wonders.

Just look at the many conversions by hearing the words of Jesus and the many healings, deliverances, and raisings from the dead that took place through Jesuswords and acts.

And let’s not forget all the prophecies, the miraculous feedings of the multitudes (Mat 14:13-21; 15:32-39, Mar 6:30-44; Mar 8:1-10, Lu 9:10-17, Jn 6:1-15), the miraculous draught of fish (Lu 5:1-11, Jn 21:1-14), the water turned into wine (Jn 2:1-11), withering of the fig tree (Mat 21:18, Mar 11:12), the silencing of the storm (Mat 8:23-27, Mar 4:35-41, Lu 8:22-25) and the temple tax in the mouth of the fish (Mat 17:24-27).

But the greatest work, in which the greatness of God was manifested was, of course, the resurrection from the dead of His Son Jesus Christ and the creation of the new man (Ka tun: 'What kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth’, 'Jesus restored the position of fallen man’ and ‘The eighth day, the day of the new creation)

After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and after Jesus took place on the mercy seat at the right hand of God, The greatness of God and His power didn’t stop. By the coming of the Holy Spirit God’s greatness was manifested in the lives of His sons.

The greatness of God manifested in the lives of the sons of God

After the disciples of Jesus were baptized with the Holy Spirit and had become a titun ẹda; sons of God, they testified boldly of Jesus the Christ.

Although the greatness of God was visible in their lives through the many people, who were converted through their words and became born again and the signs and wonders that followed them, they a lot to endure.

Through their faith in Jesus Christ and their obedience to God they experienced a lot of resistance and it didn’t take long before they were persecuted, just like Jesus and the prophets in the Old Covenant.

The greatness of God manifested in captivity

There were many moments, which seemed hopeless. But every time God manifested His greatness.

God’s greatness was manifested in Peter’s life, when he was taken captive and put in prison. During the night an angel of the Lord came to Peter and released him from prison. God heard the prayers of the believers, who were assembled together and prayed for Peter. And so the greatness of God manifested and Peter was delivered from the hands of Herod (Act 12:1-19)

faith as a grain of mustard seedThe greatness of God was also manifested in the lives of Paul and Silas, when they were beaten and put in prison because they had cast out a spirit of divination in Philippi (part of Macedonia).

While Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God at midnight, suddenly there was a great earthquake, that shook the foundations of the prison. Immediately, all the doors were opened and every one’s bands were loosed.

The keeper of the prison woke up from his sleep and saw what happened and wanted to take his life, because he thought that the prisoners escaped. But Paul cried with a loud voice and said that he should not harm himself because all the prisoners were there.

The keeper asked Paul and Silas what he had to do to be saved. They said, belief on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your house. And so the keeper took them to his house and Paul and Silas spoke unto him and to all that were in his house the word of the Lord. He washed their stripes and the keeper and his house were baptized and believed in God (Act 16:19- 40).

There were many more situations in the lives of the sons of God, which seemed hopeless in the natural realm and things seemed impossible. But by faith in Jesus Christ; the Word and their trust in God and their steadfastness, the greatness of God made a way out so that the impossible became possible.

God acts from the spiritual realm

God acts from the spiritual realm and not from the natural realm, like the world. When the world has no solution and doesn’t see a way out, God has a way out. Sibẹsibẹ, God’s way and His time is not always according to the will of the old man. But in every hopeless situation and when things seem impossible there is way out by faith in Jesus Christ; His Word.

Bibeli; the Word of God testifies of God’s greatness and it’s up to you if you believe the words of God or not.

When you live after the Spirit you shall look differently towards situations than when you live after the flesh.

Because when you live after the flesh, you are led by your senses, will, ikunsinu, and emotions and you depend upon the circumstances and situations in your life.

When everything goes well and according to your will, then you are happy and joyful. But as soon as you experience a setback in your life and things don’t go as planned and don’t go according to your will, then suddenly you are not so happy and joyful anymore, but instead, you panic and become fearful, sad, depressed, hopeless and don’t see a way out.

As long as you stay carnal and your senses, will, ikunsinu, and emotions dictate your life, you shall always be depended upon circumstances and situations and you shall rely on natural means. Therefore you shall do everything you can to stay happy and feel good and experience peace in your life, through means of natural sources and entertainment.

But when you walk after the Spirit, you rely on Jesus; the Word and are led by the Word and the Spirit. You shall know who you are in Him and that He lives in you and always be with you. Through the Word, you know what it means to be a son of God, and how to walk as a son of God and you know what awaits for you. You shall believe the words of God and do what the Word says and therefore you shall experience the peace and joy of God in every situation in your life.

A victor without a battle doesn’t exist

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent (Rev 3:19)

Jesus didn’t say that there wouldn’t be storms in your life. But Jesus did say, that when you put your trust in the Word and be a doer of the Word stay in the Word and the storms come you shall stand and not be destroyed (Ka tun: ‘The hearers vs the doers of the Word')

Keep My commandments abide in My loveThrough difficult circumstances, you will grow up and mature and be formed as son of God. Because the Word says, whom the Lord loves, He chastens and scourges. Jesus said, that as many as He loves, He rebukes and chastens (Heb 12:3-11, Rev 3:19).

The Word says, that you should count it all joy, when you fall into divers temptations, because the trying of your faith works patience (Jam 1:1-4)

Many believers want to be victors and sing and confess with their mouths that they are victors, but they don’t want any battles in their lives.

As soon as they experience setbacks in their lives and things don’t go and turn out the way they want, they panic and become discouraged and depressed and don’t’ know what to do.

But they forget, that if you want to be a victor you need battles to overcome. There’s no such thing as a victor without a battle. You can only be an overcomer if you overcome something. If you don’t overcome something, you can’t be an overcomer.

The greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

The greatness of God is shown in hopeless situations, where there seems no hope and no solution in the natural realm. But you have to know that no situation is hopeless and impossible for God. But you have to rely on Him and believe in His words and obey them and do them in your life. God wants you to abide and stay in His Word, despite the duration and the opinions, resistance, and persecution of the people around you.

Jesus wants you to look at Him and trust Him instead of relying on the world and upon your own greatness, intellect, skills, and ability.

He wants you to walk in Awon ofin Re and act in faith according to His Word, so that God’s greatness shall manifest in your life and in the lives of others, and Jesus will be exalted and God will be honored and glorified.

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