Потеряла ли проповедь креста свою силу??

Павел не стыдился Евангелия Христа. Он не осмеливался говорить ни о чем другом, кроме как о распятом и воскресшем Христе, Сын живого Бога. Проповедь о кресте Христа была в его устах постоянно. Потому что Павел знал, что Евангелие Христово и проповедь о кресте есть сила Божия ко спасению для всякого верующего. Другие верующие также проповедовали крест, не ради собственной выгоды, но для пользы Христа. Но так ли это до сих пор? Проповедуется ли до сих пор тот же крест Христов?? Или проповедь креста утратила свою силу из-за модернизированной версии креста, который проповедуется?

Первая церковь и крестная проповедь

После сошествия Святого Духа на землю и вселения Святого Духа в новом человеке, Иисус Христос и проповедь креста Христова были центром. Верующие исполнились Духа Святого, благодаря чему они смело проповедовали Евангелие Иисуса Христа и призывали народ к покаяние.

Действия 1-8 вы получите силу Духа Святого, и будете Мне свидетелями

Проповедь креста и воскресение Христа из мертвых, укололи народ в его сердцах (Удар в их сердца), благодаря чему многие из дома Израилева покаялись и обратились к Иисусу Христу, Который проявил к ним Свою великую любовь, когда Он умер на кресте и потерпел смерть для них и Воскресший из мертвых.

3000 Души дома Израилева поверили словам Петра. Они были обличены в своем грехе и отдали свою жизнь Христу.

Через крещение в воде и крещение Святым Духом, they were added to the Church. Together with the 120 disciples of Jesus, they formed the Body of Christ on earth and became witnesses of Christ. 

That is what the unadulterated preaching of the cross; the crucified and risen Christ, вызванный. It is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. 

The good news was not well received by all 

Однако, this good message of God was not well received by all. To the religious leaders of the house of Israel of which many had the devil as father and did the lust of their father, this message was an offense and a threat to them.

They couldn’t endure the words of the believers and followers of Jesus, because their words called unto repentance. Their testimony made them so furious that they sought ways to silence the mouths of those, who preached this message. 

The gospel of Christ and the message of the cross caused persecution

And so the Body of Christ; the Church was persecuted. Многие христиане, who didn’t keep silent but boldly preached Jesus the Christ, были убиты. Только, because of the preaching of the cross of Christ that is the power of God 

Однако, the apostles and believers of Christ had counted the cost of following Jesus. They knew they would suffer persecution for the Name of Jesus and the cross of Christ. Однако, they were not intimidated and it didn’t stop them. The believers continued with the preaching of the cross, несмотря на последствия.

They remained faithful and obedient to their Lord Jesus Christ. They obeyed His commandment to preach the gospel to everyone and to make disciples of all the nations. (Читайте также: Подсчитайте стоимость).

The spiritual war between the light and the darkness

На протяжении веков, we see an ongoing spiritual war between the light and the darkness. We see the attacks on the gospel of Christ and the persecution of Christians.

The ruler of the darkness (мир) can’t endure Jesus Christ. He doesn’t allow the truth and light in his kingdom. Therefore the devil and those, who belong to the devil and the darkness, do everything they can to tempt and silence Christians and extinguish the light. (Читайте также: Тьма гасит свет).

They tempt and pressure them and pull on the feelings and emotions of Christians. And because many Christians are carnal and to many Christians faith is a religion, instead of having a personal relationship with Jesus (that originates from their encounter with Christ and their repentance) and living in Him in the light, they succumb under the temptations and pressure of the world.

Through the modern preaching of the cross, многие души потеряны

Через года, minor changes have been slowly made to the message of the cross. Whereby people took the feelings and emotions of people into consideration. So that the preaching of the cross of Christ would not cause the people to feel offended, insulted, condemned, Отклонено, and make them fearful, расстраивать, or angry.

Through ignorance (a lack of spiritual knowledge of the truth) and interference of the flesh. And through personal experiences and opinions, a modernized version of the preaching of the cross has been created. 

This modern version of the preaching of the cross doesn’t convict sinners of their sins, and doesn’t call to repentance and the crucifixion of the flesh. But this modern version of the preaching of the cross allows sinners and embrace the evil works of the flesh and darkness. (Читайте также: Сообщение, которое никто не хочет слышать).

Through human adjustments, the message of the cross has become powerless

Through the modern preaching of the cross, souls are not delivered from the power of darkness anymore. But souls keep living in the power of darkness, whereby many souls are lost.

Because by taking the flesh of man into account and adjusting the message of the cross of Christ, so that the message of the cross would no longer be an offense to people, the message is stripped of its power and the message of the cross has become powerless.

И самое худшее это, that the preachers and believers of this modern gospel assume they walk in the will of God and please Him and preach Jesus and make disciples of Jesus. Хотя на самом деле, they are henchman of the devil, who preach partial truths of God (враньё) and make children of the devil, who live as enemies of the cross after the will, вожделения, и желания плоти (Читайте также: Поддельный Иисус, who produces counterfeit Christians)

The people can’t endure the preaching of the cross

Мы живем в мире, where everything revolves around pleasing the will, похоть, и желания плоти. Из-за этого, the people can’t hear and endure the unadulterated preaching of the cross of Christ. That’s because the preaching of the cross is an offense to the carnal man, due to the conviction of sin and the call to repentance and the removal of sin. 

Филиппийцы 3-18-19 многие ходят как враги креста

In the early days, the people experienced the greatness of God through the preaching of Jesus Christ and the cross and the conviction of their sins by the Holy Spirit. By the hearing of the truth and the conviction of sin, they were cut in their hearts and repented. They devoted their lives to Jesus Christ and the Father.

They lived in submission and obedience to Him and walked in His will. 

Но в наши дни, people have become indifferent, through the pride and hardness of their hearts.

They don’t repent based on hearing the truth of God’s Word. But they feel offended, insulted, and become angry.

They can become so angry, that they are even able to kill Christians, who follow the true Jesus Christ and preach the truth of the gospel and the preaching of the cross of Christ.

Let the preaching of the cross which is the power of God be heard again!

Ибо проповедь о кресте – для погибающих безумием; а для нас, спасенных, это сила Божия (1 Коринфянам 1:18)

The preaching of the cross of Christ means salvation and justification of man and reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ and His redemptive work. It means the death of the old man (плоть) and the life of the new man (дух).

На кресте умирают грешники, и праведники воскресают в обновленной жизни.

Джон 15-20 Если они преследовали меня, они будут преследовать вас

Если вы распяты со Христом и воскресли в Нем, и вы получили Духа Святого, и вы являетесь свидетелем Христа, и истина Слова Божьего в ваших устах, Вы будете испытывать преследования в своей жизни со стороны вашего окружения.

Но вы должны помнить, что многие предшествовали вам.

Пророки в Ветхом Завете не хранили молчания. Но они говорили слова Божьи и призывали народ Божий к покаянию и послушанию Богу.

Иисус, Христос и Сын Бога живого, говорил слова Своего Отца. Он призвал дом Израилев к покаянию и послушанию Богу.

И все апостолы и верующие в Новый Завет (От первой церкви до наших дней) проповедовали Евангелие. They spoke the words of Christ (the words of the Father) and called the people to repentance and obedience to Jesus Christ and the Father. 

Let the sound preaching of the cross, as it is written in the Bible without interference from people, be in the mouth of Christians and return to the church. So that the preaching of the cross becomes the power of God again until salvation for everyone who believes and is willing to take up his or her cross and follow the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Articles about the cross:

«Будь солью земли’

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