We live in a time where many Christians don’t stand on the Word in full assurance, but doubt the words of God and compromise with the world and adjust the words of God to the world and the time we live in. Because you have to move with the times and can’t apply an ancient Book in this day and age. That might have worked in the old days, but not anymore. Но правда ли это? Can you no longer apply the Bible to your life in this day and age? Has the world changed and must the Bible move with the times or not?
Regeneration and the discernment of spirits
Христианин, who says to believe, but is not born again in Christ, is unspiritual and doesn’t discern the spirits. Many occultists move in the spiritual realm and may look spiritual and are considered spiritual, но на самом деле, they are not spiritual, but carnal and are influenced and led by demonic powers, because you can only become spiritual if your spirit is raised from the dead by the power of God.
Есть много людей, who are not born again in Christ and move in the occult realm from their soul and can predict the future and do great signs and wonders.
Look for example at Simon the sorcerer, who bewitched the people of Samaria with sorcery. The people considered Simon as the great power of God, but Simon didn’t belong to God.
And also the woman, who had a spirit of divination, which was an evil spirit from the kingdom of darkness, didn’t belong to God (Действия 8:9-11; 16:16-18 (Читайте также: ‘Нужно ли вам родиться свыше, чтобы войти в сверхъестественное??')).
Есть много христиан, кто говорит, что они рождены свыше, but are spiritually blind and don’t see what is truly going on.
They don’t discern the spirits and what is going on in the spiritual realm, За пределами природного царства, whereby they are ignorant and tempted, and misled.
People can speak spiritual words, but their actions show if they are truly born again and spiritual and believe what they say and if the Word and the Holy Spirit abide in them or not.
A son of God is yielded to God instead of the devil
One of the characteristics of a son of God is that a son of God is yielded to God and is obedient to Him and His Word and shall never bow for the devil and shall never be influenced and led by him and his minions.
Сын Божий, who is born of God and has His nature shall never compromise with sin and tolerate sin, under no condition (Читайте также: ‘Каковы качества сына Божьего?').
If someone, кто говорит, что он христианин, tolerates and accepts sin and maybe even practices and perseveres in sin in secret, is not born of God and doesn’t belong to God, Но дьявол, since the person is led by the flesh, in which the sinful nature reigns.
The world has not changed in terms of sin. The same sins, which are practiced today by many people and are tolerated and accepted by many churches, are not new but were already practiced by the people in the Old Testament.
The works of the flesh have been practiced for centuries
Итак умертвите члены ваши, которые на земле; блуд, нечистота, чрезмерная привязанность, злое похоть, и жадность, что такое идолопоклонство: for which things’ ради того, чтобы гнев Божий падал на детей противления: В котором вы тоже гуляли некоторое время, когда вы жили в них. Но теперь и вы отложили все это; злость, гнев, злоба, богохульство, грязное общение из твоих уст. Не лгите друг другу, видя, что вы отстранили ветхого человека от дел его; И надел нового человека, обновляющийся в познании по образу Создавшего его (Колоссянам 3:5-10)
Теперь дела плоти очевидны, какие это; прелюбодеяние, блуд, нечистота, похотливость, Идолопоклонство, колдовство, ненависть, дисперсия, эмуляции, гнев, борьба, мятеж, ереси, Зависть, убийства, пьянство, пиршества, и тому подобное: из того, о чем я тебе говорил раньше, как я уже говорил тебе в прошлом, что поступающие так Царствия Божия не наследуют (Галатам 5:19-22)
Дела плоти (грехи) were practiced by the Gentiles. But God didn’t want His people to adapt their works and do the same works and lived the same lives as the Gentiles, who didn’t know God.
God wanted His people to live holy lives, which means that His people would live in obedience to His words after His will in His Truth.
God had separated His chosen people from all the other pagan nations in the world and because of the holy and righteous walk of His people, His people showed that they loved God and belonged to God.
All the works of the flesh, like adultery, блуд, (сексуальный) нечистота, женственность, похотливость, чрезмерная привязанность, идолопоклонство, колдовство, злость, ненависть, дисперсия, эмуляции, гнев, злоба, борьба, богохульство, грязное общение, врущий, мятеж, ереси, злое похоть, жадность, зависть, воровство, убийства, пьянство, пиршества, и тому подобное, have been practiced for centuries by those, кто не знает Бога, don’t love God and don’t belong to Him. И это до сих пор (1 Коринфянам 6:9, Галатам 5:19-22, Колоссянам 3:5-10).
Jesus has dealt with the cause of sin
Иисус Христос, Сын Живого Бога, has dealt with the cause of sin, namely the sin nature, which reigns in the flesh and causes the people to persevere in sin. Jesus has redeemed mankind from sin, which is a fruit of death and leads to death, by His blood and крест.
Only by faith in Jesus Christ and регенерация в нем, people can be redeemed from the sin nature, which reigns in the flesh and be saved.
But because many people love their lives in the world and are not willing to put off their flesh (put off the old man and his works) and don’t consider sin as evil, many false doctrines have arisen and all kinds of manners and ways have been founded to keep doing the works of the flesh without feeling guilty about it.
The words of God have been adjusted to the lusts, desires and will of people, and doctrines have arisen, which approve of the works of the flesh and sometimes even promote the works of the flesh.
Has the world changed or has the wickedness increased?
В связи с тем, that many Christians remain unspiritual, because they are not truly born again and keep living after the flesh like the world instead of living after the Spirit in the Truth of God, the wickedness has increased. And that’s exactly what is happening around us.
The world has not changed but the wickedness has increased and now we see the fruit of it.
Because of the increase of wickedness, the morals of people have changed and the creation of God, including man, and the will of God and His commandments, постановления, and covenants are being attacked and destroyed.
All the rebellion, насилие, голод, болезни, суматоха, эпидемии, Стихийные бедствия, and chaos in the lives of people and on earth, don’t have a natural cause, as the scholars of the world, who are natural people and don’t have the Spirit of God, say and make the people believe, but have, согласно Слову, a spiritual cause, namely sin, whereby people serve the devil and empower him, his army and kingdom (Читайте также: ‘Сила дьявола основана на грехе').
The words of God are adjusted to the wickedness of people, instead of Christians entering the spiritual battle, fighting against the wickedness by submitting to Jesus Christ and standing on the Word and obeying the words of God, and applying the words of God in their lives, so that they become doers of the Word (Читайте также: ‘Слушатели против исполнителей')
Because all scripture is given by inspiration of God and every word of God is still profitable for doctrine, для обличения, для исправления, для наставления в праведности: that the man of God may be perfect, полностью приготовлен ко всякому доброму делу (2 Тимоти 3:16-17).
But because the words and lies of the devil (мир) are believed above the words and the truth of God, the salt has lost its savour and the light that is supposed to shine in the darkness, becomes weaker. Through the lives and works of people and their disobedience to the words and will of God, the darkness is not pushed back, but the darkness only increases.
The return to the Word and the restoration of the people and the land
If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people; If My people, которые называются Моим Именем, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Хроники 7:13-14)
For so hath the Lord commanded us, говоря, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth (Действия 13:47)
If the believers would return to God and yield themselves to the Head, Иисус Христос, and obey the Word and pray and do, what they are supposed to do and отбросить старика и надеть нового человека and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and call the people to покаяние и удаление греха, starting in the churches, instead of compromising with the world and sin, then there will be a change in the churches, in the heavenly places and on earth.
Then the believers would walk by faith after the Word and live according to the will of God and righteousness would reign over sin and iniquity and they would be the light to the Gentiles and be for salvation, so that they also believe, repent and become born again in Christ and walk after the will of God. And as a result, the people and the land would be healed; восстановленный, and made whole by God.
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