V liste Efezanom 6:14, we read about the second element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the breastplate of righteousness. What does the Bible say about the breastplate of righteousness? What is the breastplate of righteousness and what does it mean having on the breastplate of righteousness?
What does having on the breastplate of righteousness mean?
Preto si vezmite celú Božiu výzbroj, aby ste mohli odolať v zlý deň, a urobiť všetko, stáť. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:13-14)
Jesus is righteous and walked in obedience to His Father in righteousness on earth. Každý, kto je znovuzrodený in Christ has been made righteous by His blood and is reconciled with the Father and shall walk just like Jesus; Syn Boží, as son of God after the Spirit in righteousness.
Every person is a sinner
As it is written, There is none righteous, č, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; niet nikoho, kto by robil dobro, č, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes (Rimanom 3:10-18)
Hľa, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me (žalmy 51:5)
Každý, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi, is born in unrighteousness and belongs to the generation of fallen man (starý muž) and is a sinner.
No one is born in righteousness and/or has been made righteous by his or her own works, including the works of the law of Moses, since the fallen state of the old man and the sin nature of the old man can’t be changed by the works of the law. Z dôvodu, že, sin and death will continue to reign in man.
Každý, who thinks and believes that (s)he has been made righteous and saved by his or her own works, including keeping the law of Moses, doesn’t live in the truth, but lives in a lie. Just like everyone, kto hovorí, že (s)he has no sin, misleads himself or herself and lives in a lie (Rimanom 3:20, Galaťanom 2:21, 1 John 1:8)
There is only Jednosmerný to be made righteous and be saved and that is by faith in Jesus Christ, Syn živého Boha, and by His blood (Rimanom 1:16, Rimanom 3:28, Rimanom 5:10-21, Ephesians 1:7, Kolosanov 1:13-14, Filipským 3:9).
Being made righteous by the redemptive work and the blood of Jesus Christ
Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, ale maj večný život (John 3:16).
Teraz sa však zjavuje Božia spravodlivosť bez zákona, Svedectvo zákona a prorokov; Božiu spravodlivosť, ktorá je z viery v Ježiša Krista pre všetkých a pre všetkých, ktorí veria: pretože v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel: Lebo všetci zhrešili, a chýba im Božia sláva; Byť ospravedlnení zadarmo z Jeho milosti skrze vykúpenie, ktoré je v Kristovi Ježišovi: ktorého Boh ustanovil, aby bol zmierením skrze vieru v jeho krv, aby vyhlasoval svoju spravodlivosť na odpustenie hriechov, ktoré sú minulé, skrze Božiu znášanlivosť; Deklarovať, Hovorím, v tomto čase Jeho spravodlivosť: aby mohol byť spravodlivý, a ospravedlňovateľ toho, kto verí v Ježiša (Rimanom 3:21-26)
Therefore God sent out of love His Son to the earth as an atoning sacrifice and the Substitute for fallen man, so that everyone, who believes in Him would no longer live in bondage to death, but would have the ability to be redeemed from the power of sin and death that reign in the flesh and to become in Him a new man, who is created after the obraz Boha in righteousness.
Because by the blood of Jesus Christ and regenerácia v Kristovi; the death of the flesh in which death reigns and that produces the fruit of death which is sin, and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, in which life reigns and produces the fruit of righteousness, the old man no longer exists, but the old man has become the new man.
Not every person remains a sinner
Vzdávanie vďaky Otcovi, čo nám umožnilo stretnúť sa, aby sme mali účasť na dedičstve svätých vo svetle: Ktorý nás vyslobodil z moci temnoty, a preložil nás do Kráľovstva svojho drahého Syna: V kom máme vykúpenie skrze Jeho krv, aj odpustenie hriechov (Kolosanov 1:12-14)
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law (Rimanom 3:28)
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous (Rimanom 5:18-19)
Nový človek už nie je starý. Therefore the new man is no longer a sinner, but has been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ.
From the moment you are made righteous in Christ, it is a sin to call yourself a sinner.
Because by calling yourself a sinner, you say indirectly that God is a Liar, that His Word lies, that Jesus has not been made sin, and that His redemptive work is not finished.
Preto, by saying that, you deny the vykupiteľské dielo Ježiša Krista.
Because you say, that His work was not sufficient and the blood of Jesus Christ is not powerful enough to change your state as a sinner and make you righteous before God.
As long as you see yourself as a sinner after you’ve become born again, and keep confessing that you are a sinner, there is something wrong. Because a sinner is someone, who obeys sin and perseveres in sin, and enjoys living in sin. A sinner is rebellious and prideful and is not willing to yield to God and His will. Because the flesh in which the sinful nature dwells, always rebels against the Spirit and refuses to submit to the law of the Spirit.
Why do people say, that you are a sinner and will always remain a sinner? So that people don’t have to die to the flesh and put off the works of the old man, but keep doing the works of the flesh, without being confronted by others and volať ich k pokániu.
But as long as you want to do the works of the flesh and want to obey sin, it actually proves that you don’t belong to God and His Kingdom, but that you still belong to the world and the ruler of the world; diabol (Prečítajte si tiež: Kedysi hriešnik, vždy hriešnik?)
The new creation has been made righteous in Jesus Christ
Preto, ak je niekto v Kristovi, Je to nové stvorenie: Staré veci sú pominuteľné; hľa, Všetky veci sa stávajú novými (2 Korinťanom 5:17)
Teraz sme Kristovými vyslancami, akoby ťa Boh prosil o nás: prosíme vás namiesto Krista, zmierte sa s Bohom. Veď On Ho urobil hriechom pre nás, ktorý nepoznal hriech; aby sme sa v ňom stali Božou spravodlivosťou (2 Korinťanom 5:20-21)
Slovo hovorí, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God has been made sin, so that everyone by faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ becomes a new creation and be made the righteousness of God in Him.
You have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now that you have been made righteous in Him and received the nature of God, prebývaním Ducha Svätého, you shall yield yourself to God and His Word and walk after the Spirit in the truth and in righteousness.
The new man is no longer a servant of sin, but a servant of righteousness
Ježiš im odpovedal, Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. Ak vás teda Syn vyslobodí, budete skutočne slobodní (John 8:34-36)
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; či už od hriechu až po smrť, alebo z poslušnosti k spravodlivosti? (Rimanom 6:16)
When you were still the old man, you were a friend of the world and lived as the world and walked after the flesh in disobedience to God and did things, of which you are now ashamed.
The sin; the sinful nature reigned as king in your life and had dominion over you and you obeyed it in the lusts therefore and yielded your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin and lived in uncleanness and iniquity (Rimanom 6:12-13, 19-22)
But that all changed, when you became a new creation; the new man in Christ. Because by the blood of Jesus Christ, you were reconciled with God and received a new nature, causing you to no longer walk as before in unrighteousness, but causing you to walk in righteousness.
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rimanom 6:17-23)
When you became a son of God, you were transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God and became an enemy of the world. Preto, you don’t belong to the world; the kingdom of darkness anymore and because of that you shall no longer live like the world and do the same unrighteous works as the world. But you belong to God and His Kingdom. You have been made righteous and holy, which means that you are separated from the world unto God, and therefore you shall obey His will and shall do the righteous works of the Kingdom, presne ako Ježiš.
“Nech hriech už viac nevládne ako kráľ”
Sin no longer reigns as king in your flesh and has no dominion over you, since you have died to the flesh in Christ.
Therefore you shall no longer live as a služobník hriechu and obey sin and live in sin, but you shall have dominion through the Spirit over sin and put off the works of the flesh; the works of the old man.
You are no longer a servant of sin, but you have become a servant of God. Therefore you shall yield your members as instruments of righteousness unto God and live in righteousness and holiness.
V duchovnej oblasti, you have been made the righteousness of God and your righteous state shall be revealed through your walk and life on earth.
Každý, who is born of God does righteousness
If ye know that He is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him (1 John 2:29)
Kto v ňom zotrváva, nehreší: kto hreší, nevidel Ho, neither known Him. Malé deti, nech ťa nikto neklame: kto koná spravodlivo, je spravodlivý, aj keď je spravodlivý. Kto pácha hriech, je z diabla; lebo diabol hreší od počiatku. Na tento účel sa zjavil Boží Syn, aby mohol zničiť skutky diabla.
Kto sa narodil z Boha, nepácha hriech; lebo jeho semeno zostáva v ňom: a nemôže hrešiť, pretože sa narodil z Boha. V tom sa prejavujú Božie deti, a deti diabla: kto nekoná spravodlivosť, nie je od Boha, ani ten, kto nemiluje svojho brata (1 John 3:6-10)
Those who are born of God have been made righteous and because of that they shall walk just like Jesus Christ, Who is the image and reflection of God, in righteousness.
They shall no longer be dominated and led by the sin nature, that dwells in the flesh, but they shall be led by the Spirit, whereby they shall fulfill the righteousness of the law (Rimanom 8:4-5 (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Is man able to fulfill the law of God?')
Ježiš povedal, that you shall recognize the tree by its fruits. Therefore if anyone keeps walking in disobedience to God, in obedience to the sin nature, a zotrváva v hriechu, it proves that the person is not born of God and doesn’t belong to Him.
The spirit of error
Bohužiaľ, the spirit of error has deceived many people and has made them believe that those, who persevere in sin and sin willfully do belong to God and that God loves those, who persevere in sin and that God doesn’t mind if people keep sinning and that it doesn’t matter if you keep living in sin. But that’s half a truth and therefore a lie!
God indeed loves mankind and as proof of His love, He gave His Son, so that everyone had the ability to be redeemed from the power of the sin nature and no longer live as a slave of sin in the bondage of death and keep doing evil works of the flesh, which are an abomination to God and which God hates (Oh. Príslovia 6:16-19, Jeremiáš 44:4, Hebrejci 1:9, Zjavenie 2:6-15).
Do you really think, that God doesn’t mind if a person keeps living in rebellion against His Word and His will and perseveres in sin and that God approves sin? Nie, samozrejme, že nie. Sin has cost God His Son Jesus Christ! (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘The sin has killed Jesus').
Righteousness has no common ground with unrighteousness
But unto the Son He saith, Tvoj trón, O God, je na veky vekov: žezlo spravodlivosti je žezlo Tvojho kráľovstva. Miloval si spravodlivosť, a nenávidel neprávosť; teda Boh, dokonca aj Tvoj Boh, pomazal Ťa olejom radosti nad Tvojich blížnych (Hebrejci 1:8-9)
Don’t believe the words of people, who change the truth of God and adjust the words of God to their own carnal lusts and desires and the time in which we live. Namiesto toho, believe the Word.
Read, study, and search the scriptures in the Bible, so that you will find out the truth and life.
Because by the Word and the Holy Spirit you shall be able to discern the truth from the lies and expose the lies and doctrines of the spirit of error and reject them.
Don’t let anyone fool you by saying that the Bible is outdated and no longer applies.
Every word of God still applies to all mankind today and shall always apply.
Celé písmo je dané inšpiráciou od Boha, a je prospešný pre doktrínu, na pokarhanie, na opravu, za poučenie o spravodlivosti: Aby bol Boží muž dokonalý, dôkladne zariadený ku všetkým dobrým skutkom (2 Timotej 3:16-17)
The devil doesn’t sit still and has sent his henchman and placed them in influential positions worldwide. Áno, even in many churches he has appointed his sons, who may look pious and righteous from the outside, but inwardly they are the exact opposite and are sons of the devil and enemies of righteousness, who promote sin and unrighteousness.
They change the truth of God into lies and approve sin and unrighteousness and lead the people astray, so that they keep living after the flesh in rebellion to God and persevere in sin (2 Korinťanom 11:14-15).
Their mouths are open graves, because every word, that proceeds out of their mouths doesn’t promote sanctified lives unto God and doesn’t lead the people to eternal life, but promotes unholy lives and leads the people to eternal death.
Každý, who belongs to the world and is an enemy of righteousness and lives in disobedience to the will of God, ktorý je zjavený cez Slovo, and is not willing to yield to the will of God, is an enemy of God and doesn’t belong to Him.
The new man is clothed with the breastplate of righteousness
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:23-24)
As long as you stay in Jesus Christ; the Word and walk after the Spirit in obedience to God after His will and put on the new man, whereby you shall walk in righteousness and do righteous works, you shall have on the breastplate of righteousness.
You shall have on the breastplate of righteousness that guards your heart, from which are the issues of life and belongs to God(Príslovia 4:20-23).
You shall walk by faith after the Spirit in the Truth in righteousness after His will and nothing shall be able to touch you and harm you
The devil shall come and try to attack you and accuse you, but he shall have nothing in you, because you have been made righteous in Christ and you walk in obedience to Him in His prikázania and walk in His footsteps in righteousness (Oh. John 14:30, 1 John 5:18).
You shall speak His words and walk after His will and pray after His will and do the works in His Name after His will and the Lord shall listen and answer and empower your words and works, so that you shall bear the fruit of righteousness and exalt Jesus Christ and honor the Father (Oh. John 15:7, hebrejčina 12:11, James 3:18, 1 Peter 3:12).
The saints shall be clothed in white linen and receive the crown of righteousness
Ježiš povedal, Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ Záujme: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matúš 5:10)
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness (2 Peter 3:13)
The saints, who belong to God and have been made righteous in Christ and because of their righteous state walk in righteousness after His will, shall inherit eternal life and be clothed in white linen; the righteousness of the saints, and receive the crown of righteousness.
They shall live on the new earth, where righteousness dwells, because righteousness is the scepter of God’s Kingdom (aktov 17:31, 2 Timotej 2:8, Hebrejci 1:8, 2 Peter 3:13, Zjavenie 19:8).
„Buď soľou zeme“