Что означает взять шлем спасения?

В Послании к Ефесянам 6:17, we read about the fifth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the helmet of salvation. Paul commanded to take the helmet of salvation. Что такое шлем спасения? What does the Bible say about the helmet of salvation? How do you take the helmet of salvation

What does take the helmet of salvation иметь в виду?

Поэтому стойте, препоясав чресла истиной, и имея нагрудник праведности; И ноги ваши обуты в готовность благовествовать мир; Превыше всего, взяв щит веры, которым вы сможете угасить все раскаленные стрелы нечестивых. И возьми шлем спасения (Ефесянам 6:14-17)

Иисус Христос, Сын живого Бога, is the only Way to God and the only Way to salvation. Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer for fallen mankind. Only through Jesus Christ and by his blood man can be saved from the power of the devil and be reconciled with God. There is no other way to salvation.

Ибо все вы — дети Божии по вере во Христа Иисуса. Ибо все вы, во Христа крестившиеся, во Христа облеклись (Галатам 3:26-27)

Те, who are born again by faith in Christ and have become a new creation, belong to Him and are clothed with Christ and walk in the spiritual armor of God and take the helmet of salvation.

The helmet of salvation upon His head

Да, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment. And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore His arm brought salvation unto Himи Его праведность, it sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplateand an helmet of salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke (Исайя 59:15-17)

Иисус Христос, Сын Божий и живое Слово, came to the earth to save (упал) man from the power of the devil and sin and death and restore the peace between God and man (Читайте также: ‘Какой мир принес Иисус на землю?‘ и ‘Мир, Иисус восстановлен между падшим человеком и Богом.'). 

Слова, которые я говорю, от Отца

Jesus walked in the truth and righteousness of God with the helmet of salvation upon His head.

Everywhere Jesus came He preached the truth of God and brought deliverance to those, who were in need, and made the way of salvation known.

Jesus yielded to God and through His послушание Богу Jesus stayed faithful to God and the devil couldn’t enter His life.

By walking after the Spirit in obedience to the will of His Father, Jesus had the helmet of salvation on His head, whereby His mind was fully protected against every deception, temptation, and attack of the devil and his kingdom. Therefore the devil was not able to tempt Jesus to sin.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peacethat bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvationthat saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Исайя 52:7)

Jesus set the example of how we, как новое творение, should walk in the truth and righteousness of God after His will and walk in the salvation of God, so that we are able to resist every attack of the devil on our mind.

Через послушание Слову, we shall be His witnesses and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and make the way of salvation known to those, who are still the old creation and are trapped in the lies of the devil and live in the bondage of sin and death in fear, and redeem them from the power of the devil, точно так же, как Иисус, who was a Witness of God and redeemed the people from the power of the devil.

The new creation takes de helmet of salvation

Но давайте, кто сегодня, быть трезвым, надевая нагрудник веры и любви; and for an helmet, надежда на спасение. Ибо Бог не назначил нас на гнев, но получить спасение от Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, Кто умер за нас, что, просыпаемся ли мы или спим, мы должны жить вместе с Ним(1 Салоники 5:8-10)

Но после этого явилась благость и любовь Бога, Спасителя нашего к человеку, Не по делам праведности, которые мы совершили, но по милости Своей Он спас нас, путем промывки регенерации, и обновление Святым Духом; Который Он обильно излил на нас через Иисуса Христа, нашего Спасителя; Это оправдано Его благодатью, Мы должны стать наследниками в надежде на жизнь вечную (Тит 3:4-7)

Salvation comes from God and no one else. No one can be saved through his own works. Therefore salvation is a gift from God, which only can be received by faith (Ой. Джон 3:16-17, римляне 5:9, Ефесянам 2:8-10).

Through faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, you receive the salvation of the Lord and be saved. Через регенерацию, ты становишься новым творением; a son of God and receive eternal life. 

Хотя ты живешь в мире, due to regeneration in Christ, you no longer belong to the world but the Kingdom of God, where Jesus Christ is King and Jesus Christ reigns (Ой. Исайя 9:6, Дэниел 7:27, Джон 12:13-15, Джон 18:36-37, Действия 2:30, Ефесянам 1:20-22, Колоссянам 1:13-14, 1 Тимоти 1:17, 1 Тимоти 6:15, Джуд 1:25, Откровение 17:14, Откровение 19:16).

Божиею милостью, you are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and through the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead.

Now that you are saved, you shall live from your salvation in Christ and your position in Him and walk after the Word and the Spirit, Которые представляют волю Бога, so that you shall keep your salvation during your life on earth (Читайте также: 'Once saved, always saved?'). 

Через крещение Святым Духом, you received the Holy Spirit. Святой Дух обитает в тебе, whereby the will of God (Его закон) написано в твоем сердце. 

Однако, your unrenewed mind is still carnal. Therefore your mind is a hindrance and may stop you from yielding to the words and the will of God and obeying the Word and the Holy Spirit.

Поэтому необходимо обнови свой разум со Словом Божьим, so that your mind shall no longer think like the world and relies on the flesh and the wisdom and knowledge of the world (наука), but that your mind shall think like the Word; Jesus Christ and relies on the Spirit and the wisdom and knowledge of God, so that you have the mind of Christ and think, говорить, act and walk as Jesus thought, spoke, acted and walked on earth.

 The mind determines the course in life

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city (Пословицы 16:32)

The mind determines the course of life of man. Because every thought, каждое слово, and every action derives from the mind. Поэтому, it’s necessary to renew your mind with the truth of God, so that through the renewing of your mind with the Word and by yielding to God and His Word, everything in your life comes under the power of God and you shall think His мысли, speak His words and His truth, и ходить в истине.

If you renew your mind with the Word of God you shall no longer be ignorant and have a lack of knowledge, but you shall possess the wisdom and knowledge of God and you shall know His will.

Через Слово, you shall find out the truth and destroy the lies and the strongholds of the devil and the kingdom of darkness in your mind. You shall know, Кто вы in Christ and what authority and inheritance you have received in Him. From this truth, you shall walk by faith and obedience to God and live as the new creation (Читайте также: ‘Твердыни в сознании людей').

The devil’s attack on your mind

The devil will do everything he can to take your salvation and make you apostate from God and His Word. Since the devil knows the power of the mind, the devil shall shoot his arrows at you and do everything he can to find a way into your head and enter your mind and take possession of your mind.

He shall use your senses, чувства, эмоции, мысли, and the words of people, to sow doubt and fear in your mind, so that you will doubt the words of God and God’s existence and you shall doubt your salvation and your sonship of God.

не боритесь с плотью и кровью

The devil shall keep you away from the Bible in order to keep you ignorant and he shall master your time, through distractions, заботы, and the things of everyday life. He shall feed your mind through his means of entertainment (Читайте также: 'Позволь мне развлечь тебя').

The devil shall do everything in his power, to take possession of your mind, so that you shall believe his lies and shall live according to his lies.

He shall try everything to take the helmet of salvation from you, so that your mind doesn’t belong to Christ anymore, but to him.

Черт знает, when he possesses your mind, he possesses your life. Since everything derives from the mind of people. The head determines the functioning of the body.

Поэтому, you should always stay awake and be watchful and be careful about what you allow into your mind and what you listen to and watch.

You decide what things you spend your time on and what things you feed your mind. You decide to whom your mind belongs and you will show what is important to you and where your heart is, by the things you do.

Seek the things, which are above and not on the earth

Итак, если вы воскреснете со Христом, ищите то, что выше, где Христос сидит по правую руку от Бога. Настройтесь на вещи выше, не о вещах на земле. Ибо ты мертв, и жизнь твоя сокрыта со Христом в Боге (Колоссянам 3:1-3)

Как новое творение, who is set apart from the world and belongs to Christ, Вы должны отбросить старика и надеть нового человека and you shall seek those things, которые выше, где Христос восседает по правую руку Отца.

You shall feed and renew your mind with the Word of God, so that you shall get to know the truth and the will of God and be able to discern the lies from the truth.

You shall have the mind of Christ in which the will of God reigns.

Your mind shall belong to Jesus Christ and you shall submit to Jesus Christ; the Word and you shall live by faith after the Spirit after His will. 

But if you refuse to put on the new man and keep feeding your mind with the words and the things of this world, your mind shall remain carnal and you shall think, speak and act like the world and you shall not yield to Jesus Christ; слово.

Since a carnal mind is enmity against God, because a carnal mind shall not yield and obey the words and the will of God, but shall be prideful and shall exalt itself above God and His will (Его закон (римляне 8:5-8)).

A carnal mind belongs to the world and the ruler of this world; the devil and shall submit to the will of the devil, which reigns in the flesh through sin and death. Из-за этого, the person shall not live in the freedom of Christ and in the peace of God, but shall live in the bondage of the kingdom of darkness and the power of the devil. 

Take the helmet of salvation and keep the helmet of salvation on

Благословен Бог и Отец Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in Whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls (1 Питер 1:3-9)

Ибо я не стыжусь благовествования Христова: ибо это сила Божия ко спасению всякому верующему; еврею в первую очередь, а также греческий (римляне 1:16)

Поэтому, take the helmet of salvation and keep the helmet of salvation on, by faith and by yielding to Jesus Christ; тот Автор вечного спасения.

By Jesus Christ, you are saved, and as long as you stay obedient to Jesus Christ and stay in Jesus Christ; слово, and keep His commandments and don’t leave Him and His words during your life, you shall keep your salvation.

You shall be saved and because your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, you shall preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and make the way of salvation known to others, because you are not ashamed of the gospel, because it’s the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.

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