Chúa Thánh Thần vs tinh thần thời đại mới, linh hồn nào ngự trong bạn?

The new age is a spirit of the world and is active in many lives, which is visible through the speech, conduct, and behavior of people. Until a few years ago, the new age spirit was only active in the lives of people, who belonged to the world and was opposed by the most powerful institution (body) in the world, namely the Church of Christ. It was the Church that stayed faithful to the Head Jesus Christ and was spiritually awake and discerned the spirits, therefore the Church discerned the new age spirit and kept the new age spirit out of the Church. Tuy nhiên, throughout the years, through the ignorance of Christians and the wordiness and due to the fact that many Christians have fallen into a deep spiritual sleep,  the new age spirit found a way into the Church and has entered many churches through the lives of carnal Christians. Kết quả là, the new age spirit is not only present in the world and not only working in the lives of unbelievers, những người thuộc về thế giới, but the new age spirit is also present in many churches and is working in the lives of many Christians. Many Christians think they have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, trong khi thực tế, they have the new age spirit abiding in them. How do you recognize the new age spirit? What are the characteristics of the Holy Spirit and what are the characteristics of the new age spirit? What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the new age spirit? Which spirit abides in you, the Holy Spirit or the new age spirit?

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

Nhưng Đấng An Ủi, đó là Đức Thánh Linh, whom the Father will send in My Name, Anh ấy sẽ dạy bạn mọi điều, và mang tất cả mọi thứ vào kỷ niệm của bạn, bất cứ điều gì tôi đã nói với bạn (John 14:26)

Nếu bạn yêu tôi, giữ các điều răn của Ta. Và tôi sẽ cầu nguyện với Chúa Cha, và Ngài sẽ ban cho bạn một Đấng Yên ủi khác, để Ngài có thể ở bên bạn mãi mãi; Ngay cả Thần Khí sự thật; người mà thế giới không thể đón nhận, bởi vì nó không thấy Ngài, cũng không biết Ngài: nhưng các bạn biết Ngài; vì Ngài ở cùng bạn, và sẽ ở trong bạn (John 14:15-17)

John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickens flesh profits nothing the words i speak are spirit and life

Tuy nhiên khi Ngài, Thần Khí của sự thật, đến, Ngài sẽ hướng dẫn bạn vào mọi sự thật: vì Ngài sẽ không nói về chính Ngài; nhưng bất cứ điều gì Ngài sẽ nghe thấy, Ngài sẽ nói điều đó: và Ngài sẽ cho bạn thấy những điều sắp xảy ra. Ngài sẽ tôn vinh Ta: vì Ngài sẽ nhận của Ta, và sẽ cho bạn thấy điều đó. Mọi sự Cha có đều là của Ta: do đó tôi đã nói, that He shall take of mine, và sẽ cho bạn thấy điều đó (John 16:13-15)

Đức Thánh Linh là Đấng An Ủi khác, Whom the Father would send in the Name of Jesus. That’s the promise, Jesus gave to His disciples.

Jesus made the Holy Spirit known to His disciples and said, that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and that the Holy Spirit would be their Teacher and guide them into all truth.

The Holy Spirit would not speak of Himself, but what He would hear Jesus speak that would He speak and He would show them things to come. And when they would be persecuted and brought into court, they wouldn’t have to worry about what they would speak, because the Holy Spirit would tell them what to speak. Và đó vẫn là trường hợp.

There are many more things to say about the Holy Spirit, however, let’s look at some differences between the Holy Spirit and the new age spirit that is active in the lives of many Christians.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and is a Witness of Jesus Christ, con trai của Chúa, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Holy Spirit speaks the words of God and the teachings, which derive from Him are inspired by the Word and based upon the Word.

The world doesn’t know the Spirit of Truth and can’t receive the Spirit of Truth, because the world doesn’t belong to God and is carnal. 

Những thứ kia, who belong to the world belong to the generation of the old carnal man, who live in disobedience to God under the authority of sin and death. They are sons of the devil and believe their father, Ai là cha đẻ của sự dối trá, and therefore they live in the lie in darkness instead of living in the truth in the Light.

The new age spirit is the spirit of lies

The new age spirit is the spirit of the world and is the spirit of lies and speaks lies, which the world believes.

The new age spirit is a spirit of false love and tolerance and has taken aspects from all kinds of religions and philosophies and combined them together into one new age religion, so that everyone with a religion or philosophy feels comfortable with the new age spirit and its doctrine. Because eventually from this new age spirit shall come forth one world religion (Đọc thêm: ‘The world church is being prepared for the antichrist).

The Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin, righteousness, và phán xét

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, và sự công bình, và phán xét: Of sin, because they believe not on Me; Of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged (John 16:8-11)

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, Whom the Father has sent to the earth. The Holy Spirit is a Witness of Jesus Christ and preaches Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the reflection of God and represents the Word and shall always speak the words of God and do His will. He shall never change or adjust the words of God nor contradict the Word and shall never bow to the world and shall never compromise with the world.

The Holy Spirit is working in the spirit and is faithful to God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son and the living Word, and is One with them.

John 16:8-11 Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin of righteousness and judgment

The Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. 

Mọi người, who comes in contact with the Holy Spirit shall be convicted of their sins, the righteousness of God, và phán xét.

When they are convicted of their sin and their sinful state and be confronted with the righteousness and holiness of God and judgment, they can repent and turn to Jesus Christ and lay down their old sinful life and by faith and regeneration in Him (the laying down of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead) become a new creation and obey God and receive the Holy Spirit. 

Or, when they are reproved of their sin and are convicted of their sinful state and confronted with the righteousness and holiness of God and judgment, they can reject the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and because of that reject God and continue their lives in darkness and their walk in the lies. Những thứ kia, who don’t believe in the truth and do not accept the truth, but reject the truth and because of that reject God, shall serve the devil and death through sin and shall refuse to remove the sins from their lives.

Những thứ kia, who accept the conviction of the Holy Spirit and are prepared to lay down the sinful  flesh and put off the works of the flesh and follow Jesus Christ; Lời, they shall be saved, and if they remain faithful to God and Jesus Christ; Lời Chúa và Chúa Thánh Thần, they shall remain saved (Đọc thêm: ‘Sau khi lưu, luôn được lưu?’ andBạn có thể tiếp tục phạm tội dưới ân điển không?‘))

Nhưng những, who reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit and are not willing to lay down the sinful flesh and put off the works of the flesh and are not willing to follow Jesus; Lời, they will be lost.

The new age spirit doesn’t believe in sin, judgment and hell

When we look at the new age spirit that operates from the darkness and belongs to the death, then we can conclude that the new age spirit diametrically opposes the Holy Spirit.

The new age spirit works in the flesh (Linh hồn và thể xác) and is a representative of the devil and death and is the spirit of lies and tempts people, bao gồm cả Kitô hữu, who walk after the flesh. The new age spirit is a spirit of tolerance, false love and respect and speaks what the people want to hear and responds to the desires, cảm xúc, and emotions of people. The new age spirit leads the people from their soul into the supernatural.

The new age changes the truth of God and/or robs the truth of God from the hearts of people and encourages to compromise with the works of the flesh and darkness.

new age in the church

The new age spirit reproves the people that sin doesn’t exist and that there is no judgment and no hell. Since god is love and respects everyone, despite their lifestyle, and approves all things, bao gồm cả tội lỗi. After all, there is no good or evil.

Since there is no sin, people can’t be separated from God. A person can only be separated from God in the mind.

Because of these lies, everything that God considers evil is tolerated, and therefore sin is allowed and accepted.

The teachings that derive from the new age spirit are inspired and based upon supernatural manifestations, revelations and experiences, visions, cảm xúc, and emotions, instead of the Word of God.

The new age spirit doesn’t fear the Lord and refuses to submit to any authority, including God the Father and Jesus Christ, and causes Christians to become passive and lukewarm for Jesus Christ and the things of the Kingdom of God and don’t do what He says.

The purpose of the new age spirit is to mislead people by changing the truth of God into a lie and to (Tinh thần) kill and destroy people.

And if we look at the local churches and the lives of Christians, then we can conclude that many Christians are misled by this new age spirit and that the new age spirit controls many lives.

Many Christians think they have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, Nhưng trên thực tế, they have the new age spirit that works in the flesh and keeps them in the bondage of sin and death and causes supernatural revelations, manifestations, and experiences and causes pleasant feelings and emotions, since they think that that’s the Holy Spirit. But God is Spirit and not flesh.

The Holy Spirit loves righteousness and hates sin and can’t be present where sin reigns

If the Holy Spirit would be present in the lives of believers, who together are the church of Christ aka the body of Christ, then the righteousness of God would reign in their lives and they would hate sin and there wouldn’t be sin and the devil and the death would no longer be served through sin, but the sin would be removed.

Những thứ kia, who are born again in Christ and have received God’s nature and have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, shall submit to God and obey God’s Word and shall walk after the Spirit, since they obey God and His Word, because that’s what it means to walk after the Spirit.

They belong to the Kingdom of God and shall not compromise with the darkness and shall never tolerate and accept the works of the flesh and of darkness. But they shall expose the lies of the devil and the works of the flesh and darkness and destroy them.

The new age spirit is a promoter of sin and iniquity

Những thứ kia, who have the new age spirit abiding in them, are workers of iniquity and shall tolerate the works of the flesh and approve of sin, under the guise of the lies of false love and false grace and ongoing forgiveness. Instead of promoting righteousness and holiness, they promote sin and unrighteousness (Đọc thêm: ‘Is Jesus a Promoter of sin?‘ Và ‘The armor of darkness‘)

Nhưng những, who have the Holy Spirit abiding in them shall not tolerate and promote the works of the flesh and approve of sin, but they shall call the people to repentance and the removal of sin.

They shall be witnesses of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and testify of the righteousness and holiness of God and reprove sin and preach hell. Instead of being silent about hell and shutting their eyes for the truth, pretending that hell doesn’t exist.

The sons of God are witnesses of Jesus Christ and reprove the world of sin, righteousness, và phán xét

As long as Christians stay carnal and stay focused on the things of the earth and focused on supernatural manifestations, dấu hiệu, và điều kỳ diệu, the new age spirit shall reign and sin abound, because sin shall be tolerated and approved.

But if Christians repent and turn from their vain walk and truly become born again in Christ and spiritually awaken and no longer walk after the flesh but after the Spirit and seek the things, which are above, where Christ is seated on the right hand of God the Father and submit themselves to Jesus Christ; the Word and obey Him and keep His commandments and live in the will of God, then they shall receive the Holy Spirit and He will dwell in them and they will be witnesses of Jesus Christ and reprove the world of sin of righteousness and of judgment.

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