How do you honor the Lord?

Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine (atalar sözləri 3:9-10)

Do you honor the Lord with your wealth? Do you give the first fruits of all your increase? Do you give a tenth of your income to Him?

The church has become a begging house for money. How has this happened? Because people don’t want to give anymore.

Many people have a love for money, and therefore they have become greedy, and don’t want to give anymore. Because why do you have to tithe and give offerings to the church? When you can do so much with that amount of money.

Many people think this way and therefore they keep their money in their pocket and spend it on things for themselves.

There are a lot of people, who complain that they have a minimum income and barely get by every month. Therefore they can’t give.

Well, the truth is, that they can give, but that they are not willing to give. They don’t trust the Lord, that He will provide for them.

Many don’t consider their job as a blessing from God, but they see it as their own achievement. God should get all the honor, but unfortunately many people don’t give Him the honor anymore.

The world can almost do and achieve everything by themselves. The world don’t need God’s help anymore. Unfortunately, many believers have taken over this mindset.

Honor the Lord with your riches

The Lord says, that when you honor Him with your substance (riches), you acknowledge Him as your Lord God and your Provider. When you honor Him and acknowledge Him as your Lord, He will fill your barns with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with new wine.

He will always take care of you. In times of a crisis, He shall provide you with a job, He shall take care of you, and as it is written in His Word; He shall fill your barns with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with new wine. That means, that you will always have more than enough.

Poverty is not from God

When you are in debt, and don’t see a way out anymore, then stop spending your money to the things of this world, and start giving to the Lord. When you give to the Lord, you shall honor Him.

Give to the poor, and you shall see, what amazing things will happen. Dare to trust Him and give. Because the Lord is your God, He will take care of you. All you have to do is, to trust Him.

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