When Jesus talked with Nicodemus about the new birth, Jesus told him how a person can be born again. Although Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a scholar and teacher in the scriptures, i władca Izraela, Nicodemus was still the old man (unregenerate man). This means that Nicodemus was carnal. Nicodemus had a deep understanding of the Scriptures, but he didn’t understand what Jesus meant by becoming born again and how a person be born again.
Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God
Odpowiedział Jezus i rzekł do niego, Zaiste, zaiste, powiadam ci, Chyba, że człowiek narodzi się na nowo, nie może ujrzeć królestwa Bożego. Nicodemus saith unto him, Jak może się urodzić człowiek, który jest stary?? Czy może wejść po raz drugi do łona matki?, i narodzić się? Jezus odpowiedział, Zaiste, zaiste, powiadam ci, Chyba że człowiek narodzi się z wody i z Ducha, nie może wejść do królestwa Bożego. To, co narodziło się z ciała, jest ciałem; a to, co się narodziło z Ducha, jest duchem (Jan 3:3-6)
What does born again mean?
Born again is translated from the Greek word paliggenesia (G3824*) i oznacza: (duchowy) odrodzenie (Państwo lub ustawa), to jest, (w przenośni) Duchowa odnowa; w szczególności mesjańskie odnowę: – regeneracja
How can a person enter the Kingdom of God
You cannot see nor wejść do Królestwa Bożego by your own works. You can only enter by the redemptive work and the blood of Jesus Christ and by becoming born again in Christ; narodzeni z wody i z Ducha.
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour (Tytus 3:5-6)
There are a lot of misconceptions about being born again. Being born again does not mean a change of lifestyle, becoming religious and following a set of rules, becoming a member of the church, doing humanitarian works, Lub …
Being born again can’t be earned by human works nor obtained by human works.
Redemption and being born again is the grace and gift of God that can only be obtained by faith in the Son of God, Jezus Chrystus (Mesjasz) and His redemptive work and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Someone can be a good person according to the world; a humanist and a faithful member of the church, doing good (charity) Działa, knowing the Bible by heart, and still not be born again.
Nicodemus is the perfect example of this. Nicodemus was a religious man. He was serious about the things of God, but Nicodemus was not born again. Nikt nie może wejść do Królestwa Bożego przez dobre uczynki, Umiejętności osobiste, wysiłek, lub dobroć.
How can a be born again according to the Bible?
Jest tylko jednokierunkowa to enter the Kingdom of God and that is by becoming born again; zrodzony z wody i Ducha. This process of regeneration is the spiritual counterpart of the natural birth. Nie ma innego sposobu, aby grzesznicy to be saved and enter the Kingdom of God and be reconciled with God, than by becoming born again.
When Nicodemus asked Jesus how a person can be born again, Jesus gave an illustration of the wind.
No man can really understand where the winds come from and the ways of the wind. But while we may not understand the wind, we feel the force of the wind.
To jest the same with the new birth. No one is able to understand with the carnal mind how a person can be born again. But we all experience the power of regeneration, when you become born again.
A person can be born again (after hearing the word of God and believing in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work) through repentance, Chrzest w wodzie, and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Przeczytaj także: What are the three elements that are required for the rebirth).