在詹姆斯 1:12, 我们读到经受住诱惑的人是有福的, 因为当他受审时, 他将得到生命的冠冕, 这是主应许给爱他的人的. 生活中总会遇到诱惑. 基督徒并不排除生活中的诱惑. 基督徒会怎样受试探? 根据圣经如何应对生活中的诱惑?
Everyone has to deal with temptation
忍受试探的人有福了: 因为当他受审时, 他将得到生命的冠冕, 这是主向爱他的人所应许的。当人受试探时,不要说, 我受到神的试探: 因为神不能被邪恶试探, neither tempts He any man: 但每个男人都会受到诱惑, 当他被自己的私欲牵引时, 并被诱惑。那么当情欲怀孕时, it brings forth sin: 和罪恶, 当它完成时, brings forth death (詹姆士 1:12-15)
Sin is disobedience to the words and will of God and obedience to the words and will of the devil. 在上一篇文章中 犯罪还是不犯罪, 这就是决定, 耶稣吩咐人不要再犯罪. 所以, 你已被赋予权力 (权威) to rule over sin and resist the temptation that leads to sin.
每个人, 包括你, 生活中会受到诱惑. 你的工作就是抵制诱惑,不屈服于诱惑.
当你抵挡试探、顺服神的话时, 你将得到生命的冠冕.
耶稣应许将生命的冠冕赐给那些, who 爱他.
这意味着, 生命的冠冕将赐给那些, who will keep and do His commandments and say ‘no’ to temptation, and ‘no’ 罪恶.
你会受到诱惑,因为你有一个敌人; 恶魔. The devil shall always try to get you back into his kingdom and destroy your life.
The only way to get you back into his kingdom is if you listen to his words and obey his words and the lusts of your flesh and sin.
Man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust
当人受试探时,不要说, 我受到神的试探: 因为神不能被邪恶试探, neither tempteth He any man: 但每个男人都会受到诱惑, 当他被自己的私欲牵引时, 并被诱惑. 那么当情欲怀孕时, it bringeth forth sin: 和罪恶, 当它完成时, bringeth forth death (詹姆士 1:13-15).
The devil will always tempt you and try to get you back into your old former habits and your old former life, which was full of sin. It all starts with the lust of the flesh. 当欲望被孕育时, 它产生罪,罪产生死亡.
如何应对诱惑? 出色地, 重要的是要认识到欲望是如何进入你的生活并避免它的. That way you won’t be tempted and be led into temptation. Is it that simple to deal with temptation? 是的, 就是这么简单, if you really hate sin and want to remove sin from your life. 因为如果你仍然爱你的罪恶, 那么你就无法摆脱你的罪孽.
当你用嘴说的时候: “我不想这样做”, 但在你心里, 您认为: “我喜欢, 我不想放弃这个”, 那么就不可能摆脱它. When the temptation comes, you will give in to the temptation.
People can pray for you over and over again to break the power of sin over your life, but the enemy will always try and try and will never give up. 所以 你 are the only one, 谁能阻止它. 必须是你, 谁能抵挡住情欲、抵挡住诱惑. There is no one else, who can do it for you.
不要放纵肉体的情欲, 但要完成神的旨意
避免诱惑的方法就是继续跟随圣灵而行. 因为当你跟随圣灵而行时, 你不会放纵肉体的私欲. 因此,要寻求上面的事,而不是地上的事. Get your eyes off of yourself and get your eyes on Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
在最神圣的信仰中建立自己. 说方言, 快速地, and pray. Feed and 更新你的想法 with the Word of God so that you become strong (精神上的) and resist temptation, and kill the deeds of the flesh.