Как обрести мудрость в жизни?

Мой сын, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Да, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up the voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness, и суждение, и справедливость; да, every good path. (Пословицы 2:1-9)

There is so much wisdom in the book of Proverbs and this wisdom will never fade. This not only applies to the Book of Proverbs but to the whole Word of God.

The only visible thing, we have from God in the natural realm in this world is the Bible. Every word in the Bible represents God.

When you read God’s Word, every word of God opens a door in the spirit. When the Word takes hold of your heart and you obey the Word and become a doer of the words of God, then the written Word becomes the living Word in your life.

How do you get to know God?

When you began to read and study the Word of God, you will get to know God. I think a lot of Christians are not aware of the treasure they have in their houses. I don’t think that any hotel knows what kind of treasures they have in their rooms. If they only knew

Sometimes you may think, that you know the Bible already. Maybe you read fast and skip a lot of scriptures because you’ve read them before and know the stories. But because of this behavior, you will miss out a lot. Don’t read your Bible on autopilot!

How to read the Bible?

The way to read the Bible is of course in the Holy Spirit and to read the Bible slowly and not fast. Read the Bible word by word in the right context and let the words of God enter your mind. Think about the words of God, meditate on them so that they will sink into your heart and abide in you.

Is the Bible boring?

Если кто-то скажет, that the Bible is a boring and outdated Book, then this person doesn’t read the Bible in the right manner or doesn’t read the Bible at all. The Bible is the most fantastic, fascinated and real Book on earth. The Bible is not outdated, but still applies today and will always apply.

Однако, if you are carnal and/or your spirit is not raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, you will not understand and comprehend the Bible. But you shall consider the Bible boring and outdated.

Как обрести мудрость?

Хорошо, let’s go back to Proverbs 2. The first 9 verses of Proverbs 2 teach us how to gain wisdom.

Библия — наш компас, обрести мудрость

Verse 1 starts with the importance of hearing God’s word and keeping Godswords with you. When you keep God’s words with you, you will have to protect them with your life. Guard the words of God and let no one steal them from you.

What God says is the truth. Поэтому, let no man say something else.

Maybe you ask yourself: “How can the words be stolen?”

Ответ прост, by the opinions and advice of ‘wrong’ друзья, Знакомых, коллеги, неверующие, and unregenerated family members, и т. д.. And it doesn’t stop here.

What about психологи, СМИ; newspapers, журналы, social media and let’s not forget the телевидение.

The television produces unbelief

Television is one of the main sources, which produce unbelief. Например,

The Word teaches us to not commit adultery and fornication, but what do we see on television? In movies, Мыла, series people commit adultery and fornication, and is considered normal.

The Word teaches us to not fear, but what do we see and learn on television? The television constantly sows fears in the lives of people.

The Word teaches to no worry, but what do we see and teach on television? And so on.

Remember that every input that contradicts the Word of God will slow down the renewing of your mind and the process of sanctification.

God wants to reveal things through His Word

Когда ты читать and receive God’s words, repeat those words and let them sink in your heart, Вы будете применять your heart to understanding.

Seek in the Word of God for those hidden treasures. God has given you an inheritance and you will only get to know what you have inherited by seeking and searching in the Word of God. He wants to reveal those things to you, through His word.

When you seek His truth like hidden treasures, then you shall understand the fear of the Lord and you will find the knowledge of God and gain wisdom.

God gives wisdom. Sound wisdom is for the righteous; святые, who are in Christ Jesus. When you walk in Christ; the Word and walk upright, with integrity, then He is your Protector, your Shield (Buckler). He guards and protects you, He watches over you and preserves your way, isn’t that a relief?

You will gain wisdom and will understand and discern righteousness and judgment and equity. You will know every good path; every good way.

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