ja govorim, dakle ja sam Božji sin

Kada ste nanovo rođeni u Kristu, which means that you are baptized in Christ into His death and resurrection and you have received the Holy Spirit, you have been reconciled with God and have become a son of God (i muški i ženski). You have become a new creation and as the new creation, koji je stvoren u Kristu, you have to put on Jesus Christ; obući novog čovjeka. U Kristu. We are all the same in Christ. There is no difference anymore between cultures, between males and females, we are all one in Him. We are sons of God and heirs according to the promise of God and received the promise of the Holy Spirit. And as Jesus Christ, Sin Božji, walked by faith and spoke the words of God, you will also walk by faith and speak the words of God and call those things which are not as though they were (Rimljani 4:17). As the world says, ‘cogito, ergo sum’ (mislim, dakle jesam), we say, ‘loquor, ergo filius Dei sum’ (ja govorim, dakle ja sam Božji sin).  

As long as you don’t speak, nothing will happen

For ye are all the children (Greek translation: sinovi) of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Jer svi koji ste u Krista kršteni, Kristom ste se zaodjenuli. Nema ni Židova ni Grka, nema ni veze ni slobodne, nema ni muško ni žensko: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galaćanima 3:26-29) 

1 Ivan 3:1 behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God

Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differed nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Unatoč tome, mi, Kad smo bili djeca, bili su u ropstvu pod elementima svijeta: But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, napravljen od žene, Napravljeno u skladu sa zakonom, Da otkupi one koji su bili pod Zakonom, da bismo mogli primiti posvojenje sinova. I zato što ste sinovi, Bog je poslao Duha svoga Sina u vaša srca, plač, Abba, Otac. Zato više nisi sluga, ali sin; a ako je sin, zatim baštinik Božji po Kristu (Galaćanima 4:1-7)

Kao Božji sin, you have become an heir. But as long as you don’t realize, who you have become in Christ and what your new position in Christ is and what you have inherited in Him, and as long as you don’t speak, nothing will happen.

In Galatians 4:1 napisano je, that as long as you stay a child; if you live like a child and act like a child, then you are no different than a servant (slave). 

When we look at the word child (nêpios) and the translation from Greek, it meansnot speaking, figuratively a simple-minded person, an immature Christian: babe, child/childish.

A babe in Christ

If you do not spiritually mature, then you will stay an immature Christian. You will stay a babe, a child, who doesn’t speak. If you don’t speak, the Bible says you differ not from a servant; a slave, who lives in bondage to the elements of the world; svjetovni duhovi.

As long as you don’t grow up in the Word of God and as long as you don’t take Gods Word as it is and don’t speak and don’t apply in your life, you shall live in bondage. You shall be subjected to the elements of this world and live in sin.

ja govorim, dakle ja sam Božji sin

When you only read the Bible, nothing will happen. But when you start walking with God, being obedient to His Word, and speak His words and walk in your inheritance and bring into existence, what you have inherited through Jesus Christ, then you will live and walk as a mature son of God, who speaks instead of a child, who doesn’t speak.

We having the same Spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe and therefore speak (2 Korinćanima 4:13) 


You will no longer be a slave to the elements of the world and you will no longer be a slave to sin. But you shall believe and speak and rule over the elements of the world and rule over sin and death.

You will become a slave of Jesus Christ and a servant to the people; by speaking His words, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and manifesting the Kingdom of God and setting the people free from the lies and bondage of the kingdom of darkness. 

God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your heart. Therefore Godje your Father, and you may call Him Abba Father.

You are not a servant anymore, but you are a son. Because you have become a son, you have become an heir of God through Jesus Christ. The inheritance is yours. Stoga, take your inheritance in Christ and begin to speak andwalk like a son

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