Si has encontrado la verdad, vosotros/vosotras dejaréis de buscar, porque has encontrado lo que buscabas. Encontrando la Verdad y la regeneración en Cristo, you have been made righteous and entered God’s rest and should experience peace and joy. But why do so many believers, who say they have found the Truth, don’t experience God’s rest, paz, and joy in their lives and are not happy and satisfied, pero están preocupados, ansioso, temeroso, estresado, and sometimes even depressed and keep searching in the world for the truth and a solution and engage with worldly doctrines and (oculto) practices that promise to give them, what they are searching for. If they keep searching for the truth, have they found the Truth?
Jesucristo, la palabra viva, is the Truth
En el principio era la palabra, y la Palabra estaba con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. Lo mismo fue en el principio con Dios.. Todas las cosas fueron hechas por Él; y sin Él nada fue hecho de lo que fue hecho. En él estaba la vida; y la vida era la luz de los hombres. Y la luz brilla en la oscuridad; y las tinieblas no lo comprendieron (John 1:1-5)
I am the Door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9)
Jesus Christ is the Door to God the Father and eternal life. There is no other way to be saved and reconciled with God, que a través de Jesucristo (Leer también: ‘La paz, Jesús restaurado entre el hombre caído y Dios').
If you knock on the Door, then Jesus will open and allow you to enter.
Nadie, who knocks on the Door, shall be rejected by Jesus Christ. Jesus shall leave no one outside, during the dispensation of grace.
But do the people still know how to find the Door? Do people still knock on the Door to enter? Do they want to enter through the Door and have communion with God?
Cuanta gente, who say they are Christians and say they believe and go to church and read their Bible and pray occasionally, have entered the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him?
How many of them have truly found the Way, la verdad, and the Life and walk on the Way in the Truth and the Life?
Jesucristo es el camino, la verdad, y la vida
Jesús le dice, Yo soy el camino, la verdad, y la vida: nadie viene al padre, pero por mi. If ye had known Me, ye should have known My Father also: and from henceforth ye know Him, and have seen Him (John 14:6-7)
Because if they would truly found the Way, la verdad, and the Life and be reconciled with God and entered the Kingdom of God, then why do they keep searching?
Why are they still searching for the truth and for solutions in the world; el reino de las tinieblas, and be influenced by the wisdom and knowledge of the world, which according to the world is the truth but according to God is foolishness, and get involved with all kinds of (oculto) practices and methods, that would lead them to happiness, paz, poder, mental and physical health, iluminación, etc..
Why do they consult the world and allow carnal doctrines and methods into their lives, that oppose the Word and don’t derive from God but from the devil, who is the father of lies and leads them on sideways, which lead to bondage and destruction? (John 8:44-47; 10:10, Efesios 4:20-22)
Have they truly found Jesus Christ, the Living Word and the Son of the Most High God and serve Him? Or have they found a counterfeit Jesus, who derives from the mind of people and has been made after the image of man? (Leer también: ‘A replica Jesus, who produces replica Christians y ‘Nueva era en la iglesia?’)
Si has encontrado la verdad, vosotros/vosotras dejaréis de buscar
Pero cuando venga el Consolador, a quien yo os enviaré de parte del Padre, sí, el Espíritu de verdad, que procede del Padre, Él dará testimonio de mí: Y vosotros también daréis testimonio, because ye have been with Me from the beginning (John 15:26-27)
Si has encontrado la verdad, you won’t search for the truth anymore, because you have found the Truth.
The Word is the Truth and if you are born again by faith in Jesus Christ; la verdad, and your spirit is raised from the dead, y el espiritu santo; the Spirit of Truth abides in you, then you shall hear His voice and listen to the Word and submit yourselves to Jesus Christ; la palabra
You shall renew your mind with the Word and follow the Word and do the Word in your life, so that you shall walk after the Spirit in the Truth and speak the truth (Oh. John 14:15-17; 15:26-27; 16:13-15; 18:37, romanos 9:1 (Leer también: ‘Por qué es necesario renovar tu mente?’)).
When you know the Truth and live in the Truth, you shall recognize and discern the lies of the devil and the powers and works of the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the light and destroy them.
You shall speak the truth of Christ and refute the lies of the devil with the truth of God’s Word.
Si has encontrado la verdad, you will not be deceived
Y Jesús respondió y les dijo, Mirad que nadie os engañe. For many shall come in my name, dicho, I am Christ; y engañará a muchos (Mateo 24:4-5)
Si has encontrado la verdad, and believe and obey the Truth, you will not be deceived by the lies of the world. You shall not believe, speak and walk in the lies of the world anymore and compromise with the world (el reino de las tinieblas) and her knowledge, sabiduría, y funciona (pecado).
If you do, and believe the words of the world and tolerate the works of the kingdom of darkness, and maybe even practice the works of darkness yourself, then you haven’t found the Truth and the Truth hasn’t set you free yet.
Si no has encontrado la verdad, it’s about time to search for the Truth and knock on the Door, Jesucristo, Who leads you to salvation and eternal life.
Jesus shall open the door for you and if you believe in Him and repent of your sins and lay down your vieja vida as a sinner and become born again and enter His Kingdom, then you shall belong to Him and because of your love for Him, you shall keep His words and commandments, and walk in the Truth and stay in His Kingdom and experience the peace and joy of God, that the world can’t provide.
Si has encontrado la verdad, then you will search no more, but you will abide in the Truth and live from the Truth.
'Sé la sal de la tierra’