For in Him (Jesus Cristo) dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. E você está completo Nele, que é a cabeça de todo principado e potestade (Colossenses 2:9-10)
There is no other way to be saved and be made whole and reconciled with God, do que através de Jesus Cristo, o Filho de Deus. Jesus Christ is the Way, a verdade, e a Vida. All the fulness of the Godhead bodily dwells (permanently) n'Ele.
Jesus Christ is the Way, a Verdade e a Vida
Jesus lhe disse, I am the Way, a verdade, e a Vida: ninguém vem ao Pai, mas por mim (John 14:6)
God made a way through the cross and the blood of His Son, to take away the enmity between God and fallen mankind and restore the peace between God and man.
Only through Jesus Christ and His blood and by faith and regeneration in Him, você pode se reconciliar com Deus.
No one can come to God the Father then through His Son Jesus Christ.
It doesn’t matter what people say. If Jesus says, there is no other way, it means that there is no other way!
There are no other ways, means, métodos, técnica, and steps that can make a person holy and righteous and restore the spiritual position of fallen man and reconcile man back to God and make man complete (Leia também: ‘Que tipo de paz Jesus trouxe à terra??‘ e ‘A paz, Jesus restored between fallen man and God').
Jesus Christ became fully Man and in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily
No entanto, agradou ao Senhor machucá-lo; Ele o fez sofrer (made Him sick): when Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, Ele verá Sua semente, Ele prolongará Seus dias, e a vontade do Senhor prosperará em suas mãos. Ele verá o trabalho de Sua alma, e ficará satisfeito: pelo Seu conhecimento meu servo justo justificará muitos; porque Ele levará sobre si as suas iniqüidades. Portanto, eu lhe dividirei uma porção com os grandes, e Ele repartirá o despojo com os fortes; porque Ele derramou Sua alma na morte: e foi contado com os transgressores; e Ele carregou o pecado de muitos, e fez intercessão pelos transgressores (Isaías 53:10-12).
E colocou todas as coisas debaixo de Seus pés, and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church, Which is His Body, the fulness of Him that fills all in all (Efésios 1:22-23)
But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.) (Efésios 4:7-10)
God the Father is Spirit and God the Holy Spirit is Spirit, only God the Son has a (natural) corpo, and therefore all fulness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Jesus Christ.
Deus, o Filho, Jesus Cristo, is the only Person of the Godhead, who became flesh and blood and became fully Human and therefore became a Partaker of humanity, so that Jesus Christ could become the Substitute of (caído) man and fulfill Gods redemptive work on earth and in His flesh, restore man (make whole, curar) and reconcile man back to God.
Jesus Christ became a partaker of our body, para que, by faith and regeneration in Him, we could become partakers of His Body (Leia também: ‘Jesus era totalmente humano?').
Jesus Cristo, o Filho de Deus, is Saviour, Redeemer, High-Priest and King
Jesus is the Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of fallen man, and High-Priest of the New Covenant, which is sealed with His own precious blood. But Jesus is not only Savior, Redeemer, e High-Priest of the New Covenant.
Because God the Father has highly exalted His Son Jesus Christ and put Him above the angels, and has given Him a Name, which is above every name.
Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father and He has appointed Jesus as King in His Kingdom.
God the Father has given Jesus Christus, O filho dele, all power and authority in the heavens and on earth.
He has put all things (anjos, principados, poder, poder, Domínios, authorities, governantes das trevas deste mundo, spiritual wickedness in high places, etc.) under His feet and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church, which is His Body, the fulness of Him, that fills all in all (Oh. Atos 2:32-36; 5:31, Efésios 1:20-23, Filipenses 2:9-10, Colossenses 1:13; 3:1, 1 Timóteo 1:17; 6:15-16, hebraico 1; 8:1-2, 1 Peter 3:22)
The new man is complete in Jesus Christ
João deu testemunho Dele, e chorei, ditado, This was He of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: pois Ele estava antes de mim. E de Sua plenitude tudo o que recebemos, e graça por graça. Pois a lei foi dada por Moisés, mas a graça e a verdade vieram por Jesus Cristo (John 1:15-17)
For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. E você está completo Nele, que é a cabeça de todo principado e potestade (Colossenses 2:9-10)
Em Jesus Cristo habita corporalmente toda a plenitude da Divindade. If you have identified yourself with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and your flesh has died in Him and your spirit is raised from the dead in Him, through regeneration, and you have received the Holy Spirit, then you have been made complete in Him and all the fulness that dwells in Christ, dwells in you.
You are no longer a poor sinner and don’t belong to the generation of você cai anymore and you don’t live separated from God, but in Jesus Christ, you have become a new creation; a son of God and you are complete in Him.
For He whom God hath sent speaks the words of God: for God gives not the Spirit by measure unto Him. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: e quem não crê no Filho não verá a vida; mas a ira de Deus permanece sobre ele (John 3:34-36)
If you are born again in Christ, you belong to His Body, a Igreja.
The Church is the assembly of born-again believers, filhos de Deus (machos e fêmeas), and is ‘the Embassy’ of the Kingdom of God that exercises the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
The Church is the spiritual Body, in which all the fulness of Christ dwells, by the Holy Spirit, and has all authority and all power in Him.
If you belong to His Body and received the Holy Spirit, then you are complete in Him and from this complete status and position in Christ, you shall walk in the sonship of God after the Word and the Spirit in obedience to His will.
As long as you stay in Him and obey Him; the Word and Head of the Body, you have all authority and power to do the will of God, manter His commandments and do what Jesus has commanded the believers to do.
Complete in Christ to do the will of God
As many as received Him, to them gave He power (autoridade, legal-right, habilidade) to become the sons of God. To everyone, who is born again in Christ and has become a new creation and is reconciled with God and belongs to His Body, God has given the authority in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to walk as a son of God, to stand against the temptations of the devil, to resist sin and to walk in the fulness of Jesus Christ in the will of God and represent, preach and establish the Kingdom of God on earth.
Because it is the vontade de Deus, that His sons are yielded to Him and obey Him and His Word and live in His will and live holy lives and persevere and stand in Him and resist all the temptations of the devil and redeem sinners, who live in the lies of the devil in the bondage of the kingdom of darkness, by preaching the truth; o gospel of Jesus Christ, a Cruz, the blood, julgamento, and hell and call them to repentance, so that many sinners will be saved from death and hell and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ from all their sins and iniquities and by faith and through regeneration be made holy and righteous and reconciled to God and receive the Holy Spirit, so that they also become complete in Him and from this complete status and position in Christ, walk in submission and obedience to Him in His will.
‘Seja o sal da terra’