Why is the instruction of a father important?

Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law (Òwe 4:1-2)

Children should listen to the instruction of their father. Because only when they listen to a wise father, who lives according to the Word, they will grow up in the wisdom of God and become wise. When children attend to the instruction of a father, they will get understanding.

Sons of God should listen to the Father

This also applies to you, as a son of God; a titun ẹda. Bayi, that you have become a son of God, nipase Jesu Kristi, God has become your Father. When you listen to His instruction and commandments, and be a doer of His words, you will get wisdom and understanding.

Renewing your mindYou can only hear His instructions, if you have a willing heart. Because if your heart is hardened, then you can read all you want, but you will not listen and will not obey His instruction and His words. If you will not hear His instructions, then you will not change, but you will remain the same; the old creation.

The Lord wants you to change. He wants you to grow up into the image of His Son Jesus Christ. He wants you to become like Him. This will only be possible, when you renew your mind with His Word, and hear and apply His instructions in your life.

Can you please the Father, if you stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh, and keep walking in sin? Can you please Him, when you are not willing to walk according to His Word, don’t listen to His instructions, and don’t obey His commandments? When you walk like that, you shall never become the new creation, that God has created you to be.

The instruction of the Father

The Father tells the truth, you can trust in Him and His doctrine. That’s why it’s important to keep His instructions in your heart, and never leave His instructions and His commandments (His law).

The Father only wants the best for you. His thought over you are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, because He wants to give you an expected end (Jer 29:11)

The only thing you have to do, is to listen to Him and to trust Him. You have to know, that His instructions and commandments are the best for your life. When you listen, obey and walk after His instruction, you will get understanding in life.

‘Jé iyọ̀ ayé’

O le tun fẹran

    aṣiṣe: Akoonu yii ni aabo