For if we go on sinning willfully after having received a full knowledge of the truth, no longer for sins does there remain a sacrifice, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which is about to be devouring the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside Moses’ Sheria, without mercy, upon the evidence of two or three witnesses, dies. By how much do you think shall he be thought worthy of sorer punishment who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has considered the blood of the testament a common thing by which [damu] he was set apart for God and His service, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know the One who said, To me the meting out of full justice belongs. Nitakuwa na malipo. Na kwa mara nyingine, The Lord will judge His people. Ni jambo la kuogofya kuanguka mikononi mwa Mungu aliye hai (Kiebrania 10:26-31 KW)
During the old covenant, the people of God had to obey the sacrificial laws and make sacrifices on a daily and yearly basis, to remember their sins and make atonement for their sins. God’s people were carnal and were trapped in the sinful nature. Kwa sababu hiyo, they always returned to their old habits and sins and kept walking in sins. Kila mwaka, they remembered their sins and made atonement for their sins, and tried to do a better job, but because of the fact, that they were carnal and the sinful nature was still present in the flesh and sin reigned as king katika maisha yao, they always fell back into their old sins.
Until Jesus came and by His perfect sacrifice and His work of redemption, He dealt for once and for all with the sins and unrighteousness and the sinful nature of fallen man.
God can’t be a Partaker of sin
It is the Mapenzi ya Mungu, that every person on this earth be saved and don’t have to carry His wrath (the punishment for sin) and enter the second death. But God cannot have communion with sin and be a Partaker of sin; the works of the devil. That’s why God send by His goodness; His grace, nje ya upendo, His Son Jesus Christ to the earth, so that everyone, anayemwamini, tubu and become born again, don’t have to suffer and be bound by the flesh, sin and death, and live under the authority of the devil, tena, but would be redeemed from the power of the devil, that reigns in the flesh, and by the resurrection of the spirit, kwa nguvu ya Roho Mtakatifu, would live in freedom as the new creation; mtoto wa Mungu, who walks after the spirit in obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit.
The flesh keeps sinning
As long as the flesh stays present, a person shall always fall back into his/her (old) habits and sins and shall not be able to live a holy and righteous life unto God, by walking in faith after the Word and the Spirit. Only when the born again believer puts off the old man na puts on the new man, (s)he shall no longer walk in rebellion towards God in sins, but in Utii to Him and His will, kama Yesu.
All the sins of the old former life of the born again believer, have been forgiven and forgotten and therefore no longer exist before God. Jesus Christ has carried the punishment for the sins and iniquities of fallen man in His flesh. That’s why every person, who is born again in Him and has identified himself/herself with Jesus His death and His resurrection, by the crucifixion of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit is redeemed from the sinful nature, ambayo ipo katika mwili (Wakolosai 2:11-15).
If the flesh is crucified and died, it no longer lives and therefore there is no more sacrifice needed to make atonement (Heb 10:18)
Jesus is the High Priest of the new covenant, which is sealed with His precious blood. Kila mmoja, ni nani circumcised ndani Yake, belongs to God and may enter, by Jesus’ damu, the Holy of Holiest and may go directly to the Father.
Through Jesus Christ’s perfect work of redemption for fallen man, mtu mpya, who is born of the Spirit of God, has been made whole (complete) and righteous in Him. The person has been made holy, which means that the person has been set apart from the world unto God and His service (Heb 10:14). By the resurrection of the spirit, kwa nguvu ya Roho Mtakatifu, the new man is Kukaa katika Yesu Kristo and reigns together with Him over the devil, dhambi, na kifo (ambayo inatawala katika mwili).
No more sacrifice left for sins
But if a believer doesn’t want to listen, obey and yield to the Word, that reveals His will and His righteousness to the world, but keeps living in rebellion after the flesh and willfully keeps sinning, after you have come to the knowledge of the truth, then the Word says, that there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries of God, who live in rebellion towards Him (Isa 26:9-11, Heb 10:26).
With my soul have I desired thee in the night; ndio, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early:
for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord. Bwana, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see: but they shall see, and be ashamed for their envy at the people; ndio, the fire of thine enemies shall devour them. (Isaya 26:9-11)
Treading the Son of God under foot
Yule aliyemdharau Musa’ Sheria ilikufa bila huruma chini ya mashahidi wawili au watatu: Ni kiasi gani cha adhabu ya sorer, tuseme wewe, Je, atafikiriwa kuwa anastahili, ambaye amekanyaga chini ya miguu Mwana wa Mungu, na amehesabu damu ya agano, ambapo alitakaswa, Kitu kisichokuwa na maana, na amefanya licha ya Roho wa neema? (Heb 10:28-29)
During the old covenant, when someone, who belonged to the people of God, lived in rebellion towards God, by not keeping His commandment, which was written in the law of Moses and presented His will, was killed without mercy under 2 au 3 witnesses.
Neno linasema, what sorer punishment would a person get in the new covenant, which is sealed with the precious blood of God’s own Son; Yesu Kristo, when the person doesn’t want to submit and yield to God’s will and His Word and keep living in rebellion towards Him, by habitually keep living in sins?
God send His Son to bring redemption for fallen man and dealt with his sinful nature and restored fallen man, katika Yesu Kristo, by becoming a new creation; Mwanaume mpya. God didn’t send His Son Jesus so that by His Sacrifice, believers could persevere in sins and were allowed to sin without punishment.
The sacrifice of Jesus is not meant to keep living after the flesh and willfully keep living in sin, and use the blood of Jesus to make it all right and keep doing the works of the devil.
Because if you do that, you use the holy blood of Jesus, that has sanctified you (set apart from the world unto God and His service) for your flesh. You don’t use it to remove sins and get rid of the sinful nature and walk in righteousness, but you use the blood of Jesus to keep living after the lusts and desires of your flesh and keep living in sin. Kwa hiyo, you despise and don’t acknowledge the power of the blood of Jesus and Jesus’ sacrifice, which is meant to deal with the sinful nature of fallen man.
You don’t acknowledge the power of the blood, but despise the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Kwa hiyo, you have trodden under foot Jesus Christ the Son of God, which means that you have rejected Jesus Christ with disdain, and have considered His blood a common thing (unholy thing). Because you use the blood of Jesus, and His sacrifice for the works of the devil and to build his kingdom, by walking after Mapenzi yake, and by living in sins.
Upon whom do you tread?
Instead of reigning together with Jesus Christ, and tread upon serpents, scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and rule over the devil, sin and death, by resisting the temptations of the devil and sin and do the works of Christ, you reign and work together with the devil, by living after the flesh, na kuvumilia katika dhambi. Instead of treading upon serpents, scorpions and all the power of the enemy of God, you tread upon the Son of God; Yesu Kristo.
Instead of bruising the head of the devil, which means that you take away his authority and dominion, kama Yesu, by destroying his works, you bruise the Head of the church; Yesu Kristo, by sinning willfully and having pleasure in them that do them, and therefore you take away His authority from the church (Warumi 1:32).
How are you insulting the Spirit of grace?
And that’s not all, but if you willfully keep sinning after you have come to the knowledge of the truth, it shows that you don’t listen to the Holy Spirit and yield yourself to the Holy Spirit, but you keep listening to the flesh and worldly spirits and yield yourself to the devil, by walking and living after His will and doing the works of unrighteousness.
By doing the works of unrighteousness, you not only reject with disdain Jesus Christ, Mwana wa Mungu, and make His blood unholy, but if you willfully keep living in sin, after you have come to the knowledge of the truth, you insult the Holy Spirit and therefore you are insulting the Spirit of grace.
‘Kuweni chumvi ya dunia’