Ist der Mensch in der Lage, das Gesetz Gottes zu erfüllen??

Im Alten Bund, no one was able to fulfill the law of God. Jesus Christus, der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes, was the first One, Who fulfilled the law of God. How could Jesus fulfill the law of God? What was the difference between Jesus and the old Mann? What about now, is man still not able to fulfill the law or is man able to fulfill the law of God in the New Covenant?

Every person is born of the seed of Adam

Jede Person, who is born on this earth is born of the seed of Adam and has a sinful nature. The person consists of flesh and blood, a body and soul. The spirit of man is dead and lives under the authority of death.

Flesh and blood are not able to comprehend or understand the spiritual things of God and His Kingdom. They are foolishness to the carnal man.

The old man is not able to fulfill the law of God

Because man was unspiritual and carnal, God had to reveal Himself through the natural realm. God revealed His greatness through signs and wonders and His will through the Law. God appointed Moses as the leader of His people and gave him the Law. The Law of Moses was meant for the old man (die alte Schöpfung), who was born of the seed of Israel in whom sin and death reign.

Since the carnal old man can only walk after the flesh, being led by the senses, (fleischlich) Geist (Gedanken), Emotionen, Gefühle, Begierden, Wünsche, usw.), God gave His words and commandments to guide the people in their lives and keep them on the path of life.

Let thine heart retain my words keep my commandments, proverbs 4:4

By giving the Law, God revealed to His people the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God because the Law is spiritual (Römer 7:14).

God ‘translated’ the spiritual to the natural, so that God’s people were able to comprehend it.

Through His words and commandments, God revealed His nature, Sein Wille, und sein Königreich. Just like Jesus revealed the Kingdom of God by using parables, so that the old man was able to understand).

God also gave the sacrificial laws to His people, which were necessary to make atonement between God’s people, who were trapped in their corrupt sinful nature, and God.

Only through the means of the blood of animals and by following sacrificial laws, precepts, and rituals, the sins and iniquities of the people were temporarily atoned. Therefore God’s people had to do this faithfully.

The Law of Moses couldn’t do anything about the fallen state of humanity

The Law couldn’t make God’s people holy and righteous. Nor could the Law couldn’t heal (restore) the fallen state of man and reconcile man back to God. The Law couldn’t restore what man had lost in the Garden of Eden after his transgression.

The only thing the Law could do is to make the people walk holy and righteous according to the will of God. Through obedience to the Law; by keeping the commandments of God, and executing His carnal laws, precepts, Rituale, und Feste, the people of God walked holy as God is holy and God could have communion with His people.

The sinful nature rebels against the commandments of God

Jedoch, the sinful nature (the evil nature of the devil) in which they were born, rebelled against the commandments and ordinances of God. Since they were carnal and led by their senses, and unbelief is one of the characteristics of the unregenerated man, the people of God were not able to have faith in God and trust their God. Just like Adam and Eve didn’t trust God completely and believed the lie of the devil above the truth of God. (Lesen Sie auch: Solltest du nicht sterben, wenn du weiterhin sündigst??).

The sinful nature can’t please God, because it always wants to do those things, which oppose the will of God.

The carnal mind and the sinful nature always rebel against God’s will. That’s why the old carnal man can’t please God because the old man doesn’t walk naturally after God’s will and keep His commandments. But the old man walks naturally after the will of the devil and the desires and lusts of the flesh.

Because God’s people were not delivered from their flesh, in which sin and death reign, they were not able to fulfill the Law.

Jesus didn’t come to make the law of no effect, but Jesus came to fulfill the law

The only man, who could fulfill the law, was Jesus Christ. Jesus was not born of the corrupt seed of man. Therefore Jesus was not born as a sinner. But Jesus was born of the Seed of God; the Seed of the Holy Spirit and was holy and righteous..

Jesus war (und ist) the Son of God and was born in the flesh. And because Jesus was fully Human, Jesus was also the Son of man. (Lesen Sie auch: ‘War Jesus ganz Mensch??„).

Jesus could sin and disobey His Father. But Jesus didn’t rebel and disobey His Father. Why didn’t Jesus disobey His Father? Because Jesus loved His Father and feared Him.

Jesus loved His Father and didn’t want to do anything that would hurt and grieve His Father.

Jesus didn’t want to do anything that would disappoint His Father and separate Him from His Father. Because disobedience to God, die Sünde ist, separates man from God. (Lesen Sie auch: Can you crucify Jesus again and put Him to an open shame?).

Jesus war der Erstgeborene der neuen Schöpfung, who was born of water and Spirit and walked after the Spirit on earth. And because Jesus walked after the Spirit in the will of God, Jesus fulfilled the law.

Jesus is our Example

Für das, was das Gesetz nicht tun konnte, darin, dass es durch das Fleisch schwach war, Gott sandte seinen eigenen Sohn in der Gestalt des sündigen Fleisches, und für die Sünde, verurteilte die Sünde im Fleisch: Damit die Gerechtigkeit des Gesetzes in uns erfüllt werde, die nicht nach dem Fleisch wandeln, aber nach dem Geist (Römer 8:3-5)

Jesus fulfilled the Law and by faith in Him and through His redemptive work and His blood, people can be delivered from the power of the devil and darkness and be healed from their fallen state and reconciled with God. As a new creation in Christ through regeneration in Him, you can walk from your healed position as a son of God (male and female) auf der Erde.

Put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt ephesians 4:21-24

Jesus war der Erstgeborene der neuen Schöpfung (geboren aus Wasser und Geist) and showed us, how to walk as the new creation, as sons of God on earth.

When you become born again and become the new man, who has God’s nature, you will no longer live in disobedience to God.

You will no longer rebel against His words and His commandments.

You’ll not live like you lived before after the will of the flesh fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh. You shall no longer be controlled by your carnal mind and led by your senses and feelings.

NEIN, Der alte Mann, the sinner, is crucified with Christ and buried in Taufe (the death of the old man and the resurrection of the new man from the dead).

You can always return to your former life

But you can always return to your old life and pick up your former habits. No one and nothing can stop you from doing that, not even God. Du bist der Richtige, who decides and makes choices in life. You determine, how you want to live: after the Spirit or after the flesh?

But if you choose to live after the will of the flesh, fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh, then don’t expect to receive eternal life. Because the Light has nothing in common with darkness, which you prefer by walking after the flesh. Sin has nothing in common with righteousness. The Bible is very clear about it (o.a. 2 Korinther 6, Römer 6, 7, 8).

The Word determines and not people

Und wenn jemand meine Worte hört, und glaube nicht, Ich verurteile ihn nicht: denn ich bin nicht gekommen, um die Welt zu richten, sondern um die Welt zu retten. He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: das Wort, das ich gesprochen habe, Derselbe wird ihn am letzten Tag richten (John 12:47-48)

Preachers can say something else and allow and approve things that oppose the will of God and contradict His Word, but the Word determines and shall judge every man on the Day of Judgment and not people. What the Word says is the truth. Every man decides to either obey the Word of God or not.

John 14:23-24 If a man love Me he will keep My words

When you truly have become a new creation, your nature has changed and His Spirit lives inside of you. You have become a child of God and live in unity with Him and that will show in your walk on earth.

You shall do everything you can to please and glorify God the Father and Jesus Christ.

When your love for Jesus is greater than your love for yourself, du sollst schieb den alten Mann ab.

You shall put off the works of the flesh that rebel against God and cause separation between you and Him.

You are saved and by the blood of Christ, you are cleansed from all your iniquities and sins. Jesus has redeemed you from your corrupt sinful nature that dwells in the flesh.

In Him, Du hast eine neue Natur erhalten; Gottes Natur. This means that you shall no longer walk after the flesh in sins and iniquities. But that you shall walk after the Spirit in holiness and righteousness and because of that you shall fulfill the Law of God.

The new man is able to fulfill the Law of God

When you put on the new man and walk after the Spirit, you shall do the will of God. You shall keep the commandments of God; Sein Gesetz (this means the moral part of the law and not the sacrificial laws, food laws, Rituale, Feste, etc which were meant for the old carnal man who belonged to the house of Israel), and walk in His will.

If you really love God, you shall do His will and please Him. You shall not do anything that hurts or grieves Him and causes a separation between you and Him.

His law represents His will. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, His will is written upon your heart. His nature has become your nature and righteousness rules as king in your life.

As long as walk after the Spirit, your soul and body will be subject to the Spirit and you shall fulfill the Law.

But if you return to the flesh and start walking after the flesh again, doing the works of the flesh and letting sin reign as king in your life, you will not be able to fulfill the Law of God. Because the flesh doesn’t submit to the law of God but rebels against the Law of God. The flesh will always strive against the Spirit and that won’t stop (Römer 8:7, Galater 5).

Only by crucifying the corrupt sinful nature, which carries the death, and by becoming a new creation, who is born of the Spirit of God, a person is able to walk after the Spirit and fulfill the Law of God.

„Sei das Salz der Erde“

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