Chez Colossiens 1:15-17, Paul wrote that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, le premier-né de toute créature; Car c'est par Lui que toutes choses ont été créées, qui sont au paradis, et qui sont sur terre, visible et invisible, qu'ils soient des trônes, ou domaines, ou principautés, or power: toutes choses ont été créées par Lui, et pour Lui,: Et Il est avant toutes choses, and by Him all things consist of every creature. What did Paul mean that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, le premier-né de toute créature?
Jésus est l’image du Dieu invisible
Qui est l'image du Dieu invisible, le premier-né de toute créature: Car c'est par Lui que toutes choses ont été créées, qui sont au paradis, et qui sont sur terre, visible et invisible, qu'ils soient des trônes, ou domaines, ou principautés, ou des pouvoirs: toutes choses ont été créées par Lui, et pour Lui: Et Il est avant toutes choses, et en Lui toutes choses consistent (Colossiens 1:15-17)
Jésus est l’image du Dieu invisible. He is the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person (Hébreux 1:3). If you know Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Word that was made flesh, you know the Father. No one has seen the Father than Jesus Christ (Oh. John 1:18, 6:46). Seulement par la Parole, you can get to know the Father (Lire aussi: Jésus était-il pleinement humain?).
Philip saith unto Him, Seigneur, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jésus lui dit, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
Ne crois-tu pas que je suis dans le Père, et le Père en Moi? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself: mais le Père qui demeure en moi, Il fait les œuvres. Croyez-moi, je suis dans le Père, et le Père en Moi: or else believe me for the very works’ saké.
En vérité, en vérité, je te le dis, Celui qui croit en Moi, les œuvres que je fais, il les fera aussi; et il fera de plus grandes œuvres que celles-ci; because I go unto my Father. Et tout ce que vous demanderez en Mon Nom, c’est ce que je ferai, afin que le Père soit glorifié dans le Fils. Si vous demandez quelque chose en Mon Nom, I will do it (John 14:8-14)
Philip had spent so much time with Jesus and still, Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father. While Jesus was the reflection of the Father. Les mots, Jesus spoke and the works, He did were the words and works of the Father.
Ceci montre, that as long as you remainl'ancienne création, it’s hard to believe and to see, comprendre, and understand the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God.
Only when you become born again in the spirit, you will enter the Kingdom of God and you will see the Kingdom of God and understand the spiritual things.
Jesus is the Firstborn of every creature
Au commencement était la Parole, et la Parole était avec Dieu, et la Parole était Dieu. C'était la même chose au début avec Dieu. Toutes choses ont été faites par Lui; et sans Lui rien de ce qui a été fait n'a été fait (John 1:1-3)
These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God (Révélation 3:14)
Jesus is the Firstborn of every creature. Jesus existed before everything else was created. Nothing existed before Him. All things in the heavens and on the earth, the visible and invisible, qu'ils soient des trônes, Dominions, principautés, ou des pouvoirs; all things were created by Him and for Him.
Cela nous montre, the ultimate authority and highest power of Jesus Christ, above all other forces, pouvoirs, thrones, Dominions, principautés, etc.. There is no higher and greater power in the heavens and on earth, that stands above God (Éphésiens 1:20-23).
Since all things were created by Him and for Him, Jesus had to come to the earth. So that through Him, la nouvelle création; the new man could be created. There was no one, who could do that, than Jesus Christ, la Parole Vivante. And so Jesus became the Firstborn of the new creation (Lire aussi: La création entière est créée en Jésus-Christ).
The new creation is the image of Jesus Christ
Pour qui Il a connu d’avance, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brethren (Romains 8:29)
Just like Jesus is the image of the invisible God, so shall those, who are called according to His purpose, par la foi en Jésus-Christ et la régénération en Lui, be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Ceux, who are born again in Him and are justified by His blood and born of Eau and Spirit and have become a new creation, shall be the image of Jesus Christ on earth. They shall belong to Him and submit to Him and live according to the will of God.
They shall walk after the Spirit and have an experiential relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father and speak and do His words and His works, oui, even greater works, says Jesus, parce qu'il est allé vers le Père, and they shall bear the same fruit.
And so they shall be witnesses of Jesus Christ on earth and in His Name preach the gospel and call the people to repentance and the removal of sin and deliver them from the powers of darkness.
À cause de ça, ceux, who are born again in the spirit and are born of God and belong to Him and walk in the light shall distinguish themselves from those, who through natural birth belong to the devil and the world and walk in darkness.
'Soyez le sel de la terre’