И он (Иисус) is the Head of the Body, храм: who is the Beginning, the Firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence (Колоссянам 1:18)
Иисус есть образ невидимого Бога, the Firstborn of every creature and Jesus is the Head of the Body, храм. The only way to access the Church is through faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ. Если вы родились свыше во Христе, ты принадлежишь Его Телу, храм. The Head reigns, decides, and directs the Body and the Body submits and follows. Поэтому все, who is born again and belongs to the Church, should submit to Jesus Christ and obey Him and follow Him.
The mind is in the head
Поэтому умоляю вас, братья, по милости Божией, чтобы вы принесли тела ваши в жертву живую, святой, угодны Богу, что является вашим разумным сервисом. И не соответствовать этому миру: но преобразитесь обновлением ума вашего, чтобы вы могли доказать, что это хорошо, и приемлемо, и идеальный, воля Божия (римляне 12:1-2)
The mind is in the head. Поэтому, те, who are born again and belong to the Body of Christ, храм, should renew their mind with the Word of God, so that their mind and thoughts will line up with the Word and they may prove what is that good, и приемлемо, and perfect will of God.
Because before you wereродился заново, you were the old creation and belonged to the generation of fallen man, and your mind was filled with the wisdom, знание, and the things of the world. The devil was your father and you belonged to the world and therefore, you thought, acted, and lived like the world.
Но верой в Иисуса Христа и возрождением в Нем, через смерть плоти и воскресение духа из мертвых, вы были перенесены из царства тьмы в Царство Божие. Из-за этого, you no longer belong to the devil and the world, but to God and His Kingdom.
Another kingdom means, среди прочего, another king, another law; other commandments and other rules. Короче говоря, it means a change of life.
Therefore it’s essential when you become born again, обновить свой разум Словом Божьим. Because by the renewing of your mind, you will get to know the will of God and come to the knowledge of the truth and your thoughts will line up with God’s thoughts and you shall walk in His ways (Читайте также: Являются ли Божьи мысли нашими мыслями?? и Божий путь — ваш путь?).
If your mind is renewed with the Word of God and you know His will and His truth, you will no longer believe the lies of the devil and think, действовать, and walk like the world, and live the same life before you were born again, Когда ты был старым творением,, грешник.
But through the renewing of your mind, you shall spiritually mature and think, действовать, and walk like the new creation, like Jesus Christ, and in submission and obedience to the Word, ты исполнишь Его волю.
Иисус – Глава Тела, храм
Иисус – Глава Тела, храм. When you belong to the Body of Christ, you ought to think the way He thinks and act the way He acts and keep His commandments and do His will.
By doing His will, you shall not only be a hearer of the Word but you shall be a doer of the Word (Читайте также: ‘Слушатели против исполнителей’).
Jesus is the Living Word and is the Firstborn of the new creation, Who walked upon this earth. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and did the will of His Father, whereby His Father was glorified and exalted. The Word and the Spirit are the Witnesses of God upon the earth.
Jesus faced death and conquered the death and rose from the dead unto eternal life, так что все, who would lay down his or her life and by faith in Jesus Christ become born again, не увидел бы смерти, but enter eternal life.
Jesus Christ has given the example
Вот, какую любовь даровал нам Отец, что нас следует называть сынами Божиими: поэтому мир не знает нас, because it knew Him not. Возлюбленный, теперь мы сыновья Божьи, и еще не ясно, кем мы будем: но мы знаем это, когда Он появится, мы будем подобны Ему; for we shall see Him as He is. И всякий человек, имеющий сию надежду на Него, очищает себя, even as He is pure (1 Джон 3:1-3)
Jesus Christ has given us the example and showed us how to live as sons of God, in the authority of God in obedience to His will.
Jesus showed us His relationship with the Father and the words He spoke as One having authority and the works He did in the Name of His Father and the power of the Holy Spirit, which glorified the Father.
Jesus is the Head of His Body, храм. We are the Church and He is our Head and therefore the Church, who represents and preaches the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, shall speak, act and walk in the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and shall expose and destroy the works of darkness.
Jesus is the Head of your life
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Corner stone; In Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In Whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit (Ефесянам 2:19-22)
If Jesus is the Head of the Church and if you are born again and belong to the Church, then Jesus Christ is the Head of your life. Since you died in Christ, you no longer live, но Христос живет в вас. Your body is the temple of God, where the Holy Spirit dwells(Ой. Галатам 2:20, 1 Коринфянам 3:16; 6:19, 2 Коринфянам 6:16).
Не знаете, что вы храм Божий, и что Дух Божий обитает в вас? Если кто-нибудь осквернит храм Божий, его Бог уничтожит; ибо храм Божий свят, какой ты храм (1 Коринфянам 3:16-17).
Что? Не знайте, что ваше тело есть храм Духа Святого, который в вас, которые вы имеете от Бога, и вы не свои? Ибо вы куплены дорогою ценою: поэтому прославляйте Бога в теле вашем, и в твоем духе, которые принадлежат Богу (1 Коринфянам 6:19-20)
Если выlet Jesus be the Head of your life and you submit to Him and walk according to His will and Его заповеди, then you will become like Him and speak, act and walk like Him. Because God has given power to everyone, кто принимает Его, стать сынами Божьими (Джон 1:12-13).
И благодаря этому мы знаем, что мы знаем Его, если мы соблюдаем Его заповеди. Тот, кто говорит,, Я знаю Его, и не соблюдает заповедей Своих, лжец, и истины нет в нем. Но кто соблюдает слово Его,, в Нем, воистину, совершенна любовь Божья: Тем самым мы знаем, что мы в Нем. Кто говорит, что пребывает в Нем, тот и сам должен поступать так, даже когда Он ходил (1 Джон 2:3-6).
If you belong to Him and submit to Him, you shall do what He says and what pleases Him and you shall honor and glorify Him through your life.
But if you can’t let go of the world, because you love the world too much. And if you keep doing the things you want to do, instead of doing the things He wants you to do, and you keep walking after the flesh, doing the works of the flesh and persevere in sin, then He shall no longer be your Head and you shall no longer belong to Him, because you don’t do what He says.
Jesus gave His body, so that the Church could become His Body
Это относится и к Церкви. Jesus gave His body, so that we could become His Body. But if the Church leaves Jesus Christ; the Word and doesn’t do what He says and (духовно) behead Him of the Church, then the Church shall be a humanistic social institution, that is focused upon man and feeding the flesh instead of being a power of God, who is focussed on Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and feeding the spirit (Читайте также: The Church a social institution or a power of God?)
The church shall be spiritually powerless and shall not be able to stand against the powers, правители, княжества, thrones, и т. д.. из царства тьмы, causing the devil to manifest himself in the church; in the lives of people through the works of the flesh (идолопоклонство, колдовство, сексуальная нечистота, блуд, прелюбодеяние, развод, жадность, и т. д.)
Therefore stay in the Word and don’t leave the words of God and let Jesus Christ be the Head of the Church and the Head of your life.
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