Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23)
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Therefore it is important to keep your heart pure before the Lord and to fill your heart with the right things, is essential. Because what’s in your heart determines who you are, how you speak, act and live. If your heart is filled with the world, you will act and speak like the world. If your heart is filled with the things of the Kingdom of God, then you will speak and act like a son of God.
What do you have to do, to keep your heart pure?
What do you have to do, to keep your heart pure? Listen to the Word of God, and feed yourself with the Word of God. The words of God are seeds that are planted in your life.
When you feed, nourish, and guard the seeds (the words), you will sow in your spirit, bear the fruit of the Spirit and reap life.
Don’t let the seeds of God be choked by the cares and the things of the world.
When you feed yourself with the things of the world, you shall sow in your flesh, you shall bear the fruit of the flesh, and reap corruption.
You decide on which field you want to sow: the spirit, or the flesh. You fruit will show and determine on which field you have sown.
The Father wants you to keep His words in your heart. He wants you to keep and guard His words in your heart, so that your heart stays pure and completely devoted to Him. He wants you to keep your heart with all diligence, because out of your heart are the issues of life.
‘Be the salt of the earth’