Kusho ukuthini ukwazi umusa kaNkulunkulu ngeqiniso?

KwabaseKolose 1:6, Paul wrote to the saints at Colosse that they knew the grace of God in truth. What does it mean, to know the grace of God in truth?

Kusho ukuthini ukwazi umusa kaNkulunkulu ngeqiniso?

Babewazi umusa kaNkulunkulu ngeqiniso (AbaseKolose 1:6)

The saints at Colosse accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When they heard the words of the gospel and learned about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of humanity, they believed the words they heard. They believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.

Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound Romans 6:1-2

They accepted Jesus Christ, repented, and were born again in Christ.

Through Jesus Christ they were reconciled with God and restored (ephulukisiwe) from their fallen state and became sons of God (lokhu kusebenza kokubili abesilisa nabesifazane.

Kusukela ngaleso sikhathi, bajwayelana nomusa kaNkulunkulu ngeqiniso.

It is important to know the grace of God in truth. It’s important to know what the grace of God means and what the grace of God doesn’t mean.

Many churches preach a false grace of God. This false grace doesn’t call the people to repentance and sanctification but causes Christians to remain carnal and become lukewarm and eventually apostate from the faith.

What’s the grace of God?

  • The grace of God is that God sent His Son and through His redemptive work and His blood and by faith in His Name we are saved.
  • Umusa kaNkulunkulu uwukuba sibuyisane noNkulunkulu ngokukholwa kuJesu Kristu nokuzalwa kabusha Kuye.
  • Umusa kaNkulunkulu, that we have become holy and righteous by His blood, and that we receive the Holy Spirit.
  • Umusa kaNkulunkulu, ukuthi sikhona ehlezi kuKristu futhi babe nekhono lokufana Naye.
  • Yebo umusa kaNkulunkulu, that the Gentiles have become fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel.

What’s grace not?

What is the grace of God not? The grace of God is NOT a free card to keep sinning. Lapho ubhapathizwa, you laid down your old life as a sinner. ngalokho awusayikuhamba njengesoni.  

It is a choice that you have made yourself. Akekho owakuphoqa ukuba ukwenze. You’ve decided to believe and lay down your own old life and become a indalo entsha kuJesu Kristu. 

Isidalwa esisha kuJesu Kristu ngeke sibuyele ekuphileni kwaso kwakudala njengesoni. Ngoba lokho kusho ukuthi uyophinde uphile ebugqilini besono nokufa.

Uyisidalwa esisha kuJesu Kristu futhi unoMoya oNgcwele ohlezi kuwe. Ngenxa yomusa kaNkulunkulu, unekhono namandla okusho CHA to sin.

Ungavumeli isono singabuse impilo yakho, kodwa ube ngumbusi phezu kwesono.

‘Yibani usawoti womhlaba’

Ungase Uphinde Uthande

    iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe