Иоанн Креститель свидетельствовал об Иисусе Христе и сказал, Это был Тот, о ком я говорил, Тот, кто идет после меня, предпочтительнее меня: ибо Он был прежде меня. И от полноты Его все мы получили, и благодать за благодатью. Ибо закон был дан через Моисея, но благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа (Джон 1:15-17). What does John 1:17 иметь в виду, The Law was given by Moses, но благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа?
God sent Moses to deliver His people from the power of Pharaoh
And God spake unto Moses, и сказал ему, Я Господь: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by My Name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. And I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers. I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered My covenant (Исход 6:2-5)
God had made a covenant with Abraham and his Seed. As a sign of that covenant, God instituted the circumcision.
The circumcision in the flesh took place on the eighth day. It was a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham and his Seed. (Читайте также: Обрезание в Новом Завете)
Бог был с Авраамом, and with the son of the promise Isaac, and his son Jacob Israël) of whose seed twelve sons were born.
The twelve sons of Jacob (Израиль) became the twelve tribes of Israel. Ruben, Симеон, Леви, Иуда, Завулон, Иссахар, И, Гад, Aser, Нафтали, Джозеф, and Benjamin.
From the twelve tribes of Israel, God chose the tribe of Levi, whereof the deliverer and the mediator of Israel would come.
This deliverer would redeem the house of Israel that lived in bondage and slavery under the rule of Pharaoh. The deliverer, whom God chose and appointed was Moses.
Moses represented God. He appointed Moses as the mediator between God and His people. God delivered His people through Moses and did great signs and wonders through the hands of Moses.
God showed His greatness through signs and wonders
The children of Israel were witnesses of God’s signs; the plagues that the Lord Jehovah brought upon Egypt. They were witnesses of God’s deliverance, защита, and all the miracles God performed through the hands of Moses.
God divided the waters of the Red Sea. He made the sea dry land to make a way for the children of Israel. He drowned their enemy; the host of Pharaoh in the middle of the Red Sea. God led His people through a pillar of fire and a pillar of the cloud. He made the bitter water sweet. God rained manna from heaven (bread from heaven) and gave water out of the rock. God also defeated the Amalekites.
Through all these signs and wonders, God showed Himself as their Lord (Иегова); the Almighty God and Creator of heaven and earth. God showed Himself as their Redeemer, Целитель, Пастух, Provider, Судья, Warrior, and Protector.
All the signs that God performed in Egypt before the eyes of Pharaoh, the people of Egypt, и дети Израиля, and all the miracles God performed before the eyes of the children of Israel during their exodus and stay in the wilderness, testified who God was (и до сих пор есть).
But God gave more out of love for His people. He gave more to reveal Himself and separate His people from all the other nations and walk as His children on earth.
The Law was given by Moses from God
After God showed His greatness through the signs (plagues), the deliverance of the children of Israel from the power of Pharaoh, and the miracles in the wilderness, God revealed Himself through His Word.
God made His heart, воля, and nature known to His people. He did this, through His words and by giving the Law to Moses.
Although the Law was not able to restore (лечить) the fallen state of the children of Israel, forgive their sins, and justify and reconcile them with God, through the obedience of the Law, their sins would be (временно) atoned through the sacrifices and the blood of animals, and they would be holy (set apart from other nations unto God).
Соблюдая Божьи заповеди, they walked righteously before the Lord, while they were still the carnal old creation; Вы падаете (Ой. Исход 13:9-10, Второзаконие 4; 28:9-14, Действия 13:39, римляне 7:12 ).
Through obedience to the voice of the Lord and by keeping His commandments and remembering the covenant, the children of Israel would be a special treasure unto God above all people. They’d be unto God a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Исход 19:4-6). (Читайте также: Живут ли христиане как избранное поколение, королевское священство, a holy nation, и своеобразный народ?).
And so God gave Moses, the mediator of the Old Covenant, the Law with His commandments, Заповедей, учреждения, пиры, и (жертвенный, еда, очищение) законы, and He established the Levitical priesthood that was meant for the carnal old man (Вы падаете), который принадлежал дому Израиля.
God revealed Himself through the law of Moses
God wrote with His finger, the Ten Commandments on two tables of stone. The Ten Commandments made the will of God known to His people. Whereby no one could ever say, that they didn’t know the will of God. (Читайте также: Why did God write the Law on tables of stone?).
God revealed Himself through the Law of Moses. This Law, which derived from God, gave Moses to the children of Israel. It gave knowledge of good and evil. The Law of Moses revealed sin through the righteousness of God and dealt with sin.
Закон; the written word of God was a teacher and kept God’s chosen people through obedience to His words.
The written word of God was in effect until the coming of the Messiah; живое Слово Божье.
The coming of the Messiah
Wherefore when he cometh into the world, Он говорит, Sacrifice and offering Thou wouldest not, но тело Ты приготовил Мне: Всесожжения и жертвы за грех не благоволили тебе. Тогда я сказал, Ло, Я прихожу (in the volume of the book it is written of Me,) творить волю Твою, о Боже.
Выше, когда Он сказал, Жертвы и приношения, всесожжения и приношения за грех Ты не хотел, и не имели в этом удовольствия; которые предлагаются законом; Тогда Он сказал, Ло, Я прихожу, чтобы исполнить волю Твою, о Боже. Он отнимает у первого, дабы Он утвердил второе. Коей волей мы освящаемся через единовременное принесение в жертву тела Иисуса Христа (евреи 10:5-10)
The Messiah, Whom God promised to send to the earth, after the fall, был (и до сих пор есть) Его сын; Иисус Христос.
В Ветхом Завете, God chose and appointed Moses to deliver the children of Israel from the power of Pharaoh. God not only sent Moses out of love for His children, to deliver them. But God also gave out of love for His children the Law; His written word. The Law kept His children, protected His children from evil, and saved them. (Читайте также: У Бога есть план для вашей жизни).
В Новом Завете, God gave out of love for humanity His Son Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus to the earth to deliver (упал) man from the power of the devil and sin and death. He sent Jesus to heal and reconcile man to God, and give (вечный) жизнь, by faith and obedience to Him.
Слово стало плотью
Jesus came from the presence of His Father, Кто на небесах, к земле. And He was born in a human body. Jesus is the Word made flesh.
He was the reflection of God and came to the earth to do the will of God. (Читайте также: Что означает послушание Богу?).
Jesus showed grace and He preached the truth of God. He made His will and Kingdom known to the people and made them whole.
Иисус был един с Отцом. Therefore Jesus only spoke the words of His Father (Ой. Джон 5:30; 14:10).
As Moses revealed the will of the Father through the Law (the written word of God) to the house of Israel and through the hands of Moses did great signs and wonders, Иисус (живое Слово Божье) made (воля) the Father known through His words and works, and God did great signs and wonders through the hands of Jesus.
When Phillip asked Jesus to show him the Father, Иисус сказал, Whosoever has seen Me, has seen the Father (Ой. Джон 5:30; 14:6-11, Действия 1-:38).
Jesus walked in obedience to the will of God
Jesus was spiritual and walked after the Spirit in submission and obedience to the will of the Father. By doing the will of God, Jesus fulfilled the Law of God.
Иисус был Первенцем нового творения (рожденный от воды и Духа). He was the first Son of God, who walked in the truth and authority of His Father, preaching His truth and Kingdom. Через Святого Духа, Jesus made the spiritual reality and God’s Kingdom known. He revealed and brought the Kingdom to the people. (Читайте также: Is the spiritual realm fiction or reality?).
Jesus exposed the darkness by walking after the Spirit in obedience to His Father in goodness, праведность, и правда. By preaching the truth and doing the will of God, He brought the works of darkness into the light.
Jesus spent much time with the Father and lived in union with the Father. He was a Witness of His Father and His Kingdom. Through His obedience to the Father, Jesus went the way of suffering that led to the cross and death.
Out of love for His Father and people, Jesus went the way, that is meant for sinners (Вы падаете).
Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit
Иисус, Who was full of the Holy Spirit, was able to go that way. Through His obedience to God, Jesus made a turning point in the history of the fallen man. Падший человек, who is carnal and trapped in sinful flesh and through sin lives separated from God.
Because through the disobedience of the first Adam, сын Божий, everyone is born as a sinner. Everyone lives separated from God through sin. Но, through the obedience of the last Adam, Иисус Христос Сын Божий, everyone received the ability, by the grace and truth of God, to become justified by the blood of Jesus Christ. To be restored (исцелённый), and enter God’s rest, и примириться с Богом, and live in union with Him through the Holy Spirit.
No one can earn this and no one can bring this about. This is not by own works. This is solemnly by the grace of God. Through the redemptive work of the Human Jesus Christ, Сын Божий.
Entering God’s rest
В Ветхом Завете, the Law of Moses kept God’s people. The works of the Law led to a righteous walk and kept the people, who were born under the Law. But the Law couldn’t deliver people from the power of darkness, грех, и смерть. No one could be healed from his fallen state and be justified by the works of the Law. No one could enter the Kingdom of God and be reconciled with God and live in union with Him, by the works of the Law. By keeping the Law and all its laws, заповеди, Заповедей, ритуалы, and sacrifices.
This has not changed. Although the Law revealed the will of God, the Law didn’t lead to God. Иисус Христос, and faith and regeneration in Him, lead to God.
Иисус есть путь, правда, и жизнь. He is the resurrection and the life. Only by Jesus Christ and His blood can a person be justified and reconciled with God and enter God’s rest. (Ой. Джон 14:6, римляне 3; 8, евреи 3,4).
The grace and truth of God through Jesus Christ saves man and leads to eternal life
Ибо благодать Божия, приносящая спасение, явилась всем людям, Учит нас, что, отрицание нечестия и мирских похотей, Мы должны жить трезво, Праведно, и благочестиво, в этом современном мире; В поисках этой благословенной надежды, и славное явление великого Бога и Спасителя нашего Иисуса Христа; Кто отдал Себя за нас, чтобы Он искупил нас от всякого беззакония, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, ревностные к добрым делам (Тит 2:11-14)
Но после этого явилась благость и любовь Бога, Спасителя нашего к человеку, Не по делам праведности, которые мы совершили, но по милости Своей Он спас нас, путем промывки регенерации, и обновление Святым Духом; Который Он обильно излил на нас через Иисуса Христа, нашего Спасителя; Это оправдано Его благодатью, Мы должны стать наследниками в надежде на жизнь вечную (Тит 3:4-7)
Для надежды, которая уготована для вас на небесах, о котором вы прежде слышали в слове истины Евангелия; Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth (Колоссянам 1:5—6)
Jesus Christ is the Truth. Jesus preached the truth of God and revealed and showed God’s grace and love for all people
Через Иисуса Христа, the grace of God appeared to all people.
Only through the grace and truth of God by Jesus Christ, and by faith and regeneration in Him, people can be delivered from his sinful flesh and the power of darkness and be saved from hell, and be justified, войти в покой Божий, и получи вечную жизнь.
Through the death of the flesh in Christ, a person leaves the darkness and the law of sin and death has no more power over the person. Since the law of sin and death reigns in the (грешный) плоть. (Читайте также: В чем тайна Закона?).
The spirit of the person is quickened by the Spirit and rises from the dead. Hereby the person becomes a new creation and enters the Kingdom of God. С того момента, the law of the Spirit of life reigns in the new man.
By the Holy Spirit, the laws of God are written upon the heart of the new creation
Through the change of nature and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the laws of God are written upon the heart of the new man (новое творение). Из-за этого, the new man will fulfill the law of God through faith and by walking after the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word (Ой. римляне 2:14-16, евреи 8:10-13; 10:15-18).
Although the new man still does works, because faith without works is death, these works don’t derive from the flesh (human knowledge and wisdom, способность, natural methods, методы, and natural means). But they derive from the Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ and His authority and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Закон дал Моисей, но благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа
Иоанн ясно свидетельствовал о Нем, и заплакал, говоря, This was He of Whom I spake, Кто идет за Мною, тот предпочитается Мною: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, и благодать за благодатью. Ибо закон был дан через Моисея, но благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа. Ни один человек не видел Бога никогда; единородный Сын, который в лоне Отчем, Он объявил Его (Джон 1:15-18)
And so the law was given by Moses, но благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа.
Jesus showed grace and revealed the truth of God. He became the Way to salvation until eternal life for everyone, кто верит.
The grace and truth came by Jesus Christ and save people. But what happens if people despise the grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ?
What happens when you despise the grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ?
For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, Больше не остается жертвы за грехи, Но некое боязливое ожидание суда и пламенного негодования, который пожрет противников. Тот, кто презирал Моисея’ Ло умер без милосердия при двух-трех свидетелях: О том, насколько более суровое наказание, Предположим, что вы, Будет ли он признан достойным, Кто попирает ногами Сына Божия, и исчислил кровь завета, которым он был освящен, Нечестивая вещь, и сделал вопреки Духу благодати? For we know Him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto Me, Я воздам, говорит Господь. И опять, The Lord shall judge His people. Страшно попасть в руки Бога живого (евреи 10:28-31)
В Ветхом Завете, the law of Moses made a distinction between the people, who loved God and submitted to the law of Moses and obeyed the words and commandments of God and lived righteous according to the will of God, и народ, who rebelled against God and His law and through unbelief rejected the words of the Law. The law dealt with those, who were born under the Law and knew the Law, but rejected the law.
В Новом Завете, Jesus and the Holy Spirit make the distinction between the people, who believe and love God and obey the words of Jesus and walk in His commandments, and the rebels, who oppose the Word and refuse to submit to God, but reject His words and go their own way and persevere in sin.
Однако, the punishment for the person, who sins wilfully in the New Covenant is much sorer than the person, who sinned wilfully in the Old Covenant.
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, Больше не остается жертвы за грехи”
When someone was born of the seed of Israel in the Old Covenant and lived under the law and sinned willfully, the person died without mercy, under two or three witnesses.
But if someone sins willfully, after having received the full knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice. But a fearful indignation which is about to be devouring the adversaries.
By sinning wilfully, the person has trodden under foot the Son of God. The person counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith the person was sanctified an unholy thing and insulted the Spirit of grace. (Читайте также: How can you insult the Spirit of grace?).
Персона, who rejected the Law of Moses died under two or three witnesses. But whosoever rejects Jesus and despises the grace and truth of God that came by Jesus Christ, shall die until eternity.
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