Otkrivajuća istina o zakonu grijeha i smrti

Od trenutka, taj je čovjek predao svoju vlast nad zemljom, koje je Bog dao čovjeku, Đavlu kroz grijeh, Đavao je uspostavio svoje kraljevstvo na zemlji. Od tog trenutka nadalje, Đavao, grijeh i smrt vladali su na zemlji. Priroda i zakon đavla vladali su u ljudskom tijelu i nastao je zakon grijeha i smrti. Zemlja više nije bila blagoslovljena, već je postala prokleta. Duh u čovjeku je umro, i meso; duša, i tijelo, postao podložan đavlu. Đavao je postao otac i bog nad svim tijelom koje će se roditi u njegovom kraljevstvu. Zakon koji predstavlja đavlovo kraljevstvo je zakon grijeha i smrti. Što je zakon grijeha i smrti? Pogledajmo otkrivajuću istinu o zakonu grijeha i smrti.

Zakon grijeha i smrti vlada nad svakim čovjekom

Svaka osoba, koji će se roditi na ovoj zemlji, automatski će biti vezani i podvrgnuti grijehu i smrti i zakonu grijeha i smrti. Đavolji zakon, koji predstavlja njegovu volju, je prisutan i vlada u svakom tijelu (Pročitajte također: ‘Božja volja protiv đavolje volje').

Zbog toga, da je duh čovjeka umro, Trenutak kada je čovjek sagriješio, čovjek je imao sposobnost živjeti samo po tijelu.

Čovjek je postao živa duša, a duša bi čovjeku diktirala što će učiniti. Duša i tijelo bit će vezani za đavla i njegov zakon. Zla buntovnička priroda đavla bila je prisutna u tijelu tjelesnog čovjeka. Zato što je čovjek živio po tijelu i bio je vođen svojom grešnom prirodom, čovjek će živjeti po đavlovom zakonu i uspostaviti zakon grijeha i smrti.

Premješten iz Kraljevstva Božjeg u kraljevstvo tame

Kad je Bog stvorio nebo i zemlju, Njegovo Kraljevstvo; duhovno kraljevstvo Božje zavladalo je na zemlji. Bog je stvorio čovjeka s duhom, duša, i tijelo. Adamov duh vladao je u njegovom životu. Njegova duša i tijelo bili su podvrgnuti njegovom duhu.

Prije nego što se Adam pobunio i postao neposlušn Božjoj zapovijedi i sagriješio, Duhovni zakon pravednosti i života, vladao na zemlji. Zakon pravednosti i života predstavlja Božju volju i pripada Kraljevstvu Božjem.

Božja volja protiv volje đavola

Ali kada je Adam, kojeg je Bog postavio da predstavlja Njegovo Kraljevstvo na zemlji, poslušali glas đavla i postali neposlušni zapovijedi Božjoj i Njegovom Kraljevstvu, njegov duh, koji je vladao u njegovom životu, Umro.

Kad je Adamov duh umro, Premješten je u duhovno područje, iz Kraljevstva Božjeg u kraljevstvo tame.

Čovjek je slobodno odabrao slušati i vjerovati riječima đavla, umjesto Boga. Čovjek je izabrao postati neposlušan prema riječima Božjim i vršite volju đavlovu umjesto volje Božje.

Kao što sam spomenuo u prethodnom postu na blogu 'Volja Božja protiv volje đavla', đavao se buni protiv svake Božje riječi. Zato je volja đavla upravo suprotna Božjoj volji.

Božja volja predstavlja zakon pravednosti i života. Volja đavla predstavlja zakon grijeha i smrti.

Zakon grijeha i smrti

Zakon grijeha i smrti sadrži sljedeće zapovijedi:

  • Ti ćeš voljeti đavla i sve što postoji u svijetu iznad svega. Služi mu i slušaj ga
  • Imat ćeš bogove pred sobom i klanjat ćeš im se
  • Počinit ćeš blud
  • Mrzit ćeš Boga i uzalud koristiti Njegovo ime
  • Učinit ćeš preljub
  • Bit ćeš nevjeran
  • Lagat ćeš
  • Ubit ćeš
  • Pobuni se protiv svojih roditelja i ne poštuj ih
  • Žudit ćeš
  • Bit ćeš ljubomoran
  • Ne opraštaj
  • Vi ćete....

Ovaj zakon predstavlja volju đavla i pripada kraljevstvu tame. Kad živiš po tijelu, bit ćete vezani ovim zakonom grijeha i smrti i hodit ćete u grijehu. Kada živite po ovom zakonu u grijehu, Vaše konačno odredište bit će smrt. Jer plaća za grijeh je smrt.

Jer plaća za grijeh je smrt; ali dar Božji je vječni život po Isusu Kristu, Gospodinu našemu, (Rimljani 6:23)

Bog je izabrao narod i odvojio ga

Bog je izabrao narod i odvojio ga od drugih ljudi, iz drugih naroda. God led His people out of Egypt and redeemed them from slavery and the rulership of Pharaoh. For years, God’s people were oppressed by Pharaoh and lived in slavery. His will had become their will and they had adopted the pagan rituals, navike, and culture of Egypt.

But God’s Kingdom was another Kingdom and God’s will wasn’t equal to the will of the devil, which reigned in the evil carnal nature of man.

God didn’t want His people to be bound to the devil and the works of his kingdom. Because God couldn’t have fellowship with sin; the works of the flesh and darkness. God’s people had to be cleansed and purified. Their minds had to be renewed with the will of God.

God made His will known by His law

That’s why God revealed His will and His Kingdom known to His people, by giving them His law. Zbog činjenice, that man was carnal and God Spirit, God ‘translated’ His will and made His spiritual Kingdom visible to man, by giving them Njegove zapovijedi. God wanted to have a relationship with man, but since the carnal man was not righteous but a sinner and God couldn’t have communion with sin, He gave them the sacrificial laws. The offerings would make a temporary atonement for the sins of man.

Kada volite Isusa, držat ćete se njegovih zapovijedi

Zakon grijeha i smrti, which belongs to the kingdom of darkness, reigned from the moment that Adam sinned, Na ovoj zemlji. From that moment, the devil had spiritual dominion over man and the earth.

But God had set His people apart from the world. He revealed His Kingdom and His will, by giving them the law.

Because they were carnal and not spiritual, God revealed to them the spiritual truth. By giving His law to His carnal people, Zakon grijeha i smrti, that belonged to the kingdom of the devil was revealed.

The flesh of the carnal man, which is subject to the law of sin and death, rekao je: “thou shall steal, thou shall commit fornication, thou shall covet, thou shall lie, thou shall be jealous etc”. But God represented His Kingdom and therefore God said: “thou shall not steal, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not covet, etc”

Sin became revealed by the law

Što ćemo onda reći? Is the law sin? Bože sačuvaj. Ne, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet (Rimljani 7:7)

The law of the Spirit, which belongs to the Kingdom of God is the exact opposite of the law of sin and death, which belongs to the kingdom of darkness. When God gave the law of Moses, God revealed sin.

Sin was no longer hidden but was revealed by the law. God didn’t force anyone to be obedient to His law. He had given and still has given everyone a free will.

Every person will make his/her own choices in life. But…God did reveal to them, what would happen if a person decided to not love God above all and to disobey His law, which represented His will but rather chose to serve the devil and his law of sin and death.

Why the death penalty?

God gave His people, who belonged to His Kingdom, Njegove zapovijedi. But as soon as someone rebelled and didn’t want to submit to His will and obey Him, God had to deal according to the law of sin and death, which the person had chosen to obey.

sin unto death and sin not unto death'

When a person obeyed the law of sin and death, the person also received the wages for following this law.

The punishment depended upon the sin the person committed. Because there was sin unto death and sin not unto death.

But when a person intentionally sinned and had chosen to obey the law of sin and death, the person got the wages for following this law, što je smrt.

The person had to be removed from His people and was given to the person’s lord and master: smrt.

That was the punishment for everyone, who became neposlušan to the law of God; the law of righteousness and life, and became obedient to the law of sin and death.

The law of sin and death reigns as long as the old man lives

Od trenutka, that you are born on this earth, the spiritual law of sin and death reigns in your body (meso). Your flesh is corrupted by the sinful nature; the nature of the devil. That means that your sinful nature, which is present in your flesh, serves and is obedient to the law of sin and death. There is only one way to be redeemed from the law of sin and death, and that is through the process of regeneration.

Starac je razapet u Kristu

Only when your flesh dies in Jesus Christ, you will be redeemed from your sinful nature and from the law of sin and death, that rules in your flesh. From the moment you die in Jesus Christ, you will be redeemed and set free from this law, that leads you to eternal death.

Jer zakon Duha života u Kristu Isusu oslobodio me od zakona grijeha i smrti (Rimljani 8:2)

It is just like a marriage between a husband and a wife. They are bound to each other as long as they both shall live on this earth. By the law, the woman is bound to her husband, during her life on this earth.

When her husband dies, the woman is released from the law that bound her to her husband. But when she commits adultery, while her husband is still alive and marries someone else, she will be an adulterer. Only when one of them dies, the bonds of marriage are destroyed and the law that bounds them together will be annulled. Therefore when the law is annulled, the other person will be free and not bound by the law anymore (Rimljani 7:2-3)

Dying in Jesus Christ

It is the same with everyone, koji vjeruje u Isusa Krista. When you repent and accept Jesus as your Saviour and make Him Lord over your life, you lay down your own life; the old carnal creation, u njemu.

Bolan proces poznat kao umiranje

When you are baptized in water, in the natural realm you symbolically lay down your flesh, ali u duhovnom području, your flesh dies.

Therefore you will no longer be bound to the law of sin and death, that reigns in your flesh.

The law of sin and death has no longer authority over you, but you are redeemed from this law.

Through the baptism with the Holy Spirit, your spirit will be raised from the dead.

From that moment, your spirit lives, and the law of righteousness and life, which is the law of the Spirit, that belongs to the Kingdom of God, will reign in your life.

Jesus represented the law of the Spirit

Do we then make void the law through faith? Bože sačuvaj: da, we establish the law (Rimljani 3:31)

Jesus represented the law of the Spirit, koje pripada Kraljevstvu Božjem, Na ovoj zemlji. Zato je Isus rekao: “You shall….” Jesus spoke out of the law of the Spirit. Isus je znao, that the law of Moses represented the will of God and His Kingdom. He knew that this law was given to God’s carnal people, who were only able to live after the flesh.

rob Isusov ili rob đavla

But because Jesus didn’t walk after the flesh, ali nakon Duha, He wasn’t ruled by His flesh. Jesus didn’t think: “I shall not be jealous, I shall not covet, I shall not….”

The nature of God dwelled by the Holy Spirit in Jesus. Jesus knew the law of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God and therefore He walked according to this law.

By walking after the Spirit, Jesus obeyed and fulfilled the law, that God had given to Moses.

Jesus didn’t give in to the temptations of the devil in His flesh.

Znao je, that as soon as He would give in to the prohtjevi i želje of His flesh, He would automatically obey the law of sin and death and walk in the commandments of the devil.  If Jesus would have done that, He would be transferred from the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of the devil, baš kao i Adam. If He would have obeyed the flesh, He would become disobedient to God and would make the devil His father and would belong to the kingdom of darkness.

Ne znajte, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; bilo od grijeha do smrti, ili poslušnosti pravednosti? (Rimljani 6:16)

God’s work of redemption in Jesus Christ

Jesus knew the difference between the two spiritual kingdoms and the two laws, that belonged to these kingdoms. By His deeds and His walk, Jesus made the choice to Whom He wanted to belong to: Njegov otac; the God of the heavens and the earth, ili vrag; the god of this world.

By walking after the Spirit, Jesus stayed obedient to His Father. He represented and brought the Kingdom of God upon this earth. Because of His poslušnost, He could fulfill the work of redemption od stara kreacija.

Samo kroz Isusa Krista, when you die and be resurrected in Him, it is possible to be redeemed from the bonds of sin, that lead to eternal death. Only when you become Ponovno rođen and when your flesh dies in Him, you will be redeemed from the law of sin and death.

Po dying u Isusu Kristu, you will be transferred from the kingdom of darkness; the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God. By walking after the Spirit in Jesus Christ; riječ, you shall automatically fulfill the law of God, which represents His Kingdom and you shall be able to stay loyal and obedient to Him.

‘Budi sol zemlje’

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