Nech cirkev činí pokánie!

Nastal čas, aby cirkev činila pokosťovanie zo svojej pochabosti a márneho chodenia. Cirkev sa dosť dlho hrala s temnotou. It’s time to become serious and return to the Head; Ježiš Kristus, and remove all disobedience to His words and the sins from His Body. This is a serious call, because the measure of sin and iniquity is full. God still protects the church and gives people the time to repent of their sinful lives and remove the sins from their lives and live in obedience to His Word according to His will. But it won’t be long, before God removes His protective hand from the church. Preto, let the church repent!

The prideful messengers think they know it better than God

Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and His ways judgment: and those that walk in pride He is able to abase (pokorný (Daniel 4:37))

People think in their pride, that God approves of everything. That people may do what they want and live like the world. They think that God doesn’t mind if they do the works of the flesh and live in sin, since God loves them and cares for them.

But God is not like that. God is still holy and righteous and doesn’t consider evil as good.

Forever o Lord Thy word is settled in heaven psalm 119:89

God has not changed as so many parents have changed from being serious parents, who raised and educated their children from their parental authority and will and corrected and disciplined their children, into friends, who want to be liked by their children and guide their children from their feelings and emotions and adjust and submit themselves to the will of the child.

There is no such thing as a modern version of God. Boh je rovnaký, včera, dnes, a navždy.

He doesn’t adjust His words, bude, a prikázania, which are settled forever in heaven, k vôli, žiadostivosti, and desires of carnal people (spadneš)

Boh je Stvoriteľ neba a zeme a všetkého, čo je vo vnútri, including all people. God is holy and righteous. On hates sin.

God can’t have communion with sin (the sin, which God revealed and is written in the Bible).

God didn’t change His will to the will of His Son

The Old Testament and New Testament both testify that God can’t partake in the sin of people and shall never approve of sin. God doesn’t bow to the will and desires of the flesh of man and doesn’t change His words and will.

Not even when Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane. When He was so full of fear that His sweat became as drops of blood and fell on the ground. The Father didn’t adjust His will to the will of His Son. Avšak, the Father gave His Son power to do His will (Mattheüs 26: 39-42, Lucas 22:42-44).

Ježiš, who feared (reverenced) Jeho otec, yielded to Him and acted in obedience to His will. As a result of His obedience, He was highly exalted and became the Author of eternal Salvation and sits as King at the right hand of the Father.

Jesus was a faithful Witness of the Father

Ježiš, the Son of God was the reflection of the Father on earth. He was one with God, which means that They were connected and He spoke the same words and did the same works as the Father.

Jesus wasn’t a rebellious Son, ako Adam (and all those who are born of his seed), who thought he knew it better than his Father and by obeying the devil considered God a liar.

John 14:10 Som v otcovi a otec vo mne, slová, ktoré vám hovorím, nehovorím zo seba, ale z otca, ktorý prebýva vo mne

Duch Svätý, who lived in Jesus, revealed the thoughts and the will of the Father. And Jesus acted upon His thoughts and did His will.

Jesus spoke the words of the Father and did the works of His Father in His authority (Jeho meno) and preached and manifested the Kingdom of God on earth (a.o Matthew 4:17, Marka 4:43, Luke 11:20; 16:16, John 5:30-38; 10:32-38, aktov 10:38).

The words of God are still powerful and are still in effect. The commandments of God (the commandments of Jesus) still apply. A Duch Svätý, who convicts the world of sin, spravodlivosti, a úsudku, is still alive!

Avšak, it’s the people, who are influenced by the devil and his lies and believe (and make the people believe) that this is no longer the case, or change the words of God and project the Father, Ježiš, and Holy Spirit differentially than they really are. (Prečítajte si tiež: Falošný Ježiš, ktorý produkuje falošných kresťanov).

What is missing in the church?

There is one thing missing in the church and that is true regeneration in Christ. The death of the (hriešny) mäso, the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are missing in both traditional and modern churches.

true regeneration is lacking in many traditional churches

On one side, we have the more traditional churches, which preach, okrem iného, Jesus and the commandments of God and instruct the people to obey and keep these commandments, which is good of course. Ale veľakrát, they preach the message from the flesh (a carnal mind) and the wisdom of the natural man, and they impose these precepts on people and the people are expected to put off the works of the flesh (hriech) in their own strength.

Instead of preaching true regeneration, they teach the people and provide techniky and steps to become a better version of themselves and subdue their carnal lusts and desires.

But the gospel of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the cross is not about becoming a better version of yourself and subduing the lusts and desires of the flesh, but it’s about dying to yourself (na (hriešny) mäso) in Christ and becoming a new creation in Him and live from that new position (štát) and nature.

The fruit of regeneration isn’t visible in many traditional churches

Through the spiritual ignorance of people, true repentance and regeneration as is written in the Bible is not preached. They talk about regeneration, but due to their spiritual ignorance, regeneration is misinterpreted. 

Koľko kazateľov, who stand in the pulpit and speak about regeneration are born again in the Spirit?

Kolosanov 2:11-12 V kom ste obrezaní obriezkou bez rúk

How many have made a conscious decision to nasledovať Ježiša and are pokrstený and have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, and are born of God and entered the Kingdom of God and preach the Kingdom and the call to repentance by the Spirit?

And how many church visitors did repent, when they heard the preaching of the cross and were baptized in Christ and have received the Holy Spirit and speak in new tongues (as Jesus said and commanded) and walk in the will of the Father?

The (fallen old) man can never become a better version of himself. Prečo nie? Because the flesh is weak and evil, since the sinful flesh reigns. Therefore someone, who believes in God but is not born again in Christ always struggles with the fruit of death; the sin, which the sinful flesh keeps producing. (Prečítajte si tiež: Bitka a slabosť starého muža).

The true regeneration is lacking in many modern churches

On the other hand, we have the modern churches, which preach, okrem iného, kríž, redemption, and freedom in Christ, which is a good thing of course. Because those, who believe and are born again in Christ are delivered from the rulership of the devil, hriech, and death through the death of the flesh and are transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of the Son, whereby believers no longer walk in darkness and keep doing the works of the flesh, but mortify the works of the flesh through the Spirit (Oh. Rimanom 8).

But they don’t preach this in most modern churches. Z dôvodu, že, people don’t live in the resurrection life, but the people are still slaves of sin.

Filipským 3-18-19 mnohí chodia ako nepriatelia kríža

Proces posväcovania, which involves the renewing of the mind with the words of God and living according to the words of God, and because of that walking after the Spirit in the faith, doesn’t take place.

The false freedom in Christ that is preached is used to do the will, žiadostivosti, and desires of the flesh and to keep living according to the will of man, and persevere in sin, without feeling guilty or condemned. 

In both churches, people are taught from the human intellect of the preacher, from the (svetské) wisdom and a self-created human doctrine, which derives from the carnal mind, namiesto Slova a Ducha Svätého, and from the mind of Christ.

And because in both churches the (svetské) wisdom coming from the carnal mind of man is preached and taught, we see the same fruit as the world in the lives of the hearers.

The fruit of regeneration in Christ is missing in the lives of Christians

Pretože, if born-again spiritual people would stand in the pulpit and taught from the Word and the Holy Spirit according to the will of God, then the church visitors, would not live like the world, as the followers of Adam (the disobedient son), who listen to the devil and walk in sin and exalt the devil through their works. But they would walk as followers of Jesus (the obedient Son), who listen to Him and obey Him and walk in righteousness and exalt the Father through their works.

Galaťanom 5-24 tí, ktorí sú Kristom, majú ukrižované telo s náklonnosťami a žiadosťami

They would not live licentious lives in wickedness (bezbožnosť), but they would live in holiness and righteousness.

As long as people live a licentious life and walk like the world in wickedness in rebellion and neposlušnosť voči Bohu, Jeho Slovo, and Spirit, then the nature of people has not changed, which means that they are not born again in Christ and don’t have the Spirit of God abiding in them and don’t belong to God.

Ľudia, who are born of God and have received the Holy Spirit, shall not live in disobedience to God.

They shall not rebel against the words of God and interpret them according to their own (pohlavný) insight and human understanding and preach their own created truth (realities).

Nie, because the true sons of God (to platí pre mužov aj ženy) submit to Christ and the Father. They believe in Him, and take His words, korekcie, a tresty, and preach His truth, a konať Jeho vôľu.

God shall remove His protective hand if the church doesn’t repent

As soon as man sits on the throne of God and changes the words of God and the things of His Kingdom from his own understanding, vhľad, a zistenia, and thinks he can do it better than God and does find a way to live in both the Kingdom of God and the darkness and therefore receive the blessings of God and eternal life while keep doing the works of the flesh, God removes His protective hand from the church. 

That time has arrived, that God has had enough and warned long enough. Miera hriechu je plná, whereby the judgments of God not only come over the earth, because of the sin of the inhabitants, as we see today, but also over the church, because of the sins of the members.

Nech cirkev činí pokánie!

As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance (1 Peter 1:14)

Let the church repent from her pride a vzbura proti Bohu, her disobedience to Jesus (živé Slovo), and the grieving of the Holy Spirit.

Let the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, return to the church. And let the church submit to Christ and obey the Word. Preach the true gospel of Christ and regeneration in Him. So that souls are really saved instead of temporarily being entertained. And through the preaching from the Word and the Holy Spirit, the saved souls are fed and nurtured. So that they grow up into the likeness of Jesus Christ and walk as mature sons of God on earth.

Let the people, who say they are born of God but live like the world in sin, remove the sins from their lives by the Spirit and walk in obedience to the Word in righteousness and keep the commandments of Jesus.

Let the Church repent and awake to righteousness and obey Jesus and preach and manifest the Kingdom of God on earth!

„Buď soľou zeme’

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