Смотри, чтобы никто тебя не обманул!

As He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, говоря, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world? Иисус сказал им в ответ и сказал им, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My Name, говоря, Я есмь Христос; и обманет многих (Мэтью 24:3-5) 

When Jesus spoke about the end times and the sign of His coming, the first thing Jesus warned about was to take heed and let no man deceive you. Because many will come in His Name and shall deceive many. Поэтому, if you have become born again in Christ, the Word of God must be the highest and final authority in your life. Почему? Because only the Word is the truth of God.

If you hear any doctrine that doesn’t line up with the Word of God and contradicts the Word of God, you have to reject the doctrine. Независимо от того, who is preaching this doctrine. Because if sermons and doctrines do not line up with the Word of God, you are dealing with false doctrines. The Word will show you the truth and what is real and what is a lie and a counterfeit.

Your opinion doesn’t matter

Как рожденный свыше верующий, you don’t have your own opinion anymore, потому что you’ve crucified your flesh, including your own opinion. The opinion of God becomes your opinion; What does God say? What does He think? That’s what counts.

Старик распят во Христе

It is not about what you think and how you would feel about a matter. Нет!

Важно то, что: Что говорит Слово? 

The Word is very clear for рожденные свыше верующие, who have become spiritual and walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh.

When a person says, that the Word is difficult to understand and full of contradictions, then it says more about the person, чем Слово Божье. Именно, that the person is a carnal believer and not новое творение Бога.

Because the carnal man is not able to comprehend and understand the Kingdom of God and the spiritual realm.

Many lies are preached from the pulpits

My heart cries, due to the many lies that are preached from the pulpit. It is a shame, that so many people twist the Word and adjust the Word of God to their own lusts and desires. Так что, they can continue walking in sin, fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh and doing what they want to do.

Many so-called believers, make the holy words of God unholy. They change and adjust the Word, so that the words of God will fit in their lives, instead of changing their lives to the Word of God.

Most believers don’t live according to Божья воля больше. They don’t care that God’s will be done, but they care that their will be done.

In whose heart is Jesus really seated on the throne?

Nowadays the focus of many preachers is not about winning souls and disciple them, so that they will spiritually mature and grow up into the image of Jesus Christ. But their main focus is raising money, gaining revenue, ministry growth, titles, prestige, слава, и т. д.. And so many preachers have become life coaches and motivational speakers, who please the people and say what people want to hear, so that the people feel good and come back (Читайте также: ‘Лайф-коучи вместо духовных отцов').

man's philosophy vain deceit

The church has become a company, instead of the body of Jesus Christ; an assembly of born-again believers, who represent the Kingdom of God and walk in the authority of Jesus Christ upon this earth.

Unfortunately many are carnal preachers, who are more focused on earthly things, than on spiritual things.

Many deceive the sheep by saying, they will always remain sinners and that it doesn’t matter what you do in life, whether you sin or not, because the blood of Jesus will take care of your sins. They preach this stuff, so that the people can live the way they want and keep walking in sin without feeling guilty.

Через свои ложные доктрины, which are nothing more, than the doctrines of devils, they leave the sheep ignorant. Most sheep don’t mind and are not concerned with growing up spiritually, but want to be pampered. They don’t make any effort during the week, to open the Word of God and find out the truth for themselves and study and meditate upon the words of God.

A focus on signs and wonders

Many believers are often more focused on signs and wonders and walking in great power, than upon the Word of God and living holy lives. Jesus says clearly to take heed and to let no man deceive you because many shall come in the Name of Jesus Christ and say: “I am the Christ”, and many shall be deceived. Jesus warns us very clearly, but also says that many shall be deceived.

Many shall be deceived because they do not know the Word. All they focus upon are the signs and wonders and the things of this world and therefore many shall be deceived.

Библия — наш компас, обрести мудрость

Only the Word warns you and will reveal counterfeit sons of God. When you know the Word, you will know His will and His commandments. Как сын Божий, you will obey your Father and keep His commandments (Читайте также: ‘Поддельный Иисус порождает поддельных христиан’).

It is just like traffic signs. We have traffic signs, to prevent accidents. These traffic signs are there for you and to keep you safe. Let’s take, например, the ‘stop signWhen you ignore this sign, or you don’t know what it means and keep driving, this could have terrible consequences for your life.

Maybe you do know the Word, but you think it doesn’t line up with the world system anymore and has become outdated.

Хорошо, Ты прав! It doesn’t line up with the world system, but it never has and it never will.

The Kingdom of God will never line up with the kingdom of darkness. Проблема в, that the wickedness on this earth, has increased.

So many people have left the faith; they have left God and have become ungodly men, who habitually walk in sins and iniquities. They are the majority on this earth. Therefore the spiritual darkness on this earth has increased significantly (Читайте также: ‘Has the world changed or...’ и ‘Тьма гасит свет') .

Times will change, but the Word of God remains the same

Times will change, but the Word of God remains the same. Слово Божье никогда не изменится, because God will never change. Бог тот же, вчера, today and forevermore.

Он такой же

What has changed are the people, who do not want to live according to the Word of God anymore, because the words of God don’t fit into this age and their lifestyle.

Many people live in rebellion against God. They want to lead their own lives with their own pleasures and sin. They are not willing to repent of their old lifestyle and lay down Старик. Because they love the old man.

But this is not a new phenomenon. Because in the Books of Genesis, Исход, Левит, и т. д.. Мы видим, that in those days, people also lived in rebellion against God. We see that the same sin was practiced back then as people practice today. There is nothing new, there are no new sins.

God is very clear in His Word about what He approves and disapproves. Решать только вам, what you do with His words. Do you want to do His will or do you want to do the will of your flesh?

Take heed and let no man deceive you!

Let no one deceive you. Even if sermons sound so wonderful, многообещающий, воодушевляющий, and encouraging. If what the teacher or preacher says doesn’t line up with the Word of God and promotes a lifestyle that isn’t according to the Word of God, then you have to reject it.

We live at the end of the last days. The last days started in the time of the Apostles, as is mentioned in Hebrew 1:2. We see many prophecies, regarding the end of time, coming to pass.

Therefore it’s important in these days, that you will take the Word and study the Word and keep living in the Word and let no man deceive you. Слово (Иисус) is the Head of the Body, храм. Nobody can live without a head. All coordination is in the head.

When you listen to the Word and obey the Word and do His will in your life, then you will be prevented from deceptions. You will have a spiritual awareness, because you will recognize the deceptions of the devil.

The danger of false teachers

Но были и лжепророки в народе, даже если будут среди вас лжеучителя, кто тайно внесет проклятые ереси, даже отвергнув Господа, который купил их, и навлекут на себя скорое разрушение. И многие последуют их пагубным путям; из-за кого о пути истины будут говорить злословие. И из корысти они лживыми словами сделают из тебя товар: чье суждение теперь, в течение долгого времени, не задерживается, и проклятие их не дремлет. Ибо если бы Бог не пощадил ангелов согрешивших, но бросьте их в ад, и предал их в цепи тьмы, быть оставленным для суда (2 Питер 2:1-4)

Павел, Питер, и Джуд, среди прочего, spoke about the danger of false teachers. В 2 Питер 2:1-22, we read about things, that could easily have taken place in this modern age. There’s no difference, between the age wherein Peter lived and this present age.

Jude wrote in verse 4 about the false teachers:

Ибо некоторые люди прокрались врасплох, которые прежде в древности были посвящены к этому осуждению, безбожные люди, превращая благодать Бога нашего в распутство, и отрицая единого Господа Бога, и Господь наш Иисус Христос.

What happens today, already happened at the beginning of the last days, and will be happening in every generation. Решать только вам, what you do about it. Stay awake and vigilant and know your God. Let no man deceive you, but stay faithful to God and love Him and keep walking after the will of God.

«Будь солью земли»

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