Пусть Слово будет вашим судьей

Мы живем в мире, where everyone has an opinion. Get into a group of ten people and bring up a topic and you’ll hear different opinions. Это неудивительно, since they have different backgrounds in relation to the family they were raised in and the way they were nurtured, the environment, культура, образование, и т. д.. But if you believe in Jesus Christ and become born again in Him and become a Christian, then it’s no longer about you and about your opinion and findings, but what the Word of God says. Потому что в Судный день, the Word shall judge everyone according to his works. Поэтому, let the Word be your Judge in your life on earth.

Why is it important to read and study the Bible?

If everyone, who calls themselves a Christian, would be born again and read and study the Bible by themselves through the Holy Spirit, then the church would no longer be a receptacle of all kinds of human reasonings, мнения, and doctrines, where there is disunity, but the church would form a unity through the Word, and be a witness of Jesus Chris and represent the will of God and live according to His will and establish His Kingdom on earth (Читайте также: ‘Что не так с церковью?‘ и ‘Что вызывает разделения в церкви').

Because through the Word you will get to know the will of God and if you really love Jesus and follow Him, you shall keep His commandments and you shall subdue the will of the flesh to the will of God.

Джон 17:14 I have given them Thy word and the wold has hated them

К сожалению, many Christians are too busy with their own lives and the things of the world and spend all their time on temporary things, which have no eternal value (Читайте также: ‘Какие 7 характеристики дней Ноя?‘ и ‘Слишком занят, будучи занятым').

Есть много христиан, who rather listen to all kinds of (известный) preachers and feed themselves with new doctrines, even if the doctrines contradict the Word, instead of taking the Bible and reading and studying the Bible themselves, so that they will get to know God and God will speak to them directly and they find out what the will of God is.

Because on the Day of Judgement Jesus shall recognize His people and the Word shall judge everyone according to his works and everyone shall give account from every idle word they have spoken (Ой. Мэтью 12:36-37, Джон 12:48, римляне 2:16, 2 Тимоти 4:8, Откровение 20:11-14).

When you stand before the Throne, you shall no longer be able to make excuses for your words and works. You can’t say, “Но, the preacher said this or that or the preacher made me do it”. Because God has made Himself known and revealed His will in and through His Word; Иисус Христос, Кто является отражением Бога.

The Lord has given everything: His Word and His Spirit, but it’s up to people, what they have done with His Word and His Spirit on earth.

The idle words and love of the world

The idle words and love of the world please the flesh and approve and tolerate the works of the flesh and promote sin. Look at the (Социальное) СМИ, where the works of the flesh are promoted and people are encouraged to live a sinful lifestyle.

Because the agenda of the world and the purpose of the ruler of the world is to ensure that everyone keeps doing the works of the flesh and perseveres in sin and stays in the bondage of sin and death.

The words and love of the world tolerate, accept and promote sin and keep the people in bondage and eventually lead to eternal death.

The words and love of God

But the words and the love of God don’t please the flesh but the spirit, and don’t approve the works of the flesh, but testify that the works of the flesh are evil and that everyone, who keeps doing the works of the flesh and persevere in sin, doesn’t belong to God and have not known God personally (Ой. 1 Джон 2:28-29; 3:4-9; 5:18-19).

If they had stood in My counsel and hear My words Jeremiah 23:22

The words and love of God call to repentance and discipline, правильный, and chastise man. The Word means death for the flesh but life for the spirit. 

The carnal man, who is not born again, shall consider the words of God as harsh and relentless instead of compassionate and loving.

They shall not be able to bear the Word, because the Word separates spirit and soul and testify that the works of the flesh are evil and therefore condemns them. That’s why the carnal man shall reject the words of God.

But the spiritual man, кто родился свыше во Христе, shall consider the words of God as precious and loving.

They shall believe and love the Word and submit to the Word by obeying the Word and applying the words of God in their lives.

They shall be willing and allow the Word to correct and chastise them and keep the commandments of Jesus. Since the spiritual man knows that submission to the words of God brings forth peace and (вечный) жизнь.

“Тот, кто отвергает Меня, и не принимает слов Моих, есть ли тот, кто судит его: слово, которое я произнес”

.Иисус заплакал и сказал, Тот, кто верит в Меня, не верь Мне, но на Пославшего Меня. И видящий Меня видит Пославшего Меня. Я пришел светом в мир, чтобы всякий верующий в Меня не оставался во тьме. И если кто услышит Мои слова, и не верь, я его не осуждаю: ибо Я пришел не судить мир, но спасти мир. Тот, кто отвергает Меня, и не принимает слов Моих, есть ли тот, кто судит его: слово, которое я произнес, тот же будет судить его в последний день. Ибо Я говорил не о Себе; но Отец, пославший Меня, Он дал Мне заповедь, что я должен сказать, и что мне следует говорить. И я знаю, что Его заповедь – жизнь вечная: что бы я ни говорил, поэтому, как сказал Мне Отец, так я говорю (Джон 12:44-50)

Ибо Отец никого не судит, но вверил всякое суд Сыну: Чтобы все люди почитали Сына, так же, как они чтят Отца. Кто не чтит Сына, тот не чтит Отца, пославшего Его. Воистину, воистину, Я говорю тебе, Слушающий слово Мое, и верует в Пославшего Меня, имеет жизнь вечную, и не подвергнется осуждению; но перешел от смерти в жизнь. Воистину, воистину, Я говорю тебе, Час приближается, и сейчас есть, когда мертвые услышат голос Сына Божьего: и слышащие оживут. Ибо, как Отец имеет жизнь в Самом Себе; так дал Он Сыну иметь жизнь в Самом Себе; И дал Ему власть вершить суд, потому что Он есть Сын Человеческий (Джон 5:22-27)

Jesus represented His Father and was a reflection of His Father. Because Jesus said, he that has seen Me has seen Him that sent Me. Jesus didn’t speak His own words, but Jesus spoke the words of the Father that represent His will.

Джон 12:48 Кто отвергает Меня и не принимает слов Моих, тот судит его по слову, которое Я сказал

When Jesus walked on the earth it wasn’t His time to judge the people.

The purpose of Jesuscoming was not to judge but to save the world. First by calling the people of the house of Israel to repentance and by preaching and bringing the Kingdom of God and eventually through His redemptive work, whereby those, who believe in Him shall be saved (Читайте также: ‘Истинное значение креста'). 

But there shall be a time, that Jesus will judge everyone according to their works and they shall give account from every idle word they have spoken.

Если вы верите в Иисуса Христа, Сын Божий, and take the words of Jesus and obey and do them, и из-за этого, have shown Him that you are born of God and belong to Him and love Him, ты будешь спасен.

But if you reject the words of Jesus, then those same words, which Jesus has spoken, shall judge you and condemn you.

Let the Word be your Judge in your life

Come now, and let us reason together, говорит Господь: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it (Исайя 1:18-20)

In life, it’s not about people’s opinions and what they say, but it’s about God’s opinion and what God says. Что говорит Слово? Because eventually, it’s the Word Who shall judge you, and not people (Lees ook: ‘Gods Word has the final word on the Day of Judgment')

Therefore it’s so important that the Word is the highest authority in everyone’s life and that the Word is the center in families, and children will be raised from a young age in the will of God and they will get to know Jesus Christ and God the Father through the Word, so that children will learn to submit to Him and His Word and fear the Lord (having great awe for the Lord) and love Him and have an experiential relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Because the Word is meant for both young and old. No child is too young to hear and understand the words of God. That’s what the world wants you to believe, but it’s a lie from the devil.

Let the Word be the highest Authority in your life and let the Word be your Judge. Consult and listen to the Word and submit yourself to the Word and obey the words of God in your life, so that on the Day of Judgement you won’t be surprised by the verdict.

«Будь солью земли’

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