When you are born again in Christ, you have become a new creation and are clothed with Christ in the spiritual realm (加拉太书 3:27). This transformation, which has taken place in the spiritual realm has to become visible in the natural realm. 这意味着, that you shall put on Christ or in other words, that you shall put on the whole armor of God and walk in Christ; 这个单词. The first piece of the armor of God is to girt the loins about with truth. What does it mean the loins girt about with truth in Ephesians 6:14?
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 因此站立, 让你的腰部充满真理 (以弗所书 6:13-14)
The Truth has set you free
And the Word was made flesh, 住在我们中间, (我们看到了他的荣耀, 父独生子的荣耀) 充满恩典和真理 (约翰 1:14)
耶稣对他说, I am the Way, the Truth, 和生活: 没有人能到父那里去, 但由我 (约翰 14:6)
The lies of the world have misled you all these years and have kept you ignorant about the truth. They have kept you in bondage, far away from the Truth; the Word and kept you separated from the Father.
But through Jesus Christ you have found the Truth. Through Jesus Christ; the Truth, your eyes are opened and the lies of the devil are exposed.
By faith in Jesus Christ, His blood and 再生 在他里面, you are redeemed from the power of darkness and reconciled with God the Father. Now you shall walk just like Jesus Christ, as son of God, in the truth of God.
Walk in the Truth
If ye continue in My word, 那么你们真是我的门徒了; 你们将会知道真相, and the truth shall make you free (约翰 8:31-32)
The world diametrically opposes the Word and condones all the things of the devil and his kingdom and makes what is evil in the eyes of God good and what is good in the eyes of God evil.
那些, who are ignorant and don’t know the Truth; 这个单词, are tempted and deceived by what the world says and accept the works of darkness, which causes many to stay bound to the power of the kingdom of darkness and remain bound by sin and death and walk in darkness.
Therefore it’s important to 更新你的想法 与神的话语, so that you will get to know the truth of God and will not be tempted and deceived by the lies of the devil, but by learning the truth of God, be able to discern the lies of the devil from the truth of God and expose the lies, confute the lies, and destroy the lies of the devil.
When you follow the Truth and apply the truth of God in your life, you shall be redeemed from the power of the kingdom of darkness that has bound you by her lies.
You shall no longer believe and obey the lies and approve and do the works of darkness and remain bound to sin and death and live in darkness. But by applying the words of God in your life, you shall live in the freedom of Christ; 这个单词. You shall live in the Truth and speak the truth.
Don’t lie against each other
Because if you have been transferred from the darkness into the light, 你的本性已经改变. 你不再是恶魔之子 (无论男性还是女性), who belong to – and represent the kingdom of darkness; 世界, 但你已经成为神的儿子 (无论男性还是女性), who belong to – and represent the Kingdom of God. Therefore you shall no longer lie, 但你要说实话.
你们是你们父亲魔鬼的, 你们父亲的私欲你们必行. 他从一开始就是一个杀人犯, 不住在真理中, 因为他里面没有真理. 当他说谎时, 他说的是他自己的事: 因为他是个骗子, 和它的父亲 (约翰 8:44)
The devil is a liar. He doesn’t speak the truth, but he lies. His children, who have his nature are just like their father liars and don’t speak the truth, but lie.
Therefore it is written in the law of sin and death “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” in other words “You shall not lie against your neighbor.” Because the flesh, in which sin and death reigns, wants to lie and deceive (出埃及记 20).
But if the flesh has died in Christ through regeneration and because of that the law of sin and death has lost its power over man and by the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, the law of the Spirit has become in effect in the life of the new man, 然后, the new man shall no longer lie but shall speak the truth.
Because the law of the Spirit says, “Thou shalt speak the truth to your neighbor”
The new man doesn’t lie, but speaks the truth
并且你们穿上了新人, 神是按着公义和真正的圣洁被造的.Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another (以弗所书 4:24-25)
当你 穿上新人, who is made in the image of God in holiness and righteousness, you shall remove the lies from your life and you shall speak the truth, just like your Father of Whom you are born (哦. 1 约翰 2:29; 3:9; 5:18).
If you keep lying and don’t mind little white lies, then you should earnestly ask yourself in whose service you are and whom you serve.
Are you still the old man and are your members in the service of the devil and do you serve unrighteousness and lie? Or are you the new man and are your members in the service of God and do you serve righteousness and speak the truth?
Does a little white lie never hurt anyone?
He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit (箴言 12:17)
A little white lie is a lie of the devil that he has used to deceive many people, 包括信徒, by making them believe that a little white lie never hurt anyone and that a little white lie is not so bad. 但事实是, that there are no such thing as big lies and little lies and black lies and white lies. A lie is a lie! There is no single lie that will benefit a person, but will do the exact opposite.
You may tell a little white lie in the natural realm for your own benefit or to keep others happy and satisfied, 但在精神领域, every lie defiles your spiritual status.
It doesn’t matter if they are big lies or little white lies, every lie defiles a person’s spiritual state.
And if you don’t 悔改, even those little white lies shall lead you to hell. Because it is written that liars shall not inherit eternal life (箴言 19:5,9, 启示 21:8).
You can’t be in Christ and keep doing the works of darkness, including lying.
The grace of God is not a license to sin. Therefore the grace of God is not a license to speak lies (罗马书 6:1-16, 裘德 1:4 (另请阅读: ‘Can you keep sinning under grace').
Some people use their culture as an excuse to keep lying, but in Jesus Christ every culture disappears! (另请阅读: 'Every culture disappears in Christ’).
The gospel is a gospel of God and not a gospel of people. People may say, 思考, find, and feel whatever they want and come up with- and use all kinds of excuses to keep sinning. But the Word is clear and eventually, the Word shall judge every person and not the words of people (另请阅读: God’s Word shall have the final word on the Day of Judgment).
God is de Creator of the spiritual and natural laws
For the word of the Lord is right; and all His works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. 诸天因耶和华的命而造; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth (诗篇 33:4-6)
Because God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth and all there is within. God is the Creator of spiritual powers and authorities and of the spiritual and natural laws. Everything is created after His will. Therefore His will reigns in heaven and on earth (另请阅读: 神的话永远确定').
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations (诗篇 100:5)
每个人, who is created by God, should yield to God and His will, which He has made known through His Word. Because God is good and therefore His will is good.
那些, who are not willing to obey Him and refuse to yield to Him are rebellious and we all know what happened with those, who were rebellious and refused to submit to God’s authority and His will.
The devil and his angels were prideful and rebellious and tried to take God’s place. But instead of taking God’s place, they were cast on the earth with a terrible view awaiting for them, namely the eternal lake of fire, which is created for the devil and his angels, who are fallen from their original position (马修 25:41).
In the 诺亚的日子 sin was so great on earth, that only 8 persons were saved from destruction; Noah and his family. The other people didn’t want to listen to the words of God and therefore they brought mischief upon themselves.
Just like the people, who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around, who lived in sin and did evil in the sight of God. The sin; 邪恶的, was so great, that it reached heaven and cried out to God. When God saw that the evil of man was according to the cry of sin, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around were destroyed, except for Lot, his wife and daughters (哦. 创世纪 6-8, 创世纪 18-19, 2 彼得 2:4-9, 裘德 1:6-7).
All these events took place before the law of sin and death was introduced. Sin already existed before the 罪与死的法则 came into effect. Because the law of the Spirit, which is the will of God, was already effective before the creation and is still in effect and still applies.
Sin is revealed through the law
The law of sin and death has been added by God in the Old Covenant, to reveal a.o. sin to the carnal man by the moral part of the law.
God made 他的意志 和 他的方式 known to His people, so that His carnal people knew the will of God and could no longer offer any excuse for not doing His will.
The law of the Spirit, which reigns in the spirit of the new man represents the will of God and is the truth. The new man, who is born of God and has the nature of God, shall walk after the will of God and shall walk in the Truth.
A faithful witness of the Truth
A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies (箴言 14:5)
As son of God and representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, you shall walk in the light. You shall no longer believe, represent and speak the lies of the world. 反而, you shall believe in God and His Word and represent and speak the truth of God, 尽管后果.
You shall be a faithful witness of the Truth; 耶稣基督; the living Word and speak His words; His truth.
所以, you ought to know the Truth; 这个单词. Because if you don’t know the truth of God and His Word, then first of all you wil not know the Father and His will, secondly you shall not be able to speak His words, and thirdly you shall not be able to walk in the truth and be a witness of the Truth; 耶稣基督, 活的道.
The loins girt about with truth
然而当他, 真理的灵, 来了, 他会引导你进入一切真理: 因为他不会谈论自己; 但无论他听到什么, 他要说的话: 他会向你展示未来的事情 (约翰 16:13)
As a son of God, who has the Spirit of truth, you shall know the Word and stand on the Word and walk in the Truth; the Word and speak the truth, even if it makes you a fool or less populaire among people and/or causes persecution or separation in your surrounding.
But that’s the price you pay for following Jesus Christ; the Word and to be a witness of Him and His Kingdom (另请阅读: '算算成本' 和 ‘跟随耶稣会让你付出一切')
Therefore have your loins girt about with truth, so that you will walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and live in the truth and represent and speak the truth of God, so that you will be a faithful witness of the Truth on earth and save many souls from destruction.