The love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin

Din dragoste, Dumnezeu L-a trimis pe Fiul Său pe pământ ca jertfă pentru omul căzut. Prin jertfa lui Isus Hristos, relația dintre omul căzut și Dumnezeu a fost restaurată. Vechiul Legământ, care a fost sigilat cu sângele animalelor a fost înlocuit cu un Nou Legământ, care a fost sigilat cu sângele prețios al lui Isus Hristos. Man could no longer be saved by the works of the law. The only way to be saved was by faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration in Him. Isus a avut fulfilled the law and had taken the sin of the world and the punishment for sin, which is death, asupra Lui Însuși. Toata lumea, who would identify with Him in His death and resurrection, would be redeemed from death and would no longer see the death, but inherit eternal life. That was the love and grace of God, which was not only meant for His people by natural birth; Israel, but also for the Gentiles. But the love and grace of God, which was revealed to mankind by the coming and the life of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection, didn’t give mankind the right to persevere in sin. Because the love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin.

Dragostea lui Dumnezeu

Throughout the Bible, we see how God showed His great love for the people. God wanted to be a God for the people and He wanted to have a relationship with them like God had with Adam before he became disobedient to God. in orice caz, many people didn’t want Him to be their God and didn’t want to listen to Him.

They were rebellious and rather served the god of this world; diavolul, by listening to him and obeying him through the lusts and desire of their flesh.

The people did all kinds of things, that went against the will and the nature of God and His holiness. And so rău increased on the earth.

The evil was so big, that the sin reached heaven and cried out to God. God repented of the creation of mankind and since they didn’t want to repent, there was nothing else God could do but destroy mankind.

And so the flood came over the earth and later on Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around were destroyed because the people didn’t want to listen to God and didn’t want to obey God.

God redeemed His people from the power of Pharaoh

Even when God had chosen His people; the seed of Jacob; Israel by grace and redeemed them from the power and oppression of Pharaoh and led them from Egypt by His strong hand, many people remained rebellious.

God showed Himself through the many signs and wonders. God made His will and nature known to them, by giving them His law to Moses, who was His representative. Through the law, God made His ways și His thoughts known to His people.

Law of sin and deathThe law of sin and death was meant for the relationship between the old carnal man, care aparțineau poporului lui Dumnezeu, si Dumnezeu. Since the old man was trapped in his flesh, în care domneşte păcatul şi moartea.

Dar în schimb, His people showed their fear of the Lord by keeping the law, many remained rebellious and disobedient through the weakness of their flesh and didn’t want to submit to His will.

The people of Israel were so familiar with the culture, gods (Idolii), and customs of Egypt, that they compared their God with the gods of Egypt.

But the God, who had chosen them by grace and had mercy on them was not a god, who was created by human hands. The God, who had chosen them by grace and had mercy on them was the Creator of heaven and earth și tot ce este înăuntru. God had created them, instead of the other way around.

din pacate, not everyone was willing to renew their mind cu cuvintele lui Dumnezeu, which were written in the law, and through obedience to His words submit themselves to this Almighty God; the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within.

Ca urmare,, not everyone, who belonged to God’s people entered the promised land and did not enter His rest.

God didn’t compromise with sin

A whole generation died in the wilderness and never entered the land God promised. All because of their stubbornness and rebellion.

There are many more examples written in the Old Testament of certain things that God had to do, which He would rather not have done.

This was not caused by God and His nature, but because of the pride, stubbornness, and rebellion of people and their nature. Because one thing is for sure and that’s God and His love can’t make a covenant with death, by tolerating sin. God couldn’t do this in the Old Testament and God still can’t do this, since God is the same, Yesterday, Astăzi, și pentru totdeauna.

Death was God’s enemy and not His friend. Toata lumea, who belonged to God’s people but lived in sin, in rebellion against the law, would show that (s)he didn’t love God with all his/her heart, minte, suflet, and strength and didn’t belong to God, but belonged to death. Since the person produced the fruit of death, which is sin and not through obedience to God and His law, the fruit of righteousness.

The love of Jesus

Jesus answered and said unto him, Dacă un bărbat Mă iubește, el va păzi cuvintele Mele: iar Tatăl Meu îl va iubi, iar Noi vom veni la el, and make Our abode with him. He that loveth Me not keepeth not My sayings: iar cuvântul pe care îl auziți nu este al Meu, ci al Tatălui care M-a trimis (Ioan 14:23-24)

The Word of God is the truth. There is no single word that is written in the Bible and no promise of God that is not fulfilled. in orice caz, some prophecies and promises are not fulfilled yet. But we also see these slowly being fulfilled as the return of Jesus approaches.

Keep My commandments abide in My loveGod sent His word to His people by giving them the law.

The law revealed God’s will to the carnal people and taught His carnal people, whose spirit was death, of good and evil.

When the time had come, God fulfilled His promise of the coming of the Messiah, and so Jesus the Word of God came to the earth.

Jesus came to redeem fallen man from the rulership and oppression of the devil, who reigns in the flesh of mankind.

Jesus restored the position of fallen man and reconciled man back with God. So that the relationship between God and man would be restored (Citeste si: ‘Pacea, Jesus restored between God and man‘. și ‘Isus a restaurat poziția de om căzut‘).

Jesus made God’s will known to His people

Jesus came to reveal the voia lui Dumnezeu by representing, preaching, and bringing the Kingdom of God to God’s people and calling the people to repentance.

The people of God so deviated from the truth that they were trapped in a manmade religion, that was created by false doctrines of people, traditions, and their set of rules and regulations, which were not from God.

sfințirea este voia lui DumnezeuThey had created a God and a religion, that didn’t correspond with the true God and His truth.

But because of the traditions of man, they were brought up in this manmade religion and considered this religion as the truth.

Until the Truth of God; His Word came to the earth Himself and exposed all these lies, hypocrisy, and false piety.

Nowhere in the four gospels do we read anything about Jesus approving and/or tolerating sin.

This is impossible! Because how could Jesus enter a covenant with the death, who is an enemy of God, by approving sin, which is the fruit of death? Nu, Jesus didn’t allow sin and didn’t compromise with sin, but Jesus called the people to pocăinţă și înlăturarea păcatului.

Isus a răscumpărat omenirea de sub puterea diavolului

Isus a plâns și a spus, He that believeth on Me, nu crede în Mine, ci asupra Celui ce M-a trimis. Și cine Mă vede pe Mine, îl vede pe Cel ce M-a trimis. Am venit o lumină în lume, pentru ca oricine crede în Mine să nu rămână în întuneric. Și dacă aude cineva cuvintele Mele, si nu crede, Eu nu-l judec: căci nu am venit să judec lumea, ci pentru a salva lumea. Cel ce Mă respinge, și nu primește cuvintele Mele, are unul care îl judecă: cuvântul pe care l-am rostit, tot acela îl va judeca în ziua de apoi. Căci nu am vorbit despre Mine; ci Tatăl, care M-a trimis pe Mine;, el Mi-a dat o poruncă, ce ar trebui sa spun, si ce ar trebui sa vorbesc. Și știu că porunca Lui este viața veșnică: deci orice vorbesc, așa cum Mi-a spus Tatăl, so I speak (Ioan 12:44-50)

Jesus didn’t come to the earth to judge the people. Because it was not His time yet to judge the people. But Jesus came to give the people the opportunity to be saved, through repentance and the removal of sin and by submitting to God and His will (Matei 9:13, marcă 2:17, Luke 5:32).

Isus a arătat, acea fulfilling the law was not as hard as it seemed. in orice caz, it all depended upon one element and that was dragostea pentru Dumnezeu.

Not everyone loved God as much as Jesus. Prin urmare, not everyone was willing to lay down his own life and the lusts and desires of the flesh because of God and submit to God and His will.

Jesus didn’t compromise with sin

All the signs, wonders, and mighty works were interesting to many people, but they didn’t bring the people to repentance. Because the mighty works that Jesus had done in the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum didn’t bring the people to repentance (Matei 11:20-24, Luke 10:13-16).

following Jesus for signs and wondersEven the words of Jesus didn’t bring many to repentance. Because of all the thousands of people, who followed Jesus temporarily, because of the signs, wonders, and mighty works Jesus did, or because they needed healing themselves or another miracle in their lives, only His twelve disciples were left and remained with Jesus (Ioan 6:66-69).

The others couldn’t bear the words of Jesus, because they were hard and therefore they left Jesus.

Many were not able to bear the Light, since they were confronted with their sin and convinced of their sin.

Since many didn’t want to repent of their sin, but loved their sin and therefore wanted to persevere in sin, they did everything that was in their power to extinguish the Light. But since it was not God’s time yet, they were not able to extinguish the Light in the beginning.

În cele din urmă, the people, who belonged to the darkness, thought that they had extinguished the Light once and for all, de crucifying Jesus Christ.

While one Light was only just extinguished, 120 lights were lit

Dar în schimb, they had extinguished the Light forever and they could continue their lives in darkness without restraint, they had achieved the opposite. Because 50 zile după Paște the Holy Spirit came to the earth and 120 new Lights were born.

Vei primi putere după ce Duhul Sfânt va veni peste tineOf all those thousands of people, who met Jesus and temporarily followed Him, only 120 were left.

These 120 were united together in prayer in the upper room in Jerusalem, waiting for the promise, which Jesus had given them of the coming of the other Comforter, Sfantul Duh.

And it didn’t stop with these 120 popor. Because these 120 believers did what Jesus had commanded them to do. And because they had received the power of the Holy Spirit, they were able to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and preach His death and resurrection to the people. From that moment many souls were saved and added daily to the Church.

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things (Luke 24:45-48).

The Holy Spirit walks in love

Just like Jesus walked in the love of God and called the lost, who belonged to God’s people and reproved them of sin and called them to repentance, the new creation in whom the Holy Spirit dwelled did the same thing. The new creation also walked in the love of God and reproved the people of sin. They called fallen man, who belonged to the darkness, to repentance and the removal of sin.

When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, zicală, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life (Acte 11:18)

Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (Acte 20:21)

But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance (Acte 26:20)

This gospel was first preached and brought to God’s carnal people. But because of God’s love and grace, the gospel was also preached and brought to the Gentiles. By the grace of God, salvation came to the Gentiles and through regeneration, they were circumcised in Christ and belonged to God’s people.

The new man has been made righteous and holy

The new man was justified by the blood of Jesus and therefore the new man was made righteous and holy, which means that the new man was separated from the world unto God.

The new man didn’t walk in darkness after the lusts and desires of the flesh and didn’t produce the fruit for death, care este păcatul, Mai, like (s)he produced before his/her repentance when the flesh was still alive and death reigned in his/her life.

Acestea, who had become a new creation, had repented and were baptized and born of God. They were redeemed from the power of death, who reigns in the flesh.

Death didn’t reign in their lives and they no longer belonged to the kingdom of darkness. But they were born again and transferred to the Kingdom of God and therefore they belonged through regeneration to the Life.

Since they belonged to the Life and no longer to the Death, they didn’t produce the fruit of death, care este păcatul, in their lives anymore, but they produced the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of righteousness.

The new man doesn’t compromise with sin

The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him (Acte 5:30-32).

Establish the law through faithJust like God and Jesus, the new creations also didn’t make a covenant with the dead by compromising with sin.

They didn’t allow sin but they reproved the people of sin.

They confronted the people with their sins and called them to repentance and the removal of sin.

After all, they had received the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit can only dwell in those, who are obedient to God and His Word.

The grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus and His blood couldn’t be used as an excuse to persevere in sin. The Christians back then, knew this very well.

They were spiritual and therefore they saw, just like God and Jesus by the Holy Spirit what sin is and what sin does with people (Citeste si: ‘Ce este păcatul??‘, ‘The sin killed Jesus‘ și ‘Poți fi complice la păcatul colegilor credincioși?‘)

Prin urmare, they didn’t preach a message of false love and false grace that compromises with sin and encourages the people to stay carnal. Since the true love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin, but hates sin and removes sin.

The old man compromises with sin

But an unspiritual man, who thinks like the world and is led by his senses, emoții, and feelings is ignorant about the things which are above, but only searches and looks for the things which are on this earth.

The old man, who lives after the flesh is unspiritual and is led by the ruler of this world; diavolul, who has blinded the mind of this world with his lies.

The devil only has one purpose and that is to kill and destroy every person on this earth. The way he does that is through his seducing lies, which look godly and loving but in reality, destroy the people.

Many churches have compromised with sin

De-a lungul anilor, through the deviousness of the devil, the Church has allowed the spirit of this world to enter and has become world-like. Many churches don’t rely on the Word and the Holy Spirit but have entered sideways and rely on the words of the world.

The law and graceTheir prideful minds assume that they know it better than God and because of that mindset they have adjusted the Word to the will and the feelings, emoții, pofte, and desires of the old man (old creation) și lumea.

Many preachers, who preach behind the pulpit or enter the living rooms via (social) media on Sundays, are not born again and don’t have the Holy Spirit. In schimb, they serve the kingdom of darkness, since they allow people to live in sin (Citeste si: ‘Destroying the works of God instead of the works of the devil‘).

They don’t deal with the problem and don’t call the people to repentance, but they allow sin to have its way.

Ei învelesc minciunile diavolului, cu umanismul lor. Prin urmare, cuvintele lor arată evlavios și se pare că vor doar ce e mai bun pentru semenii lor și că își iubesc aproapele ca pe ei înșiși.. Dar nimic nu poate fi mai departe de adevăr.

Moartea domnește prin păcat

Din cauza faptului că Biserica nu și-a închis porțile pentru păcat, dar a permis și a îmbrățișat lumea și păcatul ei, Satana și-a luat locul în Biserică și și-a stabilit tronul (Citeste si: ‘Biserica este pregătită pentru antihrist‘ și ‘Tronul lui satana‘).

Permițând păcatului și puterii lui satan să intre, mulți credincioși au fost afectați și întinați de păcat și au dezvoltat aceeași mentalitate ca și lumea.

Mulți nu petrec timp în Cuvânt și cu greu se roagă. Ei au devenit căldici pentru Dumnezeu și lucrurile Împărăției Sale. Ei vor fi interesați doar atunci când au loc manifestări supranaturale. Și din moment ce diavolul și-a așezat tronul în multe biserici, dă exact ceea ce oamenii vor să vadă și mai ales să simtă și face semne și minuni grozave.

Mulți au devenit indiferenți față de păcat și nu se deranjează de păcat. Ei chiar perseverează în păcat și/sau îi încurajează și îi stau alături pe cei care perseverează în păcat. Cum fac asta? Ne chemându-i la pocăință, dar lăsându-le să păcătuiască.

Din ignoranța multor lideri, care aprobă totul pentru a-i mulțumi pe membrii bisericii, ca să vină în continuare la biserică, și continuă să trăiești după trup, the church member also has become ignorant about the will of God and also approve of everything and keep walking after the flesh.

Fără să știe, they are on their way to the abyss, only because of all these lies of the devil.

The love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin

But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, Viața veșnică: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour, si pace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God. Căci toţi cei ce au păcătuit fără lege vor pieri şi fără lege: şi toţi cei ce au păcătuit în lege vor fi judecaţi după lege; (Căci nu cei care ascultă legea sunt drept înaintea lui Dumnezeu, dar cei care împlinesc legea vor fi îndreptăţiţi (romani 2:2-13)

The love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin, on the contrary. The love and grace of God calls to repentance și înlăturarea păcatului. The love and grace of God deals with the sinful nature, in which death reigns and that produces the fruit of death, care este păcatul.

Toata lumea, who perseveres in sin and is not willing to repent, belongs to the death, since the person produces the fruit of death and is on his/her way to hell.

Ce se întâmplă în domeniul spiritual, we see happening all around us in the natural realm. The bad thing is, that people are more concerned about what happens in the natural realm than what happens in the spiritual realm.

The call to repentance to the Church

But if the Church repents of her works and return to God and return to God and shall love and serve God with all her heart, minte, suflet, și putere, and if the fear of the Lord returns and the Word becomes the highest Authority in the Church again, iar Duhul Sfânt va locui în noile creații, care împreună sunt Biserica, atunci va avea loc o schimbare, care vor deveni vizibile pe tărâmul natural.

Prin urmare, Biserica să înceteze să predice aceste doctrine false, care sunt minciuni. Lăsați Biserica să înceteze să predice un mesaj fals, prin folosirea greșită a dragostei și harului lui Dumnezeu pentru a-l menține pe bătrânul în viață și a le permite să persevereze în păcat și să tolereze păcatul, astfel încât ei să nu experimenteze nicio rezistență sau persecuție a lumii, dar pot trăi aceleași vieți ca lumea.

Omul care rătăcește din calea înțelegerii va rămâne în adunarea morților (Proverbe 21:16)

Atâta timp cât Biserica nu se pocăiește și nu își îndepărtează păcatul, ci compromisuri cu păcatul, Biserica va rămâne înrădăcinată în întuneric și moartea va domni în Biserică. Biserica nu va fi o adunare a celor vii, ci va fi o adunare a morților. Și când va veni vremea, Biserica va culege ceea ce a semănat (păcat), care este distrugerea, în loc de viaţă veşnică prin semănare de dreptate (Citeste si: ‘Spre cine își înclină Biserica rădăcinile?‘).

„Fii sarea pământului’

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