Who make a mockery of the Lord’s Supper?

The world witnessed and saw how the Lord’s supper was mocked. But are they the ones, who have made a mockery of the Lord’s supper or has the Lord’s supper been made a mockery for much longer?

What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper?

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Земете, eat; this is My body. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, велејќи, Drink ye all of it; For this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins (Метју 26:26-28)

The Lord’s supper is a covenant meal that Jesus instituted before He was betrayed by His disciple Jude and was handed over into the hands of sinners and before His sufferings, death и resurrection from the dead.

Whosoever eats the bread, which represents the body of Christ, and drinks from the cup the wine, which represents the blood of Jesus (and the New Testament in His blood), becomes a partaker of Christ and His sufferings and death.

By eating the bread and drinking the cup, Jesus Christ and the great redemptive work for humanity that Jesus finished at the cross, is remembered. 

The Lord’s supper is a covenant meal between Jesus and the saints (His Body)

The Lord’s supper (communion) is a covenant meal between Jesus and the saints. The saints are justified and made holy by the blood of Jesus and born again in Him. They are delivered from the power of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God, where Jesus Christ is King and reigns, and reconciled with God.

The saints are no longer sinners. They were sinners, as all people, who are born on this earth are sinners.

1 Peter 1:15-16 Be ye holy for I am holy

But by faith and the blood of Jesus Christ and His redemptive work, they are no longer a sinner. They don’t belong to the darkness anymore, but they’re delivered from the power of darkness through the death of the flesh in Christ. Through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead in Christ, they’ve become alive to righteousness. (Прочитајте исто така: Do you always remain a sinner?).

They’re justified by His blood and made holy in Him. Therefore they are the righteous and saints (through the work of Christ).

They shall walk in newness of life from that righteous and holy state in submission and obedience to God and His Word, and walk after the Spirit and bear the плод на Духот.

The Body of Christ lives holy and righteous. The Body of Christ obeys the Head and represents, honors, exalts, and glorifies Jesus Christ and the Father.

Whosoever participates in the Lord’s Supper shew His death and is connected with Christ and His Body

The Lord’s Supper is a sacred institution of God for His Body; the Church. Whosoever participates in the Lord’s Supper shew the death of Christ till He comes. They are connected with Christ and His Body.

But whosoever eats the bread, and drink the cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body (1 Коринтјани 11:24-27).

Jude ate and drank damnation to himself

We see this in the life of Jude. Jude was not in right standing with God and yet partook of the Lord’s Supper. He was the only disciple, who was not clean and circumcised in heart, but who had an evil heart. Jude was led by a spirit of greed. His love for money was greater than his love for Jesus and the Father.

Although Jude was one of the disciples of Jesus and Jesus had chosen him, so that the Scriptures were fulfilled, Jude was in reality a son of perdition. He didn’t belong to God but satan. Jude was the one, who lifted his heel against Jesus.

Jude ate and drank the cup of the Lord unworthy, whereby the blood guilt came upon him.

The obedience of the son of perdition to the will and desires of his flesh led to his perdition (destruction). (на. Метју 27:3-5, Џон 13:10-30, Дела 1:16-20)

In the church at Corinth, some people partook of the Lord’s Supper unworthy

In the church at Corinth, there were people, who partook of the Lord’s Supper, while they didn’t acknowledge the holiness of the Lord’s Supper and didn’t discern the Lord’s body. They were partakers of the Lord’s supper, while they didn’t know what they partake of. Because of that, many were weak and sickly and many slept

Paul reminded them of the holiness and meaning of the Lord’s Supper. He commanded the believers to examine themselves, whether they were worthy and met the prescribed specifications to partake of the Lord’s Supper. 

Because if they would eat and drink unworthily of the body and the blood of Christ, they would bring the blood guilt and judgment upon themselves.

Today, many churches don’t discern the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of discerning the Lord’s body and keeping the churches clean and holy, they have defiled His body through sin and by allowing the abominations in the church. Because of that, they live under blood guilt instead of living under the blood of Jesus Christ.

How many churches have mocked Jesus and made a mockery of the Lord’s Supper? 

How did they make a mockery of the Lord’s Supper?

Now, how did many churches make a mockery of Jesus and the Lord’s Supper? By denying and leaving the Word and (through friendship and fellowship with the world) allowing the world and sin in the church. By listening to the Gentiles, following the Gentiles, doing their works, and walking on their ways. And by allowing the church visitors, who are not born again in Christ and live in sin and do abominations, to partake of the Lord’s Supper.

By all of this, they defiled the church, that was hallowed by the Lord. They’ve despised the Body of Christ and His blood and profaned the Lord’s Supper. They’ve made a mockery of the almighty holy God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Many churches are no longer assemblies of saints. But they have become assemblies of mockers, who laugh at the words of God, despise the message, make a mockery of His institution, and walk in trespasses in wickedness after all the abominations of the unbelievers (heathens).

Who make a mockery of the Lord’s Supper?

Liars, fornicators, covenant breakers, adulterers (both in the natural and the spiritual with the world), idolators and occultists (new agers, winti practitioners, voodoo practitioners, shamans, magicians, witches, fortunetellers, etc.), homosexuals, drag queens, transgender people, pedophiles, porn watchers, thieves, covetous, scammers, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, and murderers, who are all connected through the flesh to the devil, the roaring lion that devours souls, and live under his authority, partake of the Lord’s supper

image grain field bible verse galatians 6-7-8 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap

And the leaders, who are sensual and don’t have the Spirit of God and don’t discern the spirits, don’t correct and admonish the ungodly (the wicked) anymore. But they allow everything and everyone.

Instead of being spiritual and submitting to the words of God and obeying and doing His words, they violate the words of God and despise and profane the holy things of God and His Kingdom.

They don’t differentiate between holy and unholy (profaned), good and evil, sin and righteousness. But they allow and accept everything and everyone.

They are ravenous wolves, just like their father, who are led by pride and greed (love for money). Because of their carnal lusts, ungodly desires, and commitment to darkness, they shed blood and destroy precious souls. Instead of leading the people on God’s way to heaven, they lead the people on crooked ways to hell.

Has the blood of Jesus lost its power?

The blood of Jesus cleanses sinners of their uncleanness and lewdness. But because they don’t accept the cleansing and don’t repent of their unclean walk and remove their sins, but deliberately keep walking in their uncleanness and lewdness in sin, His blood shall not cleanse them and the work of Jesus Christ shall not save them.

Џон 8:43-44 You can't hear My words you are of your father the devil

They blame God and deny the power of the blood and the Holy Spirit through their sinful walk, lifestyle, and being stuck in the victim role of a sinner. Through their life, they make a mockery of Jesus Christ and the Father.

But the blood of Jesus and His redemptive work have not lost their power, but still possess the same power.

Just like the Holy Spirit is still the same and has the same power.

Сите, who is born again in Christ and through obedience to God has received the Holy Spirit, has the power to resist all the temptations of the devil and not sin.

But it’s the unrepented people, the mockers and workers of iniquity, who don’t belong to God and don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them but belong to the darkness and love the world and the works of the flesh, who keep eating the bread of wickedness and drinking the wine of violence

The apostles warned the saints for mockers in the last time

But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit (Jude 1:18-19)

These sensual people don’t want to change. They don’t want to give up drinking from the cup of wickedness. They don’t want to give up the temporary pleasures that lead to astonishment and desolation. бр, they don’t want to die to the flesh and put off the carnal works. But they want to keep walking in their ungodly lusts because that’s what their heart long for.

They keep drinking from the cup of the devil. And to ease their conscience, they drink also from the cup of the Lord. But by doing that, they despise and defile the Lord’s supper and make a mockery of the Lord’s supper.

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