Lefatše le ile la paka ’me la bona kamoo sejo sa Morena se neng se songoa kateng. Empa ke bona bao, ba entseng sesomo ka selallo sa Morena kapa selallo sa Morena se entsoe sesomo ka nako e telele?
Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea ke sefe?
Mme ha ba ntse ba eja, Jesu A nka bohobe, mme a e hlohonolofatsa, eaba oa e pshatla, mme a e nea barutuwa, mme a re, Nka, ja; sena ke mmele wa Ka. Mme A nka senwelo, mme a leboha, mme a ba nea yona, ho bua, Nwang lona kaofela ha lona; Hobane sena ke mali a Ka a selekane se secha, e tshollelwang ba bangata tshwarelong ya dibe (Mattheu 26:26-28)
Sejo sa Morena ke sejo sa selekane seo Jesu a ileng a se theha pele a ekoa ke morutuoa oa hae Juda ’me a nehelanoa ka matsoho a baetsalibe le ka pel’a Hae. mahlomola, lefu le ho tsoha bafung.
Mang kapa mang ea jang bohobe, e emelang mmele wa Kreste, le ho noa veine ka senoelong, e emelang madi a Jesu (le Selekane se Setjha mading a Hae), o fetoha karolo ea Kreste le mahlomola le lefu la Hae.
Ka ho ja bohobe le ho noa senoelo, Jesu Kreste le e moholo mosebetsi wa topollo bakeng sa botho seo Jesu a se qetileng sefapanong, oa hopoloa.
Sejo sa Morena ke sejo sa selekane pakeng tsa Jesu le bahalaleli (Mmele wa Hae)
Selallo sa Morena (selallo) ke sejo sa selekane pakeng tsa Jesu le bahalaledi. The saints are justified and made holy by the blood of Jesus and born again in Him. They are delivered from the power of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God, moo Jesu Kreste e leng Morena le ho busa, mme ba boelane le Modimo.
Bahalaleli ha e sa le baetsalibe. E ne e le baetsadibe, joalo ka batho bohle, ba tsoetsoeng lefatšeng lena ke baetsalibe.
Empa ka tumelo le ka mali a Jesu Kreste le mosebetsi oa Hae oa topollo, they are no longer a sinner. They don’t belong to the darkness anymore, but they’re delivered from the power of darkness through the death of the flesh in Christ. Through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead in Christ, they’ve become alive to righteousness. (Bala hape: Na u lula u le moetsalibe kamehla?).
They’re justified by His blood and made holy in Him. Therefore they are the righteous and saints (ka mosebetsi wa Kreste).
Ba tla tsamaea bophelong bo bocha ho tloha boemong boo bo lokileng le bo halalelang ka boikokobetso le kutlo ho Molimo le Lentsoe la Hae, 'me u tsamaee ka mor'a Moea le ho jara tholwana tsa Moya.
The Body of Christ lives holy and righteous. The Body of Christ obeys the Head and represents, honors, exalts, and glorifies Jesus Christ and the Father.
Mang kapa mang ea kopanelang Sejong sa Morena sa Mantsiboea o bontša lefu la Hae ’me o amana le Kreste le ’Mele oa Hae
Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea ke tokisetso e halalelang ea Molimo bakeng sa ’mele oa Hae; Kereke. Whosoever participates in the Lord’s Supper shew the death of Christ till He comes. They are connected with Christ and His Body.
Empa mang kapa mang ea jang bohobe, mme le nwele senwelong sa Morena ka mokgwa o sa tshwanelang, o tla ba le molato wa mmele le madi a Morena Jesu Kreste. Ea jang le ea noang a sa tšoanelehe, o ja le ho inwela tsuo, ho se khetholle ’mele oa Morena (1 Korinthe 11:24-27).
Juda o ile a ja le ho inwela tsuo
Re bona sena bophelong ba Juda. Jude was not in right standing with God and yet partook of the Lord’s Supper. He was the only disciple, ya neng a sa hlweka mme a bolotse pelong, empa ke mang ea neng a e-na le pelo e mpe. Juda o ne a tataisoa ke moea oa meharo. Hae lerato la chelete o ne a le moholo ho feta lerato la hae ho Jesu le Ntate.
Although Jude was one of the disciples of Jesus and Jesus had chosen him, hoo Mangolo a ileng a phethahala, Jude was in reality a son of perdition. He didn’t belong to God but satan. Jude e ne e le yena, WHO o phahamisitse serethe sa hae kgahlanong le Jesu.
Juda o ile a ja ’me a noa senoelo sa Jehova a sa tšoanelehe, moo molato wa madi o bileng hodima hae.
Kutlo ea mora oa tahleho thatong le litakatsong tsa nama ea hae e ile ea lebisa tahlehong ea hae (timetso). (Oh. Mattheu 27:3-5, Johanne 13:10-30, Liketso 1:16-20)
Kerekeng ya Korinthe, batho ba bang ba ne ba ja Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea ba sa tšoanelehe
Kerekeng ya Korinthe, ho ne ho na le batho, ba jeleng Selallo sa Morena, ha ba ntse ba sa elelloe khalalelo ea Selallo sa Morena, ’me ba sa ka ba lemoha ’mele oa Morena.. Ba ne ba ja Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea, athe ba ne ba sa tsebe hore na ba ja eng. Ka lebaka la seo, ba bangata ba ne ba fokola, ba kula, mme ba bangata ba robetse
Pauluse o ile a ba hopotsa khalalelo le moelelo oa Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea. A laela badumedi hore ba itlhahlobe, ho sa tsotellehe hore na ba ne ba tšoaneleha ’me ba finyella litebello tse behiloeng tsa ho ja Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea.
Hobane ha ba ka ja le ho noa ka mokhoa o sa tšoanelang ’mele le mali a Kreste, they would bring the blood guilt and judgment upon themselves.
Today, many churches don’t discern the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of discerning the Lord’s body and keeping the churches clean and holy, they have defiled His body through sin and by allowing the abominations in the church. Ka lebaka la seo, they live under blood guilt instead of living under the blood of Jesus Christ.
Ke likereke tse kae tse somang Jesu le ho etsa sesomo ka Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea?
Ba ile ba etsa sesomo joang ka Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea?
Jwale, likereke tse ngata li ile tsa etsa soma joang ka Jesu le Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea? Ka ho latola le ho tlohela Lentswe le (ka setsoalle le kopano le lefatshe) ho dumella lefatshe le sebe ka hare ho kereke. By listening to the Gentiles, following the Gentiles, ho etsa mesebetsi ya bona, le ho tsamaya ditseleng tsa bona. And by allowing the church visitors, ba sa tswalwang labobedi ho Kreste mme ba phela sebeng mme ba etsa manyala, ho ja Sejo sa Morena sa Mantsiboea.
Ka tsena tsohle, ba silafatsa kereke, e neng e halaletswa ke Jehova. They’ve despised the Body of Christ and His blood and profaned the Lord’s Supper. They’ve made a mockery of the almighty holy God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Many churches are no longer assemblies of saints. But they have become assemblies of mockers, ba tshehang mantswe a Modimo, despise the message, make a mockery of His institution, and walk in trespasses in wickedness after all the abominations of the unbelievers (bahetene).
Ba somang Selallo sa Morena?
Ba leshano, lihlola, batlōli ba selekane, bafebi (ka bobeli tsa nama le tsa moea le lefatše), barapeli ba litšoantšo le linohe (lilemo tse ncha, basebetsi ba winsti, lingaka tsa voodoo, bo-shaman, maselamose, baloi, linohe, etc.), basodoma, hula mafumahadi, batho ba iphetotseng bong, batho ba pedophiles, batho ba shebellang bootsoa, masholu, meharo, basomi, matahoa, banyefoli, bahlakodi, le babolai, who are all connected through the flesh to the devil, tau e purumang e harolang meya, mme o phele tlasa taolo ya hae, ja selallo sa Morena
Le baetapele, bao e leng ba nama, mme ba se nang Moya wa Modimo, mme ba sa lemohe meya, don’t correct and admonish the ungodly (ba lipelo li mpe) hape. But they allow everything and everyone.
Ho e-na le ho ba moeeng le ho ikokobelletsa mantsoe a Molimo le ho mamela le ho etsa mantsoe a Hae, ba nyelisa mantsoe a Molimo ’me ba nyelisa le ho silafatsa lintho tse halalelang tsa Molimo le ’Muso oa Hae.
Ha ba khetholle pakeng tsa tse halalelang le tse sa halaleleng (silafalitsoe), botle le bobe, sebe le ho loka. But they allow and accept everything and everyone.
Ke liphiri tse harolang, joalo ka ntat'a bona, ba eteletsoeng pele ke boikgohomoso le meharo (lerato la chelete). Because of their carnal lusts, ungodly desires, and commitment to darkness, they shed blood and destroy precious souls. Instead of leading the people on God’s way to heaven, they lead the people on crooked ways ho ea liheleng.
Na madi a Jesu a fedile matla?
Mali a Jesu a hloekisa baetsalibe litšila le boitšoaro bo hlephileng ba bona. Empa hobane ha ba amohele ho hloekisoa ’me ha ba bakele ho tsamaea ha bona ho sa hloekang ’me ba tlosa libe tsa bona, empa ka boomo ba ’ne ba tsamaee ho se hloekeng ha bona le boitšoarong bo hlephileng ba sebe, Madi a hae a ke ke a ba hlwekisa mme mosebetsi wa Jesu Kreste o ke ke wa ba pholosa.
They blame God and deny the power of the blood and the Holy Spirit through their sinful walk, lifestyle, and being stuck in the victim role of a sinner. Through their life, they make a mockery of Jesus Christ and the Father.
Empa mali a Jesu le mosebetsi oa hae oa topollo ha lia lahleheloa ke matla a tsona, empa o ntse o na le matla a tshwanang.
Just like the Holy Spirit is still the same and has the same power.
Bohle, ya tswetsweng labobedi ho Kreste mme ka ho mamela Modimo o amohetse Moya o Halalelang, has the power to resist all the temptations of the devil and not sin.
Empa ke batho ba sa bakeng, basomi le basebetsi ba bokgopo, who don’t belong to God and don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them but belong to the darkness and love the world and the works of the flesh, who keep eating the bread of wickedness and drinking the wine of violence
The apostles warned the saints for mockers in the last time
But, ratehang, hopolang dipolelo tse boletsweng pele ke baapostola ba Morena wa rona Jesu Kreste; Kamoo ba le boleletseng kateng, hore mehleng ya ho qetela ho tla ba le basomi, ba ba tshwanetseng go tsamaya ka fa dithatong tse e leng tsa bone tsa boikepo. Bana ke bona ba ikarolang, tsa nama, ba se nang Moya (Juda 1:18-19)
Batho bana ba nang le kelello ha ba batle ho fetoha. They don’t want to give up drinking from the cup of wickedness. They don’t want to give up the temporary pleasures that lead to astonishment and desolation. Che, they don’t want to die to the flesh and put off the carnal works. But they want to keep walking in their ungodly lusts because that’s what their heart long for.
They keep drinking from the cup of the devil. Le ho kokobetsa matsoalo a bona, ba nwa le senwelong sa Morena. But by doing that, they despise and defile the Lord’s supper and make a mockery of the Lord’s supper.
‘E be letsoai la lefatše’