À travers les années, the ears of Christians have become so used to the vain philosophies and doctrines of man, that they can’t endure the truth of God and His words anymore. And so the true message that nobody wants to hear is not preached anymore. The majority of Christians are carnal and enjoy entertaining their flesh. They love to listen to motivational speakers, who touch their emotions and feelings and please and encourage their soul and promise them all kinds of things and teach all kinds of natural methods and technics, while they don’t expect anything from them and they don’t have any obligations, but they can be free. This gospel that is preached by these motivational speakers, doesn’t cost you anything. There are no rules and no commandments. Vous n’êtes pas obligé de le faire prier, rapide, and yield to God and His Word, but you can lead your own life, just the way you want. And God shall bless you with earthly prosperity, possessions, and success. You decide and you do what you want to do. You fill in your life, the way you want to, and God shall serve you and ensure that you will prosper and be blessed in everything so that your desires and dreams become reality. This is the message that almost everyone wants to hear. It is a message that attracts many people and therefore it is the message that is preached in many churches and via (sociale) media channels.
De nombreux chrétiens, y compris les dirigeants de l’Église, have been trapped in the lies of the devil. The lies of the devil have spiritually blinded their minds. They don’t walk in the light, but in darkness and are on their way to a terrible expectation of judgment and fiery indignation. But since they walk in darkness, they don’t see their destination. They don’t have a clue and think that they walk in the truth on the right path of life.
The message and words of God make people restless and angry
As soon as you speak the truth and the words of God, which are often hard and can be confronting, many carnal believers become restless and angry. They do their best to silence the messenger.
Many don’t want to hear the words of God, that represent Sa volonté. Because the message and the words of God diametrically oppose the message and words of the world and their carnal mind. Therefore it causes conflicts in the lives of people and their surroundings.
The message and words of God confront people with the works of the flesh (Œuvres charnelles) and call them to repentir and the putting away of the carnal works; Péchés.
But because many love their carnal works, and love them more than God, they don’t want to get rid of it. They don’t want to remove them from their lives.
The Word of God divides the old carnal man from the new man and calls to a holy life that is devoted to God, in which Jesus; la Parole est le centre.
But because we live in a world in which the spirits of darkness reign, because of the idleness of the children of God and because they are lukewarm, and the religious misleading spirits, who work in the flesh, have misled many people with their lies and have caused many churches to adjust the words of God to wisdom and knowledge of the world and to their own experience(s), sentiments, émotions, et les convoitises et les désirs de la chair. So that they can continue living the life they want to live, without having to change anything and without feeling guilty.
The words of God find no place in the lives of many people
Je sais que vous êtes la postérité d’Abraham; but ye seek to kill Me because My word hath no place in you. Je dis ce que j'ai vu avec mon Père: et vous faites ce que vous avez vu avec votre père (John 8:37-38)
Jesus Christ doesn’t live inside their hearts and therefore His words find no place in their lives. Because they rather listen to the devil and do the works of the devil, they have rejected the words of God and have denied and repudiated Jesus from the church (Lire aussi: Is Jesus thrown out the church?).
And so the prideful man has taken the place of Jesus; the Word and preach all kinds of vain carnal philosophies from their carnal mind.
The people are no longer directed by the spirit through the Word and the Holy Spirit, but by the flesh and the wisdom and knowledge of the world and through inspiration and revelation of evil spirits.
You are not saved if you keep persevering in sin
But nobody can change the truth! God is the Creator of heaven and earth et tout ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur. God’s heavenly laws will stand forever. Even when people change the words of God in the Bible in a very subtle manner and adjust the meaning, they can’t change anything about the truth of God and His will.
Nobody can change anything about the message, that God has given to His sons and Jesus has given to His followers to preach. À savoir, le appel au repentir and the removal of sin and the call to a holy life that is devoted to God. And if you are not willing to repent, but keep listening to your father the devil and do the works of your father the devil, then your final destination will be the same destination as your father, qui est l’enfer et l’étang de feu éternel.
Le message que personne ne veut entendre
The message that God wants you to speak, but nobody wants to hear is that if you keep living in sin, you are lost and you are on your way to hell. This message is not a message that people want to hear. Because nobody wants to hear that they are lost and are on their way to hell.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to go to hell. While they don’t want to listen to the words of God and are not willing to submit to the Kingdom of Heaven, le mot, et la volonté de Dieu.
Plutôt, they listen to the devil and submit to him and the kingdom of darkness and do what the world says and obey the devil.
They don’t want to be with Jesus; le mot. They don’t want to spend time with Him and they don’t want to get to know God through the Word, let alone obey Him. But they do want to spend eternity with Him. That is odd.
The Bible is clear and says that you will spend eternity with the One or the one, to whom you have listened to your whole life and who you have obeyed and served (Lire aussi: À qui es-tu l’esclave ??).
Scaremongering and sowers of hate?
If you speak the truth of God’s Word and preach the message of repentance to the people, you are not considered a representative of God and His Kingdom and a signpost to the Redeemer; Jésus Christ. Plutôt, you are accused that you are not loving and that you discriminate and don’t walk in love.
Because if you speak the truth of God, which diametrically opposes the truth and the words of the devil, Qui est le souverain de ce monde, you scare people and you sow hate and that is not allowed, because you have to love people and accept them, Juste comme ils sont.
The devil will accuse you in your mind and the people around you shall talk to you and accuse you and speak all kinds of lies until you began to doubt and finally give in and compromise.
Because of that many believers, y compris les dirigeants de l’Église, are put to silence by society and the people, who go to church every week and pretend to be a Christians, while in reality they belong to the world and are sons of the devil. Malheureusement, many people walk as sons of the devil in fausses lois.
Nobody can change anything about the truth of God
Et si quelqu'un entend mes paroles, et ne crois pas, Je ne le juge pas: car je ne suis pas venu pour juger le monde, mais pour sauver le monde. He that rejecteth Me, et ne reçoit pas mes paroles, il y a quelqu'un qui le juge: le mot que j'ai prononcé, celui-là le jugera au dernier jour (John 12:47-48)
Nobody can change the truth of God. Chaque personne, who is born in the flesh on earth shall be held accountable for every idle word and his/her works. Every person shall eventually be judged by the Truth; the Word unto justification or condemnation (Matthieu 12:36-37, John 12:48, Révélation 20:12).
The Bible is God’s Word and the Bible is the Truth. La Bible dit, that there are two kingdoms; le royaume de Dieu et le royaume du diable.
When you are born, you are not born into God’s Kingdom. Every person is born in the flesh and belongs to the kingdom of darkness and can only be saved by faith and régénération en Jésus-Christ.
The only way to be transferred from the kingdom of the devil into the Kingdom of God is by becoming born again in Jesus Christ.
Only when you lay down and Crucifier la chair, in which the devil reigns and the loi du péché et de la mort apply to, in Christ and your spirit is raised from the dead and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you are transferred and have become and son of God and you belong to God and His Kingdom.
Celui qui ne m’aime pas ne garde pas mes paroles: et la parole que vous entendez n'est pas la mienne, mais celui du Père qui m'a envoyé (John 14:24)
When you have become a son of God and received God’s nature and belong to God, you shall no longer live like the world. You shall no longer do the works, which you did before your repentance. You shall no longer be led by your flesh and the worldly spirits and do what they command you to do.
But you shall listen to the Word and renouvelle ton esprit with the Word and do what the Word tells you to do.
The Word shall be the highest authority in your life and you shall submit yourself to the Word. The Word is very clear. Even when people are not spiritually mature yet and don’t discern good from evil.
The final destination of the sons of the devil
La Parole dit, that the works of a person testify to whom the person belongs and what the person’s final destination will be. Encore, the Bible is very clear about it.
Maintenant les œuvres de la chair sont manifestes, quels sont ceux-ci; Adultère, fornication, impureté, lasciveté, Idolâtrie, la sorcellerie, haine, variance, émulations, colère, conflit, séditions, hérésies, Envies, meurtres, ivresse, réjouissances, et comme ça: dont je vous ai déjà parlé, comme je te l'ai aussi dit dans le passé, afin que ceux qui font de telles choses n'hériteront pas du royaume de Dieu (Galates 5:19-22)
Ne savez-vous pas que les injustes n'hériteront pas du royaume de Dieu? Ne sois pas trompé: ni les fornicateurs, ni les idolâtres, ni les adultères, ni efféminé, ni abuseurs d'eux-mêmes avec l'humanité (Homosexuels; men lay with men), Ni les voleurs, ni cupide, ni les ivrognes, ni les insulteurs, ni les extorqueurs, héritera du royaume de Dieu (1 Corinthiens 6:9-10)
Mais nous savons que la loi est bonne, si un homme l'utilise légalement; Sachant cela, que la loi n'est pas faite pour un juste, mais pour les anarchiques et les désobéissants, pour les impies et pour les pécheurs, pour les impies et les profanes, pour les meurtriers de pères et les meurtriers de mères, pour les meurtriers, Pour les impudiques, pour ceux qui se souillent avec l'humanité (Homosexuels; men who lay with men), pour les voleurs de menstruations, pour les menteurs, pour les parjures, et s’il y a quelque autre chose qui soit contraire à la saine doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust (1 Timothée 8-11)
Mais les craintifs, et incrédule, et l’abominable, et meurtriers, et les prostituées, et sorciers, et les idolâtres, et tous les menteurs, auront leur part dans l’étang qui brûle de feu et de soufre: qui est le deuxième décès (Tour 21:8).
The Word has revealed the works of the flesh in the Old and New Testament. In the Old Testament through the law, qui représente la volonté de Dieu. And in the New Testament by the Holy Spirit, who lives in the new man and represents the will of God (Lire aussi: Ce qui s'est passé 50 jours après Pâque?)
The works, which are mentioned above, derive from the flesh and shall be laid done in Jesus Christ.
Parce que ceux, who persevere in sin and keep doing the works of the kingdom of darkness, shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Donc, let no one say, that it doesn’t matter how you live. Because according to the Word it does matter how you live after your repentance (Lire aussi: ‘Une fois enregistré, toujours enregistré?).
Who is bold enough to speak the truth?
Now it’s all about, who really loves Jesus and the Father above all and is courageous enough to stay loyal to God and His Word. Who are bold enough to represent His will and speak the words of God, which are also the words of Jesus and are also His will?
Ceux, OMS aime Dieu above all shall obey Him and therefore stay loyal to Him. They stand in God’s service and therefore they shall speak His words and do the works in the Name of Jesus and in His power.
They shall not look at the faces of the people and are not focused on the desires of people and growth. Plutôt, they shall only be focused on Jesus Christ; the Author and Finisher of their faith.
They shall speak and preach what He; the Word speaks to them by the Holy Spirit.
A piece of paper with an academic degree and title doesn’t prove if someone is a son of God (or daughter of God).
Il y a beaucoup de gens, who are sons of the devil and have earned their Ph.D. and are appointed as pastors in the church and preach lies to the people week after week. They walk in sin and/or allow the people in the church to walk in sin and lead them straight to eternal death. Because that is their mission as sons of the devil, to get as many people into hell as possible.
Maybe you find this hard to read, but it’s the truth.
The final destination of the sons of the devil
When you read and study the Bible, you will find out that the Bible is very clear about the Sons of the devil, œuvres de la chair, disobedience to God and His will, and the works of the Spirit and obedience to God.
In the Old Covenant God called His people through the mouths of prophets to repentance and the putting away of sin.
John prepared the way for the coming of Jesus Christ; le Messie. John called the people to repentance and the remission of sin (Lire aussi: Jean le Baptiste, L’homme qui ne s’est pas incliné).
Jesus came and called the lost, qui appartenait au peuple de Dieu, to repentance and the putting away of sin.
Dans la Nouvelle Alliance, the Holy Spirit does still the same thing in the new man. The Holy Spirit still calls the people to repentance and the putting away of sin.
The message of repentance and remission of sins
Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, commençant à Jérusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things (Luc 24:46-48)
The mission of the new man, who are the sons of God is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost souls on earth and call them to repentance and remission of sins, including the putting away of sin. So that they will be reconciled through Christ with God. And by laying down their flesh and the resurrection of their spirit from the dead, be saved from the power of death that reigns in the flesh and won’t see the dead. But they shall receive eternal life.
When you know the truth, but hide the truth and don’t speak the words of God and don’t warn the people and confront people with their sin, but instead keep your mouth shut and let them walk in sin; in disobedience to God on their way to hell, then you shall be held responsible for the person’s blood.
This also applies to leaders, who are appointed in the church and should lead a pure and holy life just like all the sons of God. As a leader, you have no special position and are no exception to the rule. You shall be held accountable for every soul in the church, who you have not corrected and chastened. Since you have stepped into the office as leader of the church and as a representative of God and His Kingdom to lead the people of God in the truth and His will unto eternal life.
'Soyez le sel de la terre’