Буря в твоем уме множеством мыслей

Do you experience storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts? Do you lack peace, because of the many thoughts that are running through your head and condemn and controle you? Do you want to know how to stop your racing thoughts so that you experience peace in your mind? Then the following daily proclamation is for you!

In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul (Псалом 94:19)

Ты можешь подумать, just this one Scripture? Ответ, да, just one Scripture is all you need.

You don’t need tons of Scriptures. Just one Scripture will be enough to destroy the strongholds in your mind and create peace. Memorize it and make it your own. All you need to do is to fill and change your mind with the words of God and live according to the Word.

You know that, the Word of God is quick, и мощный, и острее любого обоюдоострого меча, пронзающий даже до разделения души и духа, и суставов и костного мозга, и различает помышления и намерения сердечные (иврит 4:12).

Take your multitude of thoughts captive with the Word

Take this one Scripture, memorize it and say these words out loud, a few times a day. Every time when a (отрицательный) thought or a multitude of thoughts run through your mind, say this Scripture out loud. Repeat it, until the seed will grow and the Word becomes alive in your life and create peace in your mind.

Don’t let your thoughts take control over you, но take control over your thoughts (Читайте также: Возьмите власть над своими мыслями, прежде чем они возьмут власть над вами)

«Будь солью земли’

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